NATO called on Russia to reduce “tension” on the border with Ukraine

“When tensions are high, dialogue plays an even more significant role”, & nbsp; & mdash; he told the German edition of the Welt. As the secretary general is sure, the “ tightening '' Russian troops to the & nbsp; border with & nbsp; Ukraine is not & nbsp; just a bluff. According to & nbsp; he said, this is being repeated & nbsp; for & nbsp; the second time in & nbsp; this year. 'I & nbsp; cannot & nbsp; make assumptions about & nbsp; Russia's intentions But & nbsp; we & nbsp; saw that & nbsp; Russia before & nbsp; already used force against its neighbors & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he. Stoltenberg stressed that NATO is ready to continue to provide Kiev with “political and practical support so that the country itself can defend itself from aggression.” including tanks, artillery and & nbsp; drones.

NATO Secretary General urged Moscow to reduce tensions on the border with Ukraine

Stoltenberg expressed support for Kiev and appealed to Russia to reduce tensions and noted that the alliance is open for dialogue with Moscow. This is reported by the German edition Welt. According to him, NATO continues to monitor the situation on the Ukrainian border and support Kiev, “so that the country can defend itself from aggression.” At the same time, Stoltenberg noted that he does not consider information about the accumulation of Russian troops near the border to be a bluff. Earlier, the NATO Secretary General refused to support Kiev in case of war. He drew attention to the fact that the collective defense of the North Atlantic Alliance does not extend to Ukraine. According to Stoltenberg, NATO is already providing sufficient assistance to the country in other ways. This is expressed both in the political and in the military plane. On November 22, the head of the Main Intelligence

The RAS criticized the new rules of the Russian language

The Spelling Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences called for the revocation of the draft new rules of the Russian language and thoughtless innovations ”. This is reported by “Kommersant”. The members of the commission believe that the document “completely lacks the scientific apparatus.” They posted on social networks an open letter to the Ministry of Education, in which they urged to withdraw the project. The appeal says that the new initiative relied on the “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation” reference book, but during the development of the document its principles were significantly distorted. At the same time, the guide itself was published by the Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2006 – it is considered the most famous and authoritative. 22 out of 34 members of the commission put their signatures under the letter. The Ministry of Education promised to

NATO Secretary General urged Moscow to reduce tensions on the border with Ukraine

Stoltenberg expressed support for Kiev and appealed to Russia to reduce tensions NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called on Russia to reduce tensions on the border with Ukraine and noted that the alliance is open for dialogue with Moscow. This is reported by the German edition Welt. According to him, NATO continues to monitor the situation on the Ukrainian border and support Kiev, “so that the country can defend itself from aggression.” At the same time, Stoltenberg noted that he does not consider information about the accumulation of Russian troops near the border to be a bluff. Earlier, the NATO Secretary General refused to support Kiev in case of war. He drew attention to the fact that the collective defense of the North Atlantic Alliance does not extend to Ukraine. According to Stoltenberg, NATO is already providing sufficient assistance to the country in other ways. This is expressed both in

Zakharova called the assistance to Belarus from the West as a buildup of the situation in the country

Maria Zakharova caught the West of institutionalizing interference in the internal affairs of Belarus political repression and the development of civil society in Belarus and called it a buildup of the situation in the country. She wrote about this in her Telegram channel. Materials on the topic00: 01 – 25 October “Young people are aimed at Europe” Belarusians follow the Ukrainians aspiring to the EU. How can Russia keep them? 00:02 – July 14 “He called himself the savior of Europe” Lithuania was flooded with refugees. What awaits the EU and how is Lukashenka involved in this? According to the diplomat, Western states do not spare funds to support independent media and various “funds to help Belarusians”. However, in her opinion, this is just an attempt to convince the Belarusian citizens that “abroad will help them”. “These are not three thousand migrants at the border, for whose fate there was

The RAS criticized the new rules of the Russian language

The Spelling Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences called for the revocation of the draft new rules of the Russian language and thoughtless innovations ”. This is reported by “Kommersant”. The members of the commission believe that the document “completely lacks the scientific apparatus.” They posted on social networks an open letter to the Ministry of Education, in which they urged to withdraw the project. The appeal says that the new initiative relied on the “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation” reference book, but during the development of the document its principles were significantly distorted. At the same time, the guide itself was published by the Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2006 – it is considered the most famous and authoritative. 22 out of 34 members of the commission put their signatures under the letter. The Ministry of Education promised to

Zakharova called the assistance to Belarus from the West as a buildup of the situation in the country

Maria Zakharova caught the West of institutionalizing interference in the internal affairs of Belarus political repression and the development of civil society in Belarus and called it a buildup of the situation in the country. She wrote about this in her Telegram channel. Materials on the topic00: 01 – 25 October “Young people are aimed at Europe” Belarusians follow the Ukrainians aspiring to the EU. How can Russia keep them? 00:02 – July 14 “He called himself the savior of Europe” Lithuania was flooded with refugees. What awaits the EU and how is Lukashenka involved in this? According to the diplomat, Western states do not spare funds to support independent media and various “funds to help Belarusians”. However, in her opinion, this is just an attempt to convince the Belarusian citizens that “abroad will help them”. “These are not three thousand migrants at the border, for whose fate there was

«Война» гольф-клуба с дикими свиньями позабавила Сеть

Local pigs Ant and Dec invaded the course this week and the story went viral on all press and media channels.Free bacon sandwiches now on offer to all paying visitors, providing our catering facilities are open. — Lightcliffe Golf (@LightcliffeGolf) November 26, 2021 Гольф-клуб Lightcliffe в британском Йоркшире неожиданно попал в заголовки новостей из-за безуспешной войны с двумя дикими свиньями. Хрюшки повадились ходить на поле для гольфа и рыть землю в поисках еды, сообщает CNN. Заметив совершенно испорченный газон, игроки попытались прогнать «хулиганок». Отказываясь уйти, свинья поранила одного из мужчин, и ему пришлось отправиться в больницу за прививкой от столбняка. После инцидента свиньи сбежали в лес, но не прошло и нескольких дней, как они появились снова. В этот раз парочка устроила еще больший беспорядок и поцарапала ногу сотруднику гольф-клуба. Члены и сотрудники клуба смирились, что не могут прогнать животных самостоятельно, и обратились в полицию. Однако офицеры отказались приехать на вызов. Представители полиции заявили, что забирать свиней не входит в их обязанности. В итоге гольф-клуб закрыли во избежание новых инцидентов. Позже животных удалось загнать в транспортеры и увезти подальше, а заведение смогло продолжить работу.

South Korea proposes to oblige the unvaccinated to pay for treatment for coronavirus

South Korean authorities want to oblige the unvaccinated to pay for part of the treatment for COVID-19 for treatment for coronavirus infection. This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to a source close to the authorities, with the help of the innovation they want to increase the level of vaccination against COVID-19 in the country. At the moment, the indicator has reached 79.4 percent of the total population and 91.2 percent among adult citizens. However, the authorities considered the indicators to be insufficient. “This was discussed, the government will consider the legislative aspect and how citizens will accept it. When we collect opinions, in December it will be possible at the next parliamentary session to edit the content of the bill that the government pays for treatment, “a source told Newsis. In South Korea, the state fully pays for the treatment of citizens on the basis of the law on

In Moscow, a woman was hospitalized with poisoning with a toxic substance

A 30-year-old resident of Moscow was hospitalized with thallium poisoning metals. This is reported by the Telegram channel “112”. According to the emergency service, a 30-year-old woman and her husband developed symptoms of poisoning in early November. The couple sought medical help and underwent tests, which eventually showed the content of the toxic substance in the body. At the moment, the woman was transferred to the general ward under medical supervision. It is noted that her husband works in law enforcement agencies. “It is possible that the cause of the poisoning was professional activity,” the message says. In May 2021 in Moscow, an eight-year-old boy from a large family was poisoned with drugs and was hospitalized. Law enforcement agencies have promised to find out how the child ended up with the banned substances. The guardianship authorities were to take care of the parents.