Первая страна закрыла границы для иностранцев из-за омикрон-штамма

Власти Израиля с вечера воскресенья, 28 ноября, на две недели запретят въезд иностранцам из-за распространения нового штамма коронавируса В.1.1.529, который получил название «омикрон». Об этом сообщает Times of Israel. Мера не коснется тех, кто получит специальное разрешение от правительственной комиссии. Израиль стал первой страной, которая закрыла границы для иностранцев из-за нового варианта вируса SARS-CoV-2, отмечает Reuters. Помимо этого власти ввели более строгие правила по тестированию и самоизоляции для израильтян, прибывающих в страну из-за рубежа. По словам премьер-министра Нафтали Беннета, перемещение граждан, зараженных новым вариантом вируса, будут контролировать с помощью технологии отслеживания телефонов, чтобы ограничить распространение штамма «омикрон». Израиль вновь открылся для иностранных туристов, полностью привитых одобренными Всемирной организацией здравоохранения (ВОЗ) вакцинами, в начале ноября. Власти также планировали с декабря пускать в страну тех, кто вакцинирован российским препаратом «Спутник V». Как сообщает Haaretz со ссылкой на Минздрав страны, в Израиле подтвержден один случай заражения новым штаммом В.1.1.529, речь идет о женщине, которая вернулась в страну из Малави (Юго-Восточная Африка). Еще семь человек с подозрением на этот штамм проходят проверку, из них четверо также вернулись из-за рубежа. Из-за опасности распространения нового штамма Израиль запретил

Panarin threw a glove at a Canadian in an NHL match for speaking about Russia

Panarin said that he threw the glove at Marshand in an NHL match because of the words about Russia Russian striker New York Rangers Artemiy Panarin was fined five thousand dollars for throwing a glove at an opponent during a National Hockey League (NHL) match. This was reported on Twitter by the League's players' safety department. The incident took place in a game against the Boston Bruins, the Canadian forward of the American team, Brad Marschand, was injured. Panarin, whose words are reported by journalist Vince Mercagliano on Twitter, said that his opponent spoke offensively about Russia. “All Russians will want to defend their country,” the forward added. The NHL regular season game took place on Friday, November 26, and ended in a 5-2 victory for the Rangers. Panarin became the author of the winning puck. This season, the Russian played 20 matches in the NHL regular championship. Panarin has

Panarin threw a glove at a Canadian in an NHL match for speaking about Russia

Panarin said that he threw the glove at Marschand in an NHL match because of the words about Russia Russian striker New York Rangers Artemiy Panarin was fined five thousand dollars for throwing a glove at an opponent during a National Hockey League (NHL) match. This was reported on Twitter by the League's players' safety department. The incident took place in a game against the Boston Bruins, the Canadian forward of the American team, Brad Marschand, was injured. Panarin, whose words are reported by journalist Vince Mercagliano on Twitter, said that his opponent spoke offensively about Russia. “All Russians will want to defend their country,” the forward added. The NHL regular season game took place on Friday, November 26, and ended in a 5-2 victory for the Rangers. Panarin became the author of the winning puck. This season, the Russian played 20 matches in the NHL regular championship. Panarin has

Heavyweight boxer Pulev knocks out former UFC champion

Bulgarian heavyweight boxer Kubrat Pulev knocked out American MMA fighter Frank Mir Frank Mira. This was reported by the Lenta.ru correspondent. The boxing match, which took place in Arlington (Texas, USA) on the night of Sunday, November 28, ended in the first round. The Bulgarian delivered a series of blows, after which the American stopped defending himself and lost his orientation in space. The referee stopped the fight, fixing a technical knockout. 42-year-old Mir, a former champion of the Absolute Fighting Championship (UFC), made his boxing debut in April. He was defeated by compatriot Steve Cunningham, who is a professional boxer. 40-year-old Pulev was knocked out last December by Briton Anthony Joshua. Before meeting Mir, he had 28 victories and two defeats in 30 fights in the professional ring.

Heavyweight boxer Pulev knocks out former UFC champion

Bulgarian heavyweight boxer Kubrat Pulev knocked out American MMA fighter Frank Mir Frank Mira. This was reported by the Lenta.ru correspondent. The boxing match, which took place in Arlington (Texas, USA) on the night of Sunday, November 28, ended in the first round. The Bulgarian delivered a series of blows, after which the American stopped defending himself and lost his orientation in space. The referee stopped the fight, fixing a technical knockout. 42-year-old Mir, a former champion of the Absolute Fighting Championship (UFC), made his boxing debut in April. He was defeated by compatriot Steve Cunningham, who is a professional boxer. 40-year-old Pulev was knocked out last December by Briton Anthony Joshua. Before meeting Mir, he had 28 victories and two defeats in 30 fights in the professional ring.

The doctor appreciated the meeting with well-known anti-vaccines in the red zone

The head physician of the City Clinical Hospital No. 15 Vechorko said that there was no dialogue with anti-vaccination agents in the red zone Vechorko, whose red zone was invited to visit well-known opponents of vaccination against coronavirus, commented on the meeting. On the air of the YouTube channel “Soloviev Live”, he said that the attempt to dialogue with visitors had failed. Lack of dialogue Vechorko said that the meeting with the anti-vaccine was scheduled for November 27. Opponents of vaccination arrived at the hospital, where doctors showed them their work from the inside. The head physician of City Clinical Hospital No. 15 appreciated the meeting: in his opinion, there was simply no dialogue at it. There is no dialogue, only negative. I realized that it was useless Valery Vechorko Chief physician of the City Clinical Hospital # 15 Refusal of masks The doctor explained that to visit the red

The doctor appreciated the meeting with well-known anti-vaccines in the red zone

The head physician of the City Clinical Hospital No. 15 Vechorko stated that there was no dialogue with anti-vaccination agents in the red zone Vechorko, whose red zone was invited to visit well-known opponents of vaccination against coronavirus, commented on the meeting. On the air of the YouTube channel “Soloviev Live”, he said that the attempt to dialogue with visitors had failed. Lack of dialogue Vechorko said that the meeting with the anti-vaccine was scheduled for November 27. Opponents of vaccination arrived at the hospital, where doctors showed them their work from the inside. The head physician of City Clinical Hospital No. 15 appreciated the meeting: in his opinion, there was simply no dialogue at it. There is no dialogue, only negative. I realized that it was useless Valery Vechorko Chief physician of the City Clinical Hospital # 15 Refusal of masks The doctor explained that to visit the red

It became known about the last months of the life of Alexander Gradsky

Composer Gradsky felt unwell after suffering a coronavirus in September Composer and singer Alexander Gradsky after suffering a very bad coronavirus in September 2021 felt, writes the Dni.ru edition. At the end of October, he called an ambulance three times. Once the medical team had to go to the artist twice. “Gradsky had a pressure of 80 to 60, but he categorically did not want to go to the hospital. The artist used an oxygen concentrator at home, ”sources said about the last months of the singer's life. Gradsky often complained to his family about pain in his legs. The composer felt sick on November 26. He passed out and did not come to his senses for an hour. Gradsky's pressure dropped and he was taken to hospital with suspected stroke. Doctors checked his cerebral circulation, did an MRI and provided all the necessary assistance. It was not possible to