Nominees for the best Russian content named

Odnoklassniki presented the nominees for the best content award The Odnoklassniki social network will hold the fourth online award for the best Russian content “Samy OK” … This is stated in the message of the OK press service, received by the editorial office of “”. User voting for the best film, hit, series, show and broadcast of 2021 has already started. The nominees were selected based on the analysis of public data OK together with Brand Analytics. Users can vote in a special mini-application “Samy OK” on all platforms. To make their choice, voting participants can watch trailers of films and TV series, bright moments from broadcasts of the most memorable events, or listen to tracks by performers. You can vote every day, no more than once a day from November 29 to December 12. Each nomination included the top 5 most popular content in its category among social network

Reztsova appreciated the exclusion of the biathlete who forgot the stick from the Russian national team

Reztsova: Garanichev and Eliseev were rightly expelled from the national team for the World Cup biathlon at the second stage of the World Cup in Östersund, Sweden is fair. This is what happened in an interview with a correspondent, assessed by the three-time Olympic winner Anfisa Reztsova. According to her, both athletes are now not at the level required to compete in the main team. She added that she does not know what result Garanichev and Eliseev will show in the Cup of the International Biathlon Union (IBU). Reztsova also found it difficult to explain how Garanichev could have forgotten the sticks before the start of the sprint. “It's just impossible,” said the athlete. Earlier on Monday, November 29, Garanichev and Eliseev were transferred to the second squad of the Russian national team, which will play at the IBU Cup in Norway. In the main team, they were replaced

TV star reveals unpleasant truth about prices at Zara

The stylist revealed the difference in the price of Zara clothes in boutiques in the UK and Europe British TV star, stylist and writer Trinny Woodall revealed the unpleasant truth about the pricing in the stores of the Spanish brand Zara. The stories that appeared on her Instagram account were noticed by The Sun journalists. The stylist regularly shares her findings in stores with subscribers and shows off the purchased outfits. In one of her latest publications, she showed clothes that she purchased from the mass market Zara, namely a maxi dress, a multi-colored wool sweater and a khaki coat. Woodall drew attention to the difference in the cost of one and the same the same thing that is presented in the brand's boutiques in European countries and in the UK. “I tore off the sticker on the label and saw that in Europe the jumper costs 99 euros (83

Песков назвал сообщения о переговорах по возвращению Моргенштерна «уткой»

«Нет, это утка», — сказал пресс-секретарь президента Дмитрий Песков РИА Новости. По информации издания, представители администрации главы государства обсуждают с продюсерами музыканта условия его приезда назад. На прошлой неделе глава Следственного комитета Александр Бастрыкин заявил, что Моргенштерн «торгует наркотиками, по сути дела, в социальных сетях». Адвокат рэпера Сергей Жорин опроверг слова Бастрыкина. Затем некоторые СМИ написали об отъезде Моргенштерна из страны. Жорин тогда сказал РИА Новости, что не может это подтвердить или опровергнуть. Летом Зюзинский суд Москвы оштрафовал музыканта на 100 тысяч рублей за пропаганду наркотиков в песнях «Розовое вино 2» и «Family». Сам он говорил, что в обеих композициях строки со словами о запрещенных веществах произносит рэпер Yung Trappa (Владислав Ширяев), недавно отбывший срок за хранение наркотических средств. Защита обжаловала штраф, но Мосгорсуд не стал отменять решение нижестоящей инстанции. Уже осенью тот же районный суд зарегистрировал протокол о пропаганде наркотиков, составленный на лейбл Rhymes Music. Претензии вновь касались песен Моргенштерна, а также Элджея.

Trichologist told about the timing of hair loss after COVID-19

Trichologist Gallyamova: hair restoration after COVID-19 lasts at least 6 months about how long hair falls out after suffering COVID-19. “Hair restoration takes a long time – at least six months, but active hair loss occurs within one to two months,” the doctor said. p> Gallyamova noted that there is no prevention of hair loss in the case of postcoid syndrome. “This is reactive hair loss that occurs either in response to inflammation, or to medications, or to high fever. Of course, there is no prevention, it depends on the reactivity of your body, and, in particular, on the reactivity of the hair follicle. ” and not save on your health, but consult a doctor. “Firstly, people do not understand what is offered in pharmacies, and secondly, these are cosmetic products, not medicinal ones, respectively, their effectiveness is much lower, and, in principle, you will spend more money than on

Trichologist told about the timing of hair loss after COVID-19

Trichologist Gallyamova: hair restoration after COVID-19 lasts at least 6 months about how long hair falls out after suffering COVID-19. “Hair restoration takes a long time – at least six months, but active hair loss occurs within one to two months,” the doctor said. p> Gallyamova noted that there is no prevention of hair loss in the case of postcoid syndrome. “This is reactive hair loss that occurs either in response to inflammation, or to medications, or to high fever. Of course, there is no prevention, it depends on the reactivity of your body, and, in particular, on the reactivity of the hair follicle. ” and not save on your health, but consult a doctor. “Firstly, people do not understand what is offered in pharmacies, and secondly, these are cosmetic products, not medicinal ones, respectively, their effectiveness is much lower, and, in principle, you will spend more money than on

MMA fighter delighted fans with a new photo in a translucent dress

MMA fighter Valerie Loreda posted a candid photo in a translucent dress candid shots. The post is available on the athlete's Instagram. Loreda posted a series of photos in which she appeared in a translucent outfit. The girl posed in a black mini-dress with rhinestones. In 16 hours, the publication received more than 74 thousand likes. “Beautiful and sexy”, “She is beautiful, I even forgot that she is a dangerous fighter”, “Only you can look so good in such an outfit,” admired the fans in the comments. Loreda regularly publishes candid pictures … The American is considered one of the sex symbols of MMA. She has 879 thousand followers on Instagram. Previously, the American starred in a costume on Halloween in the form of a killer nurse. The publication has received more than 138 thousand likes.

MMA fighter delighted fans with a new photo in a translucent dress

MMA fighter Valerie Loreda posted a candid photo in a translucent dress candid shots. The post is available on the athlete's Instagram. Loreda posted a series of photos in which she appeared in a translucent outfit. The girl posed in a black mini-dress with rhinestones. In 16 hours, the publication received more than 74 thousand likes. “Beautiful and sexy”, “She is beautiful, I even forgot that she is a dangerous fighter”, “Only you can look so good in such an outfit,” admired the fans in the comments. Loreda regularly publishes candid pictures … The American is considered one of the sex symbols of MMA. She has 879 thousand followers on Instagram. Previously, the American starred in a costume on Halloween in the form of a killer nurse. The publication has received more than 138 thousand likes.

The State Duma answered the question about a possible lockdown due to the omicron strain

Deputy of the State Duma Solomatina: the issue of introducing a lockdown will be decided after scientists have withdrawn the omicron The omicron coronavirus strain requires a closer study of this variety. Tatiana Solomatina, Deputy Chairperson of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection, told about this. “I think that we will learn about the possibility of introducing a lockdown and other measures in 10-14 days, when we understand well how he behaves. So far, not much is known about the omicron, although there is already information about 47 types of mutations, including those related to its ability to spread, “she said. Solomatina noted that she considers the introduction of restrictive measures countries faced with the omicron strain is justified, since not every healthcare system can cope with the influx of new patients. “In any case, I urge everyone to get vaccinated, now this is the most effective way

Kremlin responds to reports of talks to return Morgenstern to Russia

Peskov denied reports about Kremlin talks on the return of rapper Morgenstern to Russia to Russia are not true. This was stated by the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, RIA Novosti reports. He called the corresponding publications in the media a duck. Earlier,, citing sources in the presidential administration, reported that the musician's producers are negotiating his return to the country. It was noted that two options are being considered – return and cooperation with the authorities, or refusal to cooperate and the possible materialization of threats from the Investigative Committee (IC). There is no information on the results of the negotiations. Earlier, the representative of the IC, Alexander Bastrykin, accused Morgenstern of drug trafficking on the Internet. “Blogger Morgenstern sells drugs, in fact, on social networks. And we are sitting here, discussing abstractly what the highest value means, and human rights cannot be violated, “Bastrykin said. After that,