Named a way to destroy coronavirus in two seconds

The Jerusalem Post: Millimeter Radio Waves Destroy 99.8% of Surface Coronavirus … According to their research, millimeter waves can kill 99.8 percent of coronavirus and poliovirus on surfaces in two seconds, writes The Jerusalem Post. Experts have studied the effects of radio waves from one to ten millimeters in length on COVID-19. As a result of the study, they found that radiation destroys pathogens in two seconds. Millimeter waves have also been called a method of fighting cancer cells, as well as a method of wireless transmission of energy. “This type of radiation operates in millimeter wave mode, which means that they have a wavelength of about three millimeters. Just for comparison: the radiation of a mobile phone has a wavelength of about 30 centimeters, and the radiation of a microwave – about 12 centimeters, “- explained one of the authors of the work, Professor Moshe Einat. The researchers noticed

Named a way to destroy coronavirus in two seconds

The Jerusalem Post: Millimeter Radio Waves Destroy 99.8% of Surface Coronavirus … According to their research, millimeter waves can kill 99.8 percent of coronavirus and poliovirus on surfaces in two seconds, writes The Jerusalem Post. Experts have studied the effects of radio waves from one to ten millimeters in length on COVID-19. As a result of the study, they found that radiation destroys pathogens in two seconds. Millimeter waves have also been called a method of fighting cancer cells, as well as a method of wireless transmission of energy. “This type of radiation operates in millimeter wave mode, which means that they have a wavelength of about three millimeters. Just for comparison: the radiation of a mobile phone has a wavelength of about 30 centimeters, and the radiation of a microwave – about 12 centimeters, “- explained one of the authors of the work, Professor Moshe Einat. The researchers noticed

The percentage of Russians able to provide paid education to children of Russians named

Otkritie NPF survey: every tenth Russian citizen can give a child a paid education paid education for their children. Thus, 22 percent of respondents would like to send a child to study for money, but only one in ten can afford it, reports TASS. The majority of respondents (58 percent) were satisfied with the free school education, the remaining 42 percent believe that parents should be able to teach their children for a fee. For 85 percent of Russians, higher education remains the “gold standard”, but nine percent, despite the importance, noted that the institution is not accessible for a child for financial reasons. 68 percent of the respondents take their children to paid electives, half turn to tutors, of whom 31 percent use their services in several subjects. Only seven percent considered that school education is enough for children. If, however, a paid education is supposed for a child,

The percentage of Russians able to provide paid education to children of Russians named

Otkritie NPF survey: every tenth Russian can give a child a paid education paid education for their children. Thus, 22 percent of respondents would like to send a child to study for money, but only one in ten can afford it, reports TASS. The majority of respondents (58 percent) were satisfied with the free school education, the remaining 42 percent believe that parents should be able to teach their children for a fee. For 85 percent of Russians, higher education remains the “gold standard”, but nine percent, despite the importance, noted that the institution is not accessible for a child for financial reasons. 68 percent of the respondents take their children to paid electives, half turn to tutors, of whom 31 percent use their services in several subjects. Only seven percent considered that school education is enough for children. If, however, a paid education is supposed for a child, only

В Британии усомнились в опасности нового штамма коронавируса

Ранее премьер-министр Великобритании Борис Джонсон заявил о вероятности распространения нового штамма коронавируса «омикрон» между вакцинированными людьми. Британский минздрав в субботу сообщил о двух случаях заражения «омикроном». Как заявил главный врач Англии Крис Уитти, штамм «дельта» представляет для Великобритании большую проблему, чем вариант «омикрон». «Мы всегда знали, что время от времени будут появляться новые варианты… но мы многого не знаем, и я думаю, в спекуляции вдаваться пока не стоит», — сообщил профессор. При этом Уитти добавил, что британские власти приняли верное решение, предприняв «предупредительные» меры на границе для замедления распространения нового штамма в стране. В свою очередь, профессор Оксфордского университета Джон Белл, высокопоставленный советник британского правительства по вакцинации, заявил, что новый вариант коронавируса может в конечном итоге вызывать лишь «насморк и головные боли» у тех, кто сделал прививку.

Ukraine accused Russia of wanting to “fail” the Minsk agreements

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba said that Russia wants the Minsk agreements to “fail” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba accused Russia of she allegedly wants the “failure” of the Minsk agreements, which would “untie her hands” and ensure freedom of action. He expressed this opinion in an interview with the German newspaper Zeit. “I think Russia would be glad to the failure of the agreements, because he would free her hands and give her more freedom of action. But we do not want to provide them with such a luxury, “Kuleba said, noting that Ukraine has never violated these agreements, and” there is nothing better than the Minsk agreements. “ At the same time, Russia has repeatedly called on Kiev not to violate Minsk agreements and start negotiations on a political settlement of the Ukrainian conflict. However, according to Russian politicians, Kiev refuses to meet halfway. Earlier, Kuleba said that Ukraine

Ukraine accused Russia of wanting to “fail” the Minsk agreements

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba said that Russia wants the Minsk agreements to “fail” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba accused Russia of she allegedly wants the “failure” of the Minsk agreements, which would “untie her hands” and ensure freedom of action. He expressed this opinion in an interview with the German newspaper Zeit. “I think Russia would be glad to the failure of the agreements, because he would free her hands and give her more freedom of action. But we do not want to provide them with such a luxury, “Kuleba said, noting that Ukraine has never violated these agreements, and” there is nothing better than the Minsk agreements. “ At the same time, Russia has repeatedly called on Kiev not to violate Minsk agreements and start negotiations on a political settlement of the Ukrainian conflict. However, according to Russian politicians, Kiev refuses to meet halfway. Earlier, Kuleba said that Ukraine

The worst currencies to invest in

Economist Bakhtin advised avoiding the acquisition of the currency of Iran, Venezuela and Afghanistan three exotic currencies, which are the worst for investing. The expert strongly advised to avoid purchasing the currencies of Iran, Venezuela and Afghanistan, unless you plan to travel, temporary move or permanent residence in these countries. The economist noted that the currencies of the listed countries are unstable and unprofitable due to economic or political problems. He also added that the Turkish lira has recently joined this list, which has shown a fall of more than 40 percent since the beginning of the year. “It makes sense for an investor to form a foreign exchange position against the dollar and euro, and the most optimal would not be keeping these currencies are in cash, and investing in financial instruments, “Bakhtin said. Earlier, Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Ksenia Yudaeva said that the ruble exchange rate

The worst currencies to invest in

Economist Bakhtin advised avoiding the acquisition of the currency of Iran, Venezuela and Afghanistan three exotic currencies, which are the worst for investing. The expert strongly advised to avoid buying the currencies of Iran, Venezuela and Afghanistan, unless you plan to travel, temporary move or permanent residence in these countries. The economist noted that the currencies of the listed countries are unstable and unprofitable due to economic or political problems. He also added that the Turkish lira has recently joined this list, which has shown a fall of more than 40 percent since the beginning of the year. “It makes sense for an investor to form a foreign exchange position against the dollar and euro, and the most optimal would not be keeping these currencies are in cash, and investing in financial instruments, “Bakhtin said. Earlier, Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Ksenia Yudaeva said that the ruble exchange rate

The main fears of novice drivers have been debunked

Head of the driver training center Zhar: a beginner needs to rely on solid knowledge motorists. He recalled that a newcomer needs to rely on solid knowledge in order to behave confidently on the road, writes the Prime agency. Among the reasons for concern, the specialist indicated the fear of stalling while driving, sharp maneuvers of other cars, starting at slide, parking. At the same time, novice drivers are more careful for fear of making a mistake, he added. “When entering a road environment with a large number of road users – cars, pedestrians, cyclists, special vehicles, etc. analyzing what is happening and making decisions, responding to changes in his environment, “- explained Zhar. He added that the knowledge gained as a result of training will help a beginner to correctly determine the road situation, and the skills acquired daily will give confidence in driving. The expert advised choosing a