MSU professor compared the danger of the omicron strain and the delta variant

Professor of Moscow State University Agranovsky: the omicron-strain of coronavirus may be milder than the delta-variant Omicron-strain of the Worldwide Organization Health (WHO), is classified as “of concern”, but there is currently no evidence that it can supplant the delta option. This was stated by Alexei Agranovsky, professor of the Department of Virology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, on the air of KP radio. Comparing the danger of coronavirus variants, the specialist said that at the moment the delta strain dominates the world the omicron strain is more deadly, no. “Of the dozens of clinical cases that have so far been described, not a single death has been registered,” said Agranovsky. Perhaps the omicron strain will be a milder version of the coronavirus, but this needs to be confirmed by research, the professor concluded. Earlier, the head of the laboratory of mechanisms of population variability of pathogenic microorganisms of

Relatives poisoned a Moscow policeman with his wife with thallium

REN TV: relatives were suspected of poisoning an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and his wife in Moscow The Ministry of Internal Affairs and his wife suspected relatives. This is reported by REN TV. After the hospitalization of a 30-year-old Muscovite, doctors have found traces of a deadly poison in her body. Her husband, who works in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was also examined. Thallium was also found on him. The victim's sister may be involved in their poisoning. Women and their husbands live in the same communal apartment. A long-standing housing dispute is brewing between the two families. Experts are examining the victim's apartment and car for the presence of poison.

14-year-old Russian schoolgirl was hospitalized after being raped

A Russian suspected of raping a 14-year-old schoolgirl was detained in Moscow A 44-year-old Russian, suspected of raping a child, was arrested in Moscow. On Monday, November 29, REN TV reports. According to the newspaper, the pedophile communicated with the girl in one of the social networks and once offered to meet. After a walk, he lured the schoolgirl home and raped her there, and then released his victim. Once on the street, she turned to passers-by for help, who called an ambulance for her. After examining the schoolgirl, the doctors hospitalized her and reported the incident to the police. Investigators conduct investigative actions with the suspect, find out all the circumstances of the incident, check his involvement in other similar crimes. November 26 in A man who attacked a schoolgirl in an elevator at a house on Kantemirovskaya Street was detained in Moscow; he turned out to be a

Relatives poisoned a Moscow policeman with his wife with thallium

REN TV: relatives suspected of poisoning an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and his wife in Moscow The Ministry of Internal Affairs and his wife suspected relatives. This is reported by REN TV. After the hospitalization of a 30-year-old Muscovite, doctors have found traces of a deadly poison in her body. Her husband, who works in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was also examined. Thallium was also found on him. The victim's sister may be involved in their poisoning. Women and their husbands live in the same communal apartment. A long-standing housing dispute is brewing between the two families. Experts are examining the victim's apartment and car for the presence of poison.

14-year-old Russian schoolgirl was hospitalized after being raped

A Russian suspect in the rape of a 14-year-old schoolgirl was detained in Moscow A 44-year-old Russian was detained in Moscow. On Monday, November 29, REN TV reports. According to the newspaper, the pedophile communicated with the girl in one of the social networks and once offered to meet. After a walk, he lured the schoolgirl home and raped her there, and then released his victim. Once on the street, she turned to passers-by for help, who called an ambulance for her. After examining the schoolgirl, the doctors hospitalized her and reported the incident to the police. Investigators conduct investigative actions with the suspect, find out all the circumstances of the incident, check his involvement in other similar crimes. November 26 in A man who attacked a schoolgirl in an elevator at a house on Kantemirovskaya Street was detained in Moscow; he turned out to be a pedophile-recidivist, recently released

Blogger Khovansky answered the leader of the “Male State” and remembered Jesus

Khovansky responded to the letter of the leader of the “Male State” Pozdnyakov with words about Christ blogger Yuri Khovansky responded to a letter from the leader of the “Male State” ( recognized as extremist and prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation ) Vladislav Pozdnyakov, recalling Jesus Christ. The fact of communication with was confirmed by the girl of the blogger who is in jail, Maria Nelyubova. “I understand that you have suffered a lot in your life, and you did not have friends. I myself was bullied at school. I understand you, but there is one guy who is ready to be friends even with you – his name is Jesus, ”the blogger wrote in a response letter. Khovansky added that sooner or later the leader of the banned movement “will get tired of living with hatred alone,” and then Christ will be happy to accept

Cyberpunk 2077 will receive a sequel

CD Projekt RED will release the sequel to The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 CD Projekt RED intends to release the sequel to the universes of The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077. This is reported by the Polish edition Rzeczpospolita. In a conversation with media representatives, the head of the studio, Adam Kiciński, said that the company intends to develop its two most important franchises. When asked by journalists about whether CD Projekt RED will work on the release of new projects next year, Kicinski answered evasively. “We are currently focused on two of our franchises,” said the head of the Polish studio, referring to The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077. According to Adam Kicinski, the studio plans to start work on new AAA projects in 2022 year. Thus, it is expected that “The Witcher” and Cyberpunk 2077 will receive a sequel. Whether these will be full-fledged games and additions, Kichinski did not

Blogger Khovansky answered the leader of the “Male State” and remembered Jesus

Khovansky responded to the letter of the leader of the “Male State” Pozdnyakov with words about Christ blogger Yuri Khovansky responded to a letter from the leader of the “Male State” ( recognized as extremist and prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation ) Vladislav Pozdnyakov, recalling Jesus Christ. The fact of communication with was confirmed by the girl of the blogger who is in jail, Maria Nelyubova. “I understand that you have suffered a lot in your life, and you did not have friends. I myself was bullied at school. I understand you, but there is one guy who is ready to be friends even with you – his name is Jesus, ”the blogger wrote in a response letter. Khovansky added that sooner or later the leader of the banned movement “will get tired of living with hatred alone,” and then Christ will be happy to accept

Cyberpunk 2077 will receive a sequel

CD Projekt RED will release a sequel to The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 CD Projekt RED intends to release a sequel to The Witcher and Cyberpunk universes 2077. This is reported by the Polish edition Rzeczpospolita. In a conversation with media representatives, the head of the studio, Adam Kiciński, said that the company intends to develop its two most important franchises. When asked by journalists about whether CD Projekt RED will work on the release of new projects next year, Kicinski answered evasively. “We are currently focused on two of our franchises,” said the head of the Polish studio, referring to The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077. According to Adam Kicinski, the studio plans to start work on new AAA projects in 2022 year. Thus, it is expected that “The Witcher” and Cyberpunk 2077 will receive a sequel. Whether these will be full-fledged games and additions, Kichinski did not specify. The

In France, assessed the likelihood of border closure due to a new strain

France does not plan to close borders within the European Union due to the omicron strain COVID for the spread of the omicron strain COVID-19. This was stated by the Secretary of State for EU Affairs at the French Foreign Ministry, Clement Bon, on the air of France Inter radio. “We will wait to see how the situation will develop, but in Europe we have never completely closed borders, because this is our space for life, not only for tourism, but also for work, “the civil servant assessed the likelihood of introducing new international restrictions. According to him, tools such as PCR tests, sanitary passes and vaccinations still help contain the spread COVID, including new strains of infection. Today, due to the omicron strain, the borders of Israel and Japan have been closed for foreigners. The World Health Organization said that the omicron strain is highly likely to spread throughout