The head of the executive committee of the “People's Front” spoke about the new initiatives of the movement

Speaking about & nbsp; primary health care, Kuznetsov mentioned a case when the Rostov region. At the & nbsp; & nbsp; this bus to the & nbsp; regional center, where there is a pharmacy, runs only four times a week. Discussing the situation with the Ministry of Health, the “People's Front” proposed to sell drugs in FAPs, at least basic necessities, and where no pharmacies. The Ministry of Health, according to & nbsp; the head of the executive committee, supported the idea. In & nbsp; ties with & nbsp; several armed attacks on & nbsp; educational institutions in & nbsp; 2021 ONF together with & nbsp; Rosguard want to ensure that schools receive high-quality protection … We are talking about & nbsp; professionally trained employees of licensed organizations. According to & nbsp; Kuznetsov, for & nbsp; such a project will not & nbsp; enough municipal budgets, for which & nbsp;

Putin said that 32 terrorist attacks have been prevented in Russia since the beginning of the year

“Over the & nbsp; last years, this complex, extremely responsible site [in the fight against & nbsp; terror] nbsp; nbsp; overall positive dynamics. It was possible to achieve a radical reduction in the terrorist threat '', & nbsp; & mdash; said the head of state in & nbsp; published on the & nbsp; website of the Zvezda TV channel; video message on the & nbsp; Day of Security Agencies. According to Putin, “over the past 11 years, more than 200 terrorist attacks have been prevented, and the number of terrorist crimes committed during this period has decreased many times.” According to & nbsp; he said, “ the vast majority of such crimes are suppressed at the & nbsp; preparation stage. '' “ So, for & nbsp; 11 months of the outgoing year, thanks to your coordination and & nbsp; efficiency, 61 such crimes were prevented, including 32 terrorist attacks. This

Borrell announced the mandatory participation of the EU in the negotiations on security with the Russian Federation

“The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on & nbsp; this Friday published a draft proposal on & nbsp; security guarantees between Russia and the & nbsp; USA, and & nbsp; also for & nbsp; European NATO members. Obviously, the & nbsp; EU should be an integral part of such discussions & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; he wrote & nbsp; in & nbsp; his blog. He recalled that & nbsp; Europe's security for the past 50 years has been built on the & nbsp; principles proposed by the Helsinki Final Act and & nbsp; Charter of Paris. There is also an Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which “offers mechanisms and rules that remain the cornerstone of any interaction with Russia.” As follows from the & nbsp; documents, in & nbsp; in particular, the alliance should abandon & nbsp; conduct any military activity on the & nbsp; territory

Day in History: December 20th

Decree of Peter I on postponing the celebration of the New Year in Of Russia Since 1492, the “Byzantine” calendar was introduced in Russia, according to which the next year was counted from September 1. However, on December 20, 1699, the Russian tsar Peter I signed a decree on the transition of Russia to a new chronology and the postponement of the celebration of the beginning of the year to January 1. In the document, the tsar ordered to decorate houses with pine, spruce and juniper branches, and to congratulate each other as a sign of fun. In addition, fireworks, cannon and rifle salutes were arranged on Red Square, and city residents were told to fire muskets and launch rockets near their homes. The festivities on the occasion of the New Year lasted until January 6 and ended with a procession to the Jordan. For residents of West Berlin, passage through

Roscosmos denied information about a banquet for six million rubles

The state corporation also reported that they regret the desire of “certain individuals to discredit the work of Russian research teams.” The ceremony of awarding the Yuri Gagarin Awards in the field of space activities took place on November 29 at the Cosmonautics and Aviation Center at VDNH. The award takes place once every five years since 2011, the winner can be a Russian team that has made an outstanding achievement and has shown special merits in this field. Earlier, Roscosmos told about the cost of vouchers to the Vostochny cosmodrome. The cost of a visit does not exceed 10 thousand rubles for adults and five thousand rubles for children, the press service of the corporation reported.

The director of the film “We are from the future” Andrey Malyukov has died

“Andrey died today at 02:00 at night—” Bondarchuk said. —He has been very seriously ill for the last two years, but he was mowed down by covid.” The actress added that the farewell to the director “will not be held because of the situation with the coronavirus.” The place of the funeral has not yet been determined. “We are with Andrey has been together all his life—” Bondarchuk added. – We filmed together, worked together. My most favorite films he has are “In the zone of special attention” and “We are from the future”, in this picture my son Ivan Burlyaev was the composer. We are all grieving, we understand that a terrible tragedy has happened. He was very much loved.” Director People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Andrey Malyukov was born on January 6, 1948. Among his works: “In the zone of special attention”, which received the State Prize of

MPs ask the government to set requirements for road complexes

On & nbsp; Friday, the State Duma considered in the & nbsp; first reading the draft law introduced by the first vice-speaker of the Federation Council, Andrey Turmishator ; Irina Rukavishnikova. The Code of Administrative Offenses is supplemented by a framework rule, according to which the requirements for road cameras, software, photo and video materials, as well as the rules for placing complexes must be established by the government. If these rules are not observed, the fines imposed on drivers will be canceled. Complexes for recording violations have been used in & nbsp; Russia since & nbsp; 2008, now there are more than 23 thousand of them (stationary and & nbsp; mobile) in & nbsp ; the whole country. In & nbsp; 2019, President Vladimir Putin ordered to develop requirements for & nbsp; cameras and & nbsp; a system excluding fines from & nbsp; complexes installed with & nbsp; violation

Trump demanded $ 60 trillion in compensation from China for coronavirus

“I & nbsp; I think the original source of the virus is obvious. It & nbsp; came from the & nbsp; Wuhan laboratory. Anyone who thinks differently is simply deceiving themselves. China has to pay reparations, but & nbsp; it doesn't have that kind of money. It seems to me that & nbsp; damage to the whole world & nbsp; & mdash; I & nbsp; I'm not talking & nbsp; only about & nbsp; USA & nbsp; & mdash; about & nbsp; $ 60 trillion. & Nbsp; China does not have this money, but & nbsp; they have to do something & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Trump said in an & nbsp; interview with Fox News. The ex-president also scolded his successor Joe Biden – in Trump's opinion, the Democrat did nothing to stop the pandemic. “ Today we set a record for & nbsp; incidents! One of the

Peskov spoke about the deaths from COVID-19 in the presidential administration

“Employees of the presidential administration and their relatives are also dying from COVID, we are trying to transfer some of the people to remote work,” the Telegram channel of the Zvezda TV channel quotes him as saying. At the same time, Peskov is sure that no one will infect Putin with the coronavirus himself: enough measures are being taken to avoid this. “Well, listen – he’s Putin, who will infect him?” – TASS quotes him. Peskov called opponents of vaccination “dangerous fools.” In response to the question of how one word can describe people who do not get vaccinated and agitates others to refuse vaccination, the head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko, in response to the same question, said that such calls are “unreasonable actions”. According to the operstab on December 19, 27,967 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Russia during the day. The total number of