The UK government has suspended funding of the project to help police the opposition forces in Syria after information that some of the money was in the hands of extremists. On it informs BBC News referring to the data of own investigation.
London began to support the formation of police forces in the opposition-controlled territories in 2014. The mediator in this work were made by the company Adam Smith International (ASI).
As the authors of the study, formed the “Free Syrian police” (SSP) operates in several provinces, among them Aleppo, daraa and Idlib. Under the terms of the allocation of funds, the police should not carry guns and in any case should not cooperate with extremist groups.
While BBC News claims that these rules are violated. In particular, the police collaborated with the courts upholding the death sentences, in one case, two women were stoned. In addition, the guards of the SSP were paid in cash, and then handed them to extremist groups who controlled a particular area. Moreover, the leaders of several terrorist groups themselves have appointed those who will serve in the police.
Salaries in some cases were charged to “dead souls” — dead or never-existing people. which were listed in the ranks of SSP.
In the documents of the ASI at the disposal of the reporters indicated that the police in the province of Aleppo was forced to give his salary to the insurgents of a grouping “of Nur ad-DIN AZ-Zinki”, whose members were accused in particular, the beheading in 2016 boy of 10 years. In addition, in some cases the cooperation of the staff of SSP with the “Dzhabhat EN-Nusra” (banned in Russia).