Lavrov predicted the probable first strike of the DPRK
The first victims of the hot phase of the conflict on the Korean Peninsula would be South Korea and Japan. About this on air of the Belarusian TV channel CTV said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov.
According to him, Moscow denounces the Pyongyang course, but “we must also condemn the provocative behavior of our American colleagues — the ones trying to pull in the same direction of the Japanese and the South Koreans, who will be the first victims in case of war”.
The head of Russian diplomacy said that Moscow was working with Pyongyang, but Washington’s extraordinary military exercises near the borders of North Korea that “specifically provoked Kim Jong-UN, that he did not pause, and fell on their provocation.”
Earlier, the DPRK television showed video of the launch of the latest ballistic missile “And 15”. Pyongyang emphasizes that it is now in reach of North Korean missiles to almost all territory of the USA.
According to analysts of the National Interest Daniel di Petris, in the case of a nuclear attack, the DPRK, Washington would suffer nearly a million people.