In Russia, 41 cases of infection with the omicron strain have been identified

“In the Russian Federation, 41 cases of infection with a new gene variant of the omicron virus have already been identified. All patients are in the hospital,” she said at a meeting of the coordinating council under the government to combat the new infection. “To date, the condition of all patients is stable, also because most of them have immunity,” Popova said.

Coronavirus in the world: WHO offers citizens to postpone holidays so as not to regret later, but does not support mass quarantines

Celebrate Christmas later WHO Head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus believes that the best strategy in the coming holiday period is to cancel Christmas and New Year’s plans and celebrate later. The reason was the rapid increase in the incidence of a new variant of the coronavirus “Omicron”. According to him, the fastest way to return to normal life is to “make the difficult decisions necessary to protect yourself and others,” which will often be associated with a change of New Year’s plans. “We are all tired of this pandemic, we all want to spend time with friends and family, we all want to return to normal life,” said the head of the WHO. — In some cases, this will mean the cancellation or postponement of events, for example, we had to cancel a reception that we planned to hold with you (journalists) today. But canceling an event is better than canceling

Putin signed a law to freeze the funded part of pensions until the end of 2024

The moratorium in force from & nbsp; 2014 on & nbsp; the formation of pension savings is extended for another & nbsp; one, 2024 & nbsp; preliminary estimate, this year will allow to increase by & nbsp; 772.9 billion rubles the budget revenues of the & nbsp; RF Pension Fund according to & nbsp; distribution component, which will be directed to & nbsp; current payments of insurance pensions. As noted in the & nbsp; explanations to & nbsp; ; to the law, “ the volume of pension rights of insured persons in the & nbsp; system of compulsory pension insurance will not & nbsp; decrease. '' The amount of insurance premiums will be reflected on the & nbsp; individual personal accounts of insured persons and & nbsp; taken into account when & nbsp; determination of individual pension coefficients. Since & nbsp; 2014, deductions to & nbsp; funded part in &

Rapid melting of Himalayan glaciers may leave Asia without water

Specialists from The University of Leeds conducted a study of Himalayan glaciers and concluded that in recent decades they have melted ten times faster than the average since the last major expansion of glaciers 400-700 years ago – a period known as the Little Ice Age. This study also shows that Himalayan glaciers are shrinking much faster than glaciers in other parts of the world, so much so that scientists describe this melting as “exceptional.” During the study, scientists reconstructed the size and ice surfaces of 14,798 Himalayan glaciers during the Little Ice Age, and then compared them with the current area, and saw that the glaciers lost about 40 percent of their area. During this period, they lost as much ice as is contained today in the central European Alps, in the Caucasus and in Scandinavia combined. The team calculated that the water released as a result of this melting raised

The rector of “Shaninka” was left under arrest contrary to Putin’s words

The Moscow City Court left in jail the rector of “Shaninka” Sergey Zuev, who has undergone several operations since his arrest. The defense’s complaint about his detention was rejected, the press service of the court told RBC. On December 10, his defenders filed petitions for his release from arrest after President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the Human Rights Council that there was no need to keep Zuev in jail. “As for the change in the measure of restraint to the person you mentioned from “Shaninka”, we need to look. I can’t disagree with you here either. I don’t see any need to keep a person behind bars according to the compositions that are imputed to him,” the president said. Zuev’s lawyer Dmitry Kravchenko called the court’s decision “anti-legal” and meaning “inhumane treatment” of his client. “We also had an incredible number of arguments in the first instance

Putin blamed US for escalating tensions in Europe

“We need long term, legally binding guarantees. But & nbsp; we & nbsp; with & nbsp; you know well & nbsp; & mdash; and & nbsp; this something & nbsp; cannot be trusted! Because the & nbsp; USA easily withdraws from all international treaties, which they & nbsp; become uninteresting. Easy! Explaining something & nbsp; or not & nbsp; explaining at all. As it was with the & nbsp; agreement on & nbsp; ABM, & nbsp; Open skies. But & nbsp; even though it is, at least something, but & nbsp; not & nbsp; oral assurances. The price of such words and & nbsp; promises we & nbsp; know & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the president at the & nbsp; expanded collegium of the Ministry of Defense. He noted that in the event of the appearance of the US and NATO missile systems in Ukraine, the time of

The lost legendary temple of Hercules was found off the coast of Spain

Spanish coast temple discovered — LWMcCall (@LWMcCall) December 21, 2021 Archaeologists in Spain have discovered the possible location of the temple of Hercules Gaditan – a legendary place to which the ancient Greeks and Romans, including Julius Caesar, made a pilgrimage. According to ancient sources, it was located in The Gulf of Cadiz. Using lidar, researchers from The University of Seville found traces of an ancient monumental building at the bottom of the bay between Chiclana de la Frontera and San Fernando, reports El Pais. The length of the rectangular structure is almost 300 meters, and the width is almost 150 meters. There may be numerous fragments inside it. According to ancient descriptions, the temple of Hercules Gaditan was decorated with columns, an eternal flame burned on the altar in it — it was supported by a priest day and night. Bronze images of the twelve exploits of Hercules were placed

Peskov: suspension of gas supplies across Yamal-Europe is a commercial situation

“No, this is an absolutely commercial situation, for & nbsp; specific reasons you need to ask a question in & nbsp; & ldquo; Gazprom & rdquo ;, no connection not here, this is a completely commercial situation & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; he said & nbsp; in & nbsp; during a press call, answering & nbsp; a question about & nbsp; whether & nbsp; is & nbsp; related to the & nbsp; situation with & nbsp; & nbsp; Nord Stream 2. Previously, the physical flow of gas through & nbsp; gas pipeline Yamal & mdash; Europe to & nbsp; Germany was suspended, only reverse deliveries began & nbsp; & mdash; from & nbsp; Germany to & nbsp; Poland. Gazprom has already begun & nbsp; filling the second string of Nord Stream 2, because of which Western countries threaten Russia with sanctions, in & nbsp; October … Later, Germany suspended

The tallest man in the world came to Russia in search of a bride

View this post on Instagram Post by Sultan KÖSEN (@sultankosen47) Kesen admits that he is already used to his size, but they cause him inconvenience. The man was already married to a 175 cm tall woman, but the couple recently divorced. Kesen told the show about his wishes for the bride: “She should be bright. I’ve heard that Russians like hot men, but they have to be polite.” New Year’s sale: discounts up to – 60% Alexandra Ippolitova Even more interesting things about people