Thailand to simplify entry rules for tourists

The Thai authorities will reduce the quarantine period for foreign tourists from seven to five days including from Russia, and shorten the quarantine period from December 16. The Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) writes about this. Now tourists arriving in the country under the sandbox program will have to stay in the territory of the selected province not seven days, but five. In addition, those who have had the coronavirus will be allowed to enter for three months prior to travel. They must have with them a medical certificate of recovery or be vaccinated with at least the first component of the COVID-19 vaccine. SHA + certificate. In this case, after five days, it is not necessary to undergo a second study – you can take an express test for antigens. Children under the age of six are exempt from taking a PCR test 72 hours before entering

Germany allowed visa-free travel for Russians

The new government of the Federal Republic of Germany will make it easier for Russians under 25 to enter Germany Germany, Russian citizens under 25 years old. Coordinator of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Federal Republic of Germany for intersocial cooperation with the Russian Federation and Bundestag deputy from the Socialist Party (SPD) Johan Zaathof told the Izvestia newspaper that for such a step Berlin needs consultations with the European Union. “I am glad that we were able to include in the coalition agreement the requirement for a visa-free regime for young people from Russia,” the politician said. He added that he personally supported this initiative, which, in his opinion, is aimed at bringing people together. “We will also talk about what the EU can do to intensify contacts with Russian society, especially during periods when civil society organizations are threatened with a ban on functioning,” Zaathof said. Earlier

Thailand to simplify entry rules for tourists

Thai authorities will shorten the quarantine period for foreign tourists from seven to five days including from Russia, and shorten the quarantine period from December 16. The Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) writes about this. Now tourists arriving in the country under the sandbox program will have to stay in the territory of the selected province not seven days, but five. In addition, those who have had the coronavirus will be allowed to enter for three months prior to travel. They must have with them a medical certificate of recovery or be vaccinated with at least the first component of the COVID-19 vaccine. SHA + certificate. In this case, after five days, it is not necessary to undergo a second study – you can take an express test for antigens. Children under the age of six are exempt from taking a PCR test 72 hours before entering the

FSB Completes Investigation Of Millionth Scams At RANEPA

“Kommersant”: FSB investigators completed the fraud case of the director of the Institute of Civil Service RANEPA cases of especially large fraud in the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of Russia (RANEPA). This is reported by Kommersant. According to the newspaper, the defendants began to familiarize themselves with its materials. The director of the Institute of Civil Service and Management of the RANEPA Igor Bartsits, the dean of the Faculty of Public Administration of the Economy Svetlana Larina and a native of Abkhazia Aslan Feyzba pass through it, but he disappeared from the investigation and was put on the wanted list. According to the investigation, they committed fraud in order to steal money that was paid to employees of the institute under the guise of bonuses and bonuses. The secret services believe that Bartsits and Larina received funds from their colleagues minus their own

Вильфанд рассказал, какой будет зима в Центральной России

«Изменчивость погодных условий, согласно прогнозам, будет большой этой зимой на Европейской части России. Это значит, что будет неоднородность — значительные морозы и значительные потепления. Долгосрочный прогноз говорит о глобальном повышении температуры, а краткосрочно могут быть настоящие морозы… Такие колебания связаны с потеплением климата. При потеплении климата амплитуда колебаний увеличивается», — пояснил синоптик. Долгосрочный прогноз, по словам Вильфанда, говорит о том, что температурный режим в течение зимы будет очень неоднородный. «В целом можно прогнозировать значительные похолодания с температурой до −20, низкая температура, настоящий холод… Это связано с индексами североатлантического колебания, альпийская осцилляция указывает на эту неоднородность», — сообщил он. Вильфанд добавил, что хотя возможны вторжения арктического воздуха, чаще всего воздушные массы будут приходить с юга, что будет вызывать оттепели. Еще больше интересного о природе

Trump spoke about the obstacle to improving relations between the United States and Russia

Trump: The US and Russia could have done “great things” if it weren't for the smear campaign Former US President Donald Trump spoke about that the smear campaign that lasted most of his reign prevented Washington and Moscow from mending relations. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the interview of the ex-head of state to Fox TV channel. According to him, to refute the accusations of domestic political opponents of collusion with Moscow, which allegedly took place during the 2016 election campaign , it took two and a half years. Trump stressed that for this reason it was difficult to interact with certain countries, including Russia. The former head of state also noted that the United States and Russia could do “some great things” that would be “very good” for both countries. “But you could not do this, because they would say about you:“ Oh, he loves

Germany allowed visa-free travel for Russians

The new FRG government will simplify the entry to Germany for Russians under 25 Germany, Russian citizens under 25 years old. Coordinator of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Federal Republic of Germany for intersocial cooperation with the Russian Federation and Bundestag deputy from the Socialist Party (SPD) Johan Zaathof told the Izvestia newspaper that for such a step Berlin needs consultations with the European Union. “I am glad that we were able to include in the coalition agreement the requirement for a visa-free regime for young people from Russia,” the politician said. He added that he personally supported this initiative, which, in his opinion, is aimed at bringing people together. “We will also talk about what the EU can do to intensify contacts with Russian society, especially during periods when civil society organizations are threatened with a ban on functioning,” Zaathof said. Earlier it became known that the Prosecutor

Russian authorities discussed renaming a document with QR codes

RBC: the Kremlin is discussing a new name for the document with QR codes -19 and vaccinated, which will allow you to visit public places when restrictive measures are introduced due to the pandemic. This is reported by RBC. As the sources close to the Kremlin told the publication, the authorities wanted to minimize the use of the term “QR code” in public space, since, according to closed social studies, more than half of Russian citizens refer to it negatively. The interlocutor of RBC noted that many Russians associate the phrase “QR code” with infringement of freedoms, and some consider it “satanic.” Among the names that are being discussed as a replacement for the existing term, there are several options. For example, “health passport”, “health certificate”, “covipass”, “sanitary passport” and “green passport” (Green pass), which is already used in world practice. As a federal official noted, a QR code is

In Russia, they talked about the measures in the oil market due to the omicron strain

Novak: Russia sees no need for urgent measures on the oil market due to the omicron strain the oil market due to the omicron-strain of coronavirus. According to Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak, there is no need to take urgent measures yet. His words are quoted by Interfax. “We need to watch how the situation will develop, we must carefully monitor the market,” he commented. Novak also stressed that the OPEC + colleagues did not apply for urgent measures due to the new strain and recalled that the planned meeting should take place on December 2.