Named the most drinking European countries
Most of all alcohol spending in the Baltic States, least of all in Spain.
The Baltic States were leaders among EU member States for the share of consumer expenditures for alcohol, according to Eurostat.
According to the calculations of statisticians, for 2016 Europeans spent on alcoholic drinks nearly 130 billion euros, equivalent to 0.9% of GDP of the European Union.
The proportion of alcohol in consumer spending reached 1.6% on average in Europe, RIA Novosti reported.
It turned out that most alcoholic beverages like in the Baltic States. The leader of the rating became Estonia, where 5.6% of consumer expenses of citizens over the past year occurred in alcohol. Followed by Latvia and Lithuania with the figures of 4.8% and 4.2%, respectively.
Poland and the Czech Republic shared fourth and fifth places: the share of expenses of inhabitants of these countries alcohol reaches 3.6%. Less — 0.9% of all consumer spending on alcohol in Europe are spending the Spaniards.