Lokomotiv will remain without compensation for the director's departure to Manchester United

Lokomotiv will not receive monetary compensation for Ralph Rangnick's departure to Manchester United Moscow Lokomotiv will remain without compensation for leaving German specialist Ralph Rangnick to English Manchester United. This is reported by “Championship.com”. The agreement with 63-year-old Rangnik did not provide for payments in case of transfer of a specialist to another club. The German coach has worked at Lokomotiv since February, heading the club's directorate for sports and development. Rangnick's appointment as Manchester United coach became known earlier on November 29. The German signed a contract before the end of the season. After that he will continue to work as a consultant for the Red Devils. In the past, Rangnick has headed a number of German clubs. In particular, he worked at Schalke 04, Hoffenheim and RB Leipzig.

The State Duma responded to Erdogan's idea of ​​becoming a mediator between Russia and Ukraine

Kalashnikov: Russia will refuse to help Turkey if Erdogan raises the issue of the return of Crimea if the country's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan again raises the topic of the return of Crimea. So Leonid Kalashnikov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS and Eurasian Integration Affairs, answered the idea of ​​the Turkish leader to become a mediator between Moscow and Kiev in an interview with Gazeta.Ru. According to him, if Turkey calls on Ukraine to implement the Minsk agreements , Russia will only be in favor. However, the condition for such contacts, negotiations and decisions will still be the fulfillment of these obligations by Kiev. “If this is a trick that will allow Ukraine to leave and start a conversation about Crimea, then there is no need to get involved, but generally talk,” Kalashnikov emphasized. He recalled that relations between Russia and Turkey is of a partnership nature,

The TopBLOG project team has revealed the secrets of success on the Internet

The TopBLOG project presented its site “SMM-help” From November 27 to 29, the final of the All-Russian student competition “Your move” was held at the Sirius educational center in Sochi. The TopBLOG project of the presidential platform Russia – Land of Opportunities presented its SMM-help platform, and the project mentor, blogger Anton Karavaitsev and TopBLOG finalists Adam Achmiz and Victoria Timoshina held a motivational meeting and master classes. Mentor of the TopBLOG project Anton Karavaitsev, together with the Deputy General Director of the autonomous non-profit organization “Russia – the Land of Opportunities” Anton Serikov, the General Director of the Knowledge Society Maxim Dreval and the General Director of the Faculty platform Sergey Vishchipanov took part in a meeting with the children. p> The event was attended by all the finalists of the competition “Your move”, and this is 1000 people from 76 regions. The experts talked with the guys about

Индийский бизнесмен построил для своей супруги мини-копию Тадж-Махала

«Это был подарок для моей супруги, для нашего города и его жителей», — рассказал Би-би-си 52-летний Ананд Пракаш Чукси. По словам бизнесмена, строительство собственной копии легендарного мавзолея-мечети, обошлось ему в 20 млн рупий — около 260 тыс. долларов. Снимемся у Тадж-Махала: Трамп, Путин, принцесса Диана, Джордж Харрисон и другие Местный Тадж-Махал, расположенный на территории обширного владения семьи Чукси, привлек внимание туристов. По словам Ананда, многие люди проводят здесь свадебные фотосессии или просто приходят фотографироваться на фоне здания. «Я не против, поскольку в нашем городе все друг друга знают, мой дом открыт для всех», — заявил бизнесмен. При этом Ананд Чукси добавил, что внутрь он пускает не каждый день, поскольку, говорит он: «Дом есть дом, и мы здесь живем». Но иногда семья все же раскрывает двери своего особняка для посетителей, которые могут насладиться помпезным интерьером — замысловатыми цветочными мотивами, украшающими мраморные стены и полы, а также большими решетчатыми окнами.

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine announced the decision “lying on the table” in the Kremlin

Kuleba: Russia is considering the invasion as one of the alternatives there is a decision to invade the republic, but it has not yet been made. This was reported by UNIAN on Monday, November 29. “Of course, Russia is considering the invasion as one of the alternatives. There is no evidence that the decision to implement it has already been made in Moscow, but this option is on their table. Today Ukraine and its partners are working to discourage Russia from choosing to invade. This cannot be achieved by concessions, but only by a powerful policy of containment, “the Foreign Minister said. Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Ankara is ready to mediate relations between Kiev and Moscow on the settlement of a potential conflict in the region . Bloomberg reported that, according to US intelligence, Russia plans to attack Ukraine in 2022 from three sides. At the

WHO head calls for new agreement on pandemics

WHO chief: current system deprives countries of incentive to warn others about threats as it deprives countries of the incentive to warn other states of threats. The head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adanom Ghebreyesus, criticized the current ways of confronting the spread of the coronavirus and announced the need for a new agreement on pandemics. A broadcast of his speech is available on the WHO YouTube channel. Related materials12:04 – Today Doctors recommend. Scientists from Russia and China discussed antiviral drugs 17:19 – 27 November A new strain of coronavirus has arrived in Europe from Africa. What is known about omicron and how dangerous is it? The emergence of a new and rapidly spreading variant of COVID-19 underscores the danger of the situation, Gebreyesus said. “South Africa and Botswana must be thanked, not punished, for discovering and reporting a new strain,” he says. “Our ability to end

BMW driver who escaped police chase on Moscow Ring Road was sent to jail

A BMW driver detained with drugs after a chase with shooting on the Moscow Ring Road was arrested on the Moscow Ring Road. This was reported by RIA Novosti. A 23-year-old man, in whose car they found three kilograms of mephedrone, was arrested until January 26. He was accused of illegal sale of drugs on an especially large scale. Earlier it was reported that during a search in his apartment, they found another five kilograms of synthetic banned substances. They were packaged in plastic bags of various sizes. In total, police officers counted 20 thousand doses of the drug. On November 26, on the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road, traffic police officers stopped a car to check documents, but the 23-year-old driver abruptly pressed the gas pedal. While trying to escape, he crashed into several cars. The security forces blocked his BMW, the violator was detained.

It became known about the victims of the hurricane in Istanbul

Two people died after a roof collapse due to hurricane winds in Istanbul – the hurricane wind killed two people, nine were injured. The victims of the hurricane are reported by the NTV channel. The gale wind has reached a speed of 22 meters per second. The main meteorological service of Turkey issued an orange warning for 17 provinces. It also became known about the termination of the movement of ships on the Bosphorus. A representative of the Turkish Coast Guard Directorate, in a conversation with RIA Novosti, said that the strait was blocked in both directions. Earlier in Russia, three people were injured when the wall of a shopping center in the north of Moscow collapsed. In the capital's headquarters of the Ministry of Emergencies, it was reported that first the scaffolding with workers collapsed, and only after that the wall partially collapsed. Rescuers removed two people from the