NATO tightens borders to “contain Russia”

Izvestia: NATO is transferring heavy weapons to the borders of Russia and Belarus NATO countries are transferring “heavy weapons to the Belarusian-Polish border containment of Russia, “Izvestia reports. According to the newspaper, footage was posted on social networks showing the movement of a train with several dozen M109 Paladin self-propelled artillery mounts moving through the city of Legvitsa towards Belarus. Earlier, the movement of German heavy armored vehicles to the Baltic States was discovered. In addition, Britain announced its desire to return its contingent to Germany, it was withdrawn just a year earlier. It is planned to deploy about 250 units of armored vehicles, including tanks and artillery. A source in the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed that the US and NATO forces are concentrating their artillery in Poland. “There will always be a pretext for building up a military grouping. Everyone always justifies it with something. The only question

Biologist commented on comparison of omicron strain with Ebola

Professor Baranova urged not to compare the new omicron coronavirus strain with Ebola Professor, School of Systems Biology, George Masonia State University Doctor of Biological Sciences Ancha Baranova, in an interview with TASS, urged not to compare the new strain of the omicron coronavirus with Ebola. “The young population [in Africa], doctors observed the virus, had very strange symptoms, but not terrible” , – the biologist commented on the comparison, noting that this was mainly manifested in monstrous fatigue, which then passed, an increase in temperature. “Yes, we have not yet seen how the virus manifests itself in the elderly, but this is not Ebola “, – said Baranova. Earlier, Baranova said that the Russian vaccine” Sputnik V “can probably form a slightly stronger immunity to the new omicron strain compared to other drugs. According to her, the data provided by Pfizer will be approximately relevant for Sputnik. The specialist

Biologist commented on comparison of omicron strain with Ebola

Professor Baranova urged not to compare the new omicron coronavirus strain with Ebola Professor of the School of Systems Biology, George Virgie State University Doctor of Biological Sciences Ancha Baranova, in an interview with TASS, urged not to compare the new strain of the omicron coronavirus with Ebola. “The young population [in Africa], doctors observed the virus, had very strange symptoms, but not terrible” , – the biologist commented on the comparison, noting that this was mainly manifested in monstrous fatigue, which then passed, an increase in temperature. “Yes, we have not yet seen how the virus manifests itself in the elderly, but this is not Ebola “, – said Baranova. Earlier, Baranova said that the Russian vaccine” Sputnik V “can probably form a slightly stronger immunity to the new omicron strain compared to other drugs. According to her, the data provided by Pfizer will be approximately relevant for Sputnik.

Ukraine was predicted a demographic crisis

UN: the population of Ukraine may decrease to 35 million people by 2050 The United Nations (UN) stated that is decreasing at one of the fastest growing rates in the world. By 2050, the number of citizens may significantly decrease, RIA Novosti reports. The UN presented an analytical report “Demographic Processes”, in which it called Ukraine one of the leaders in population extinction. The authors of the documents predicted a demographic crisis in the republic: the number of citizens could drop to 35 million by 2050. This process is influenced by a low birth rate, high mortality and increased migration. To stop the demographic crisis, Kiev needs to create a stable political and financial system. Thus, the country's authorities will provide social protection for their citizens. The last official census of the population of Ukraine took place in 2001. According to its results, the number of citizens of the country

Biologist worried about non-contact transmission of omicron strain

Biologist Baranova: there is a danger that the omicron strain will spread among vaccinated Professor at the School of Systems Biology, George Mason University, Virginia, Virginia Doctor of Biological Sciences Ancha Baranova worried about the contactless transmission of a new omicron strain of coronavirus. According to her, this may indicate a high ability to spread this variation of infection, reports TASS. The biologist cited the example of a case in Hong Kong, when people contracted COVID-19 without contacting personally, but one walked along the corridor , where the other had previously visited, in a loosely fitting mask or without it. Baranova added that the omicron strain can spread along with the delta and begin to infect the vaccinated. “That is, a higher level of antibodies will be required for protection. It is still impossible to guess what these units are, “she said. The specialist explained that the new variety did

Ukraine was predicted a demographic crisis

UN: Ukraine's population may decline to 35 million by 2050 is decreasing at one of the fastest growing rates in the world. By 2050, the number of citizens may significantly decrease, RIA Novosti reports. The UN presented an analytical report “Demographic Processes”, in which it called Ukraine one of the leaders in population extinction. The authors of the documents predicted a demographic crisis in the republic: the number of citizens could drop to 35 million by 2050. This process is influenced by a low birth rate, high mortality and increased migration. To stop the demographic crisis, Kiev needs to create a stable political and financial system. Thus, the country's authorities will provide social protection for their citizens. The last official census of the population of Ukraine took place in 2001. According to its results, the number of citizens of the country was 48,240,902. As of September 1, 2021, the country's

Biologist worried about non-contact transmission of omicron strain

Biologist Baranova: there is a danger that the omicron strain will spread among the vaccinated Professor, School of Systems Biology, George Mason University, Virginia Doctor of Biological Sciences Ancha Baranova worried about the contactless transmission of a new omicron strain of coronavirus. According to her, this may indicate a high ability to spread this variation of infection, reports TASS. The biologist cited the example of a case in Hong Kong, when people contracted COVID-19 without contacting personally, but one walked along the corridor , where the other had previously visited, in a loosely fitting mask or without it. Baranova added that the omicron strain can spread along with the delta and begin to infect the vaccinated. “That is, a higher level of antibodies will be required for protection. It is still impossible to guess what these units are, “she said. The specialist explained that the new variety did not arise

The biologist assessed the resistance of “Sputnik V” to the omicron strain

Biologist Baranova: “Sputnik V” can form stronger immunity to the omicron strain Russian vaccine Sputnik V, probably may form a slightly stronger immunity to the new omicron strain compared to other drugs, Ancha Baranova, professor at the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University (Virginia), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Ancha Baranova, said in an interview with TASS. “Pfizer is already made a statement that within two weeks it will conduct experiments to neutralize [the strain] and will announce how much this virus interacts with antibodies, “- said the biologist, adding that the data will apply to all other vaccines that use full-sized antigen. According to her, the data provided by Pfizer will be approximately relevant for Sputnik. “Sputnik may be doing a little better, by some percentage,” Baranova said, noting that adenovirus vaccines, in principle, create a wider range of immune responses than mRNA vaccines. The specialist also expressed

The biologist assessed the resistance of “Sputnik V” to the omicron strain

Biologist Baranova: “Sputnik V” may form stronger immunity to the omicron strain Russian vaccine Sputnik V may form a slightly stronger immunity to the new omicron strain compared to other drugs, Ancha Baranova, professor at the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University (Virginia), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Ancha Baranova, said in an interview with TASS. “Pfizer is already made a statement that within two weeks it will conduct experiments to neutralize [the strain] and will announce how much this virus interacts with antibodies, “- said the biologist, adding that the data will apply to all other vaccines that use full-sized antigen. According to her, the data provided by Pfizer will be approximately relevant for Sputnik. “Sputnik may be doing a little better, by some percentage,” Baranova said, noting that adenovirus vaccines, in principle, create a wider range of immune responses than mRNA vaccines. The specialist also expressed her

Эксперт Баранова оценила устойчивость «Спутника V» к штамму «омикрон»

«Pfizer уже сделала заявление о том, что в течение двух недель проведет эксперименты по нейтрализации [штамма] и объявит, насколько этот вирус слабее взаимодействует с антителами. Эти данные в принципе будут иметь отношение и ко всем остальным вакцинам, которые используют полноразмерный антиген. Данные, которые предоставит Pfizer, будут приближенно актуальны и для “Спутника”», — пояснила Баранова. Она уточнила, что вакцины нынешнего поколения могут быть менее эффективны против штамма «омикрон». «У “Спутника” дела могут обстоять несколько получше, на некоторые проценты. Аденовирусные вакцины в принципе создают более широкий спектр иммунного ответа, чем РНК-вакцины. Но разница может оказаться очень небольшой», — объяснила Баранова. Ранее представитель ВОЗ Вуйнович призвала не паниковать из-за нового штамма COVID-19.