The US called the problem for the “Russian invasion” of Ukraine

Analyst Felgenhauer: The “invasion” of the Russian Federation into Ukraine will not begin until January due to the weather ” to Ukraine. According to analysts interviewed by Bloomberg, in the event of a “invasion” of Russia, the operation will begin no earlier than January due to weather conditions and poor road conditions. For example, an expert from the American research organization Jamestown Foundation Pavel Felgenhauer said that thaw season is observed ( the period when it is impossible to drive on the roads because of the mud, – approx. “” ), “that is, mud”. Related materials 17:26 – November 23 DPR and Ukraine announce mutual shelling and are preparing for war. Why are Russia accused of aggravating the situation in Donbass? April “We have nowhere to retreat” DPR head Denis Pushilin – about the threat of a big war in Donbass and the protection of Russians in Ukraine According to

The Russians were warned about the rise in price of potatoes

Potatoes in Russia will rise in price due to a poor harvest and a shortage of fertilizers this year the potato crop was “not the best”, which led to an increase in the price of it. Her words are quoted by the agency “Prime”. The expert noted that this year is significantly inferior to the past in terms of yield. “Many foreign supply channels were also disrupted due to the pandemic, and this also makes foreign products more expensive,” she explained. Strictly added that there is also a factor of fertilizer shortage, which also became a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic. All this will lead to an increase in prices for vegetables in almost all positions, she noted. Earlier, the Ministry of Finance first saw signs of overheating of the consumer market in Russia. The department said that food prices in the country are growing at a faster pace. According

Land fraud case for Northeast Express learned

RBC: Investigative Committee opened a case on land fraud for the North-East Expressway for 29 million rubles Russia in Moscow opened a criminal case against employees of the Moscow Road and Bridge Construction Department. They are suspected of large-scale fraud with the appraisal of land at its seizure for the construction of the Northeast Expressway. This became known to RBC from sources in the Investigative Committee. According to the newspaper, employees of the department, as well as employees of the LLC Analytical and Consulting Group Azimut, engaged in the examination and appraisal of property, are suspected of fraudulent valuation. due to which the budget lost 28.7 million rubles. According to the investigation, in 2019, employees of the department and Azimut, when seizing two plots in the Eastern Administrative District on Pekhorskaya Street with a total area of ​​0.9 hectares, artificially inflated their cost and lost profits of the owner of

British general compared Russian threat to extremism

British General Carter: Russia poses a greater threat to the country than extremism a threat to the United Kingdom than extremist groups. He expressed this opinion in an interview with The Telegraph. According to Carter, the world is currently changing faster and stronger than in the era of both world wars of the XX century. He said that in 2014, when he took over as Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, there was a debate about whether the main threat was coming from violent extremism or from Russia. According to the general, “then it seemed that it was from extremism.” “But then in 2018 there was an attack on the Skripal family in Salisbury. It has become abundantly clear that Russia poses the most critical threat to our country, “said Carter. The commander noted that Russia is given” priority attention “by the British Prime Minister's National Security

Land fraud case for Northeast Express learned

RBC: Investigative Committee opened a case on land fraud for the North-East Expressway for 29 million rubles Russia in Moscow opened a criminal case against employees of the Moscow Road and Bridge Construction Department. They are suspected of large-scale fraud with the appraisal of land at its seizure for the construction of the Northeast Expressway. This became known to RBC from sources in the Investigative Committee. According to the newspaper, employees of the department, as well as employees of the LLC Analytical and Consulting Group Azimut, engaged in the examination and appraisal of property, are suspected of fraudulent valuation. due to which the budget lost 28.7 million rubles. According to the investigation, in 2019, employees of the department and Azimut, when seizing two plots in the Eastern Administrative District on Pekhorskaya Street with a total area of ​​0.9 hectares, artificially inflated their cost and lost profits of the owner of

Zakharova called on France and Germany to continue the settlement in Ukraine

Zakharova: Russia calls on Germany and France to continue the settlement in eastern Ukraine Russia calls on Germany and France to continue joint efforts to restore peaceful life in east of Ukraine. This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova. Her words are quoted on the agency's website. “The Russian side, as a mediator of the peace process, calls on the German and French partners to continue joint efforts aimed at restoring peaceful life in eastern Ukraine,” she said. Materials on topic00: 02 – October 7 “The crisis will come by spring” Zelensky gets rid of political competitors. Why won't this help him to retain power? 17: 26-23 November Russia is accused of aggravating the situation in Donbass? According to Zakharova, the main negotiating format for resolving the conflict in Ukraine is the contact group. She also noted that another mechanism is the

Zelensky received information about the upcoming coup in Ukraine

President of Ukraine Zelensky was informed about the planned coup d'etat in the country on December 1 coup on December 1. RIA Novosti reports. According to the head of state, he was informed that businessman Rinat Akhmetov was involved in the upcoming coup, and billions of dollars were allocated for this. At the same time, the Ukrainian leader noted that he himself did not believe in a coup d'etat and that an entrepreneur was involved. The politician believes that Akhmetov's entourage is trying to drag the businessman into a war with the Ukrainian leader and the state. Akhmetov's answer Akhmetov said that the words about his involvement in the attempt to carry out a coup d'etat in the country are an absolute lie. The businessman noted that he has always strived to work for the good of an independent, democratic and whole Ukraine with Crimea and Donbass in its composition.

Zelensky received information about the upcoming coup in Ukraine

President of Ukraine Zelensky was informed about the planned coup d'etat in the country on December 1 coup on December 1. RIA Novosti reports. According to the head of state, he was informed that businessman Rinat Akhmetov was involved in the upcoming coup, and billions of dollars were allocated for this. At the same time, the Ukrainian leader noted that he himself did not believe in a coup d'etat and that an entrepreneur was involved. The politician believes that Akhmetov's entourage is trying to drag the businessman into a war with the Ukrainian leader and the state. Akhmetov's answer Akhmetov said that the words about his involvement in the attempt to carry out a coup d'etat in the country are an absolute lie. The businessman noted that he has always strived to work for the good of an independent, democratic and whole Ukraine with Crimea and Donbass in its composition.