Manchester United draws with Chelsea in the first Premier League game after Solskjaer's resignation

Manchester United tied Chelsea in their first Premier League game since Solskjaer's resignation Manchester United away drew with Chelsea in the 13th round of the English Premier League (Premier League). This was reported by the correspondent. The meeting took place on Sunday, November 28, and ended with a score of 1: 1. Jadon Sancho scored among the guests. Jorginho converted the penalty spot for the hosts. The meeting with the Londoners was for Manchester United the first fight in the Premier League after the resignation of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer from the post of head coach. The acting mentor of the Mancunians is Michael Carrick. Chelsea remain the championship leader with 30 points. Manchester United are in eighth position with 18 points. In the next round, Chelsea will play Watford away on December 1. Manchester United will host Arsenal at home one day later.

WHO evaluates the effectiveness of vaccines against omicron-strain COVID-19

WHO: existing vaccines are effective against the omicron strain COVID-19 The World Health Organization (WHO) has evaluated the efficacy of vaccines against the omicron strain coronavirus. This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to the statement of the international organization, the existing drugs are effective against the new variant of COVID-19. At the same time, there is still not enough information to state that the omicron is more dangerous than the delta strain of the virus, the WHO stressed. Earlier it was reported that the World Health Organization deliberately omitted two letters of the Greek alphabet when naming a new strain of coronavirus. WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris explained that the nude and xi were dropped to avoid labels, so the variation was named omicron. A new strain of coronavirus, code B.1.1.529, was identified in South Africa 11 November. The first confirmed cases of infection date from November 24. The strain

The Kremlin hoped for a meeting between Biden and Putin before the new year

Press secretary Peskov: the exact date of Putin's videoconference with Biden has not yet been selected Russian President's press secretary Dmitry Peskov reporters spoke about hopes for a quick meeting between Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden. This is reported by TASS. According to Peskov, the communication between the heads of state will be held in the format of a video conference. He added that the exact date of the meeting has not yet been chosen, but the Kremlin hopes that it will take place before the new year. Earlier it was reported that US President Joe Biden promised to talk with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and the head of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky … “In all likelihood,” the American leader replied to a question from journalists about the planned contacts with both leaders.

Peskov announced positive contacts with the EU on the recognition of vaccination certificates

Peskov: Mutual recognition of vaccination certificates with the EU is possible in a few months Russia had “very positive” contacts with the European Union (EU) on the mutual recognition of certificates of vaccination against coronavirus, said the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov. His words are quoted by TASS. He added that there is a technological process of recognition in which there are “many technologically different tasks.” Peskov called their completion “homework.” called for the fastest possible mutual recognition of covid certificates in the world. He noted that the World Health Organization could speed up this process.

Peskov announced positive contacts with the EU on the recognition of vaccination certificates

Peskov: Mutual recognition of vaccination certificates with the EU is possible in a few months Russia had “very positive” contacts with the European Union (EU) on the mutual recognition of certificates of vaccination against coronavirus, said the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov. His words are quoted by TASS. He added that there is a technological process of recognition in which there are “many technologically different tasks.” Peskov called their completion “homework.” called for the fastest possible mutual recognition of covid certificates in the world. He noted that the World Health Organization could speed up this process.

Rubin's footballer broke his leg in the RPL match with Dynamo

Rubin's player Kostyukov suffered a broken leg in the RPL round 16 match against Dynamo Rubin's midfielder Mikhail Kostyukov suffered a broken leg in a home match of the 16th round of the Russian Premier League (RPL) against Dynamo Moscow. This was stated by the head coach of Kazan citizens Leonid Slutsky, whose words are reported by TASS. The specialist emphasized that the player had already taken a picture, now it is being investigated whether the connective tissue between the bones is damaged. The terms of recovery will depend on this, according to the coach. “Sport does not add health to anyone, it is a well-known fact,” Slutsky added. Kostyukov was seriously injured at the end of the first half. Alexander Zuev entered the field for the second half of the game instead of him. The meeting took place earlier on Sunday, November 28. The game ended with the score

Security Council of Belarus announced a possible trial in absentia of the opposition

Volfovich: the power bloc of Belarus will not allow the situation to swing during the referendum … This is reported by TASS. According to the Secretary of State of the Security Council Alexander Volfovich, for this it is proposed to amend the law in order to eliminate “omissions in the legislation.” “The principle of inevitability of criminal punishment for a crime was not fulfilled. A man committed a crime here, left and lives peacefully abroad, “- said Volfovich. He also said that the power bloc of Belarus will not allow the” rocking of the situation “during the constitutional referendum and will take into account the lessons learned after the protests of 2020 of the year. He also noted that if the situation on the western border aggravates due to NATO actions, Minsk will count on Moscow. Earlier it was reported that President Alexander Lukashenko named the goal of amending the

Rubin's footballer broke his leg in the RPL match with Dynamo

Rubin's player Kostyukov suffered a broken leg in the RPL round 16 match against Dynamo Rubin's midfielder Mikhail Kostyukov suffered a broken leg in a home match of the 16th round of the Russian Premier League (RPL) against Dynamo Moscow. This was stated by the head coach of Kazan citizens Leonid Slutsky, whose words are reported by TASS. The specialist emphasized that the player had already taken a picture, now it is being investigated whether the connective tissue between the bones is damaged. The terms of recovery will depend on this, according to the coach. “Sport does not add health to anyone, it is a well-known fact,” Slutsky added. Kostyukov was seriously injured at the end of the first half. Alexander Zuev entered the field for the second half of the game instead of him. The meeting took place earlier on Sunday, November 28. The game ended with the score

Security Council of Belarus announced a possible trial in absentia of the opposition

Volfovich: the power bloc of Belarus will not allow the situation to swing during the referendum … This is reported by TASS. According to the Secretary of State of the Security Council Alexander Volfovich, for this it is proposed to amend the law in order to eliminate “omissions in the legislation.” “The principle of inevitability of criminal punishment for a crime was not fulfilled. A man committed a crime here, left and lives peacefully abroad, “- said Volfovich. He also said that the power bloc of Belarus will not allow the” rocking of the situation “during the constitutional referendum and will take into account the lessons learned after the protests of 2020 of the year. He also noted that if the situation on the western border aggravates due to NATO actions, Minsk will count on Moscow. Earlier it was reported that President Alexander Lukashenko named the goal of amending the

Швейцарцы на референдуме высказались за введение COVID-сертификатов

На референдум был вынесен вопрос о том, поддерживают ли граждане Швейцарии поправки в принятый в марте федеральный закон «О правовых основах противодействия пандемии COVID-19», которые расширяют финансовую помощь государства предприятиям и частным лицам, пострадавшим от пандемии, а также юридически подтверждают требование властей о наличии COVID-сертификатов. Согласно итогам голосования, 61,85% населения Швейцарии поддержали инициативу, 38,15% высказались против. В то же время введение паспортов о вакцинации не одобрили в 2 из 26 швейцарских кантонов и полукантонов: против инициативы выступили более 51% жителей кантона Швиц и почти 56% населения полукантона Аппенцелль-Иннерроден. Референдум прошел на фоне роста числа заражений в Швейцарии, а также выявления нового, более опасного штамма вируса, которому было присвоено название «омикрон». Несмотря на увеличение количества заболевших и ухода на локдаун соседних стран, правительство Швейцарии на этой неделе пока отказалось усиливать ограничительные меры на всей территории страны, отдав право принимать подобные решения кантонам.