In a single build
The defense Ministry has chosen the contractors for the construction of special facilities.
As it became known””, the defense Ministry decided on a list of organizations that will be the only contractors for the design, construction, overhaul and reconstruction of objects of special purpose. Most of them had been submitted to aid. After its abolition, the military decided to reform military-a building complex (VSC).
To optimize the work of the defense Minister Sergei Shoigu asked President Vladimir Putin with a request to grant the status of “only” 12 organizations that they were able to start execution of the task without competition, that will save time. Just on the scene in years 2018-2027, the military will be allocated about 1 trillion rubles.
That 12 organizations of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation will be engaged in the design, construction, overhaul and reconstruction of objects of special status “only singers”, “b” told several sources in the defense Ministry. According to them, a letter Sergei Shoigu sent November 20 Vladimir Putin: the document requested “to instruct the government to prepare a decree on determining organizations of the military-construction complex, the only performers carried out by the Agency in the years 2018-2027 services.”
Kommersant’s source close to the presidential administration, said that on the same day, Mr. Putin endorsed that you agree with the proposal. To review the defence Ministry at the weekend “” failed.
As previously reported by “Kommersant”, the reform of the FAC coincided with the elimination of the Federal Agency for special construction (Spetsstroy, were legally abolished on 28 September). Since then, all the functions of the Agency took over the military Department. The results of the reorganization of enterprises at the end of autumn was created eight military construction Federal state unitary enterprises (five of which — the military districts and the Northern fleet, and the rest — for the construction of special facilities). It was thought that this configuration would allow the Agency to focus on the construction of its facilities, and the Federal state unitary enterprises, burdened with billions of debt, will be able to at least partially healthier.
According to “Kommersant”, the letter of Mr. Shoigu on the formation of the FAC refers to the inclusion of 12 organizations (instead of separate 45, formerly part of the Ministry of defense subordinated structures).
Thus, in particular, of the 31st State design Institute of special construction will be the sole executor of the scientific-research and design works in the field of spectrotest and digital telecommunication systems in the framework of the state defense order and the new SAP-2027. Management of the customer of capital construction of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation will be engaged in designing of objects in respect of which it is necessary to use the project documentation reuse, as well as economic, technical, rear, medical, residential purpose and objects of the educational material base of military training, educational work and services of the troops and infrastructure of the polygons in 2018-2027. 4-th, 5-th, 7 th, 8 th, 9 th Glaucus, Glaucus on sensitive sites, as well as the 12th and 14th will be made only for construction, capital repairs and reconstruction of facilities of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation.
When Sergei Shoigu has sent a letter to Vladimir Putin opened a series of meetings to agree on the parameters of the state armaments programme (GPV) on 2018-2027 years.
To determine the “single singers” important right now, says military source””: we must consider not only the implementation of the action plan of the Ministry until 2020, but the state armament program for the years 2018-2027 in terms of capital construction and the “operative decision of problems of arrangement of troops in strategic directions.”