Carter began an operation to isolate and further liberation of Raqqa

Carter began an operation to isolate and further liberation of Raqqa WASHINGTON, 6 Nov. /Offset. TASS Dmitry Kirsanov/. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter announced the beginning of military operations aimed at first isolating, and then at the liberation of Raqqa. The corresponding statement on behalf of the head of the Pentagon circulated on Sunday by the press service of the Ministry. “I welcome today’s announcement of SDS (“Forces of democratic Syria” — the armed forces, the backbone of whom are Kurds — approx. TASS) that started the operation to liberate Raqqa from the barbaric clutches of ISIS (formerly the banned terrorist group “Islamic state”, ISIS),” said Carter. Raqqa in recent years was the so-called capital of the extremists proclaimed a “Caliphate” in the occupied territories of Iraq and Syria. According to the head of the U.S. Department of defense, “efforts to isolate and ultimately to liberate Raqqa, marked the next step

Yekaterinburg straights banned rally

View Of Yekaterinburg In Yekaterinburg agreed to hold a meeting straight. About this “Interfax” reported in the Department of public safety of Sverdlovsk region. The reason for refusal named technical errors in the design documents. The application for holding the event, the authorities on 2 November has sent defenders. One of the organizers of the event, the leader of regional branch of party “Patriots of Russia” Sergey Arutin explained that the meeting is scheduled to hold a straight “in order to “protect children from information promoting denial of traditional values””. The event was to be held on November 13 at the Work area. In October, the authorities banned a gay parade activists in Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk. Earlier in the same month, not allowed to meet representatives of the LGBT community in Nizhny Novgorod, Saransk and Penza. In September refused to agree on holding a gay pride parade in Tyumen, Kaluga,

Former Japanese Prime Minister urged to recognize the Crimea part of Russia

Yukio Hatoyama Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama urged the international community to recognize the Crimean Peninsula part of the Russian Federation. He told about it on Monday, November 7, in an interview to television channel RT. “I think that historically Crimea was part of Russia. Under Khrushchev he was transferred to Ukraine in full violation of international law. And there was the Crimean problem. Now the international community is to recognize the Peninsula as part of Russia”, — said Hatoyama. In his opinion, if the current Japanese government led by example and recognized the Russian Peninsula that could encourage such a move and the leadership of the European countries. Hatayama explained that for Japan, it would also be beneficial: “President Putin, in turn, could be more accommodating on the issues of the Kuril Islands. Russia, perhaps, would satisfy Japanese claims and would give all four Islands.” However, as said by

The Minister of education Vasilyev said about the need for myths in the history

Photo: The Minister of education and science of Russia Olga Vasilieva in an interview to “Interfax” expressed the opinion that history is a subjective science, and that considers justified, the mythologizing of Ivan the terrible and Alexander Nevsky. “I am deeply convinced that the teaching of history is a largely subjective thing, it heavily depends on which ideological position is the person who teaches history,” she said. Vasilyev added that the views of different episodes of the story differ, but because in the new history textbooks will be a special section, which will address the 20 most complex and controversial issues. According to her, the mythologizing of Ivan the terrible and Alexander Nevsky Soviet historians in the mid-1930s on the eve of the great Patriotic war is justified. “You see, no heroes, no heroic image of historical characters is impossible to do. Whether you’re a small person, whether you’re

On red square parade to commemorate the events of 1941

In honor of the 75th anniversary of the famous military marches of November 7, 1941 on red square parade, where exactly 75 years ago straight from the red square, hundreds of Soviet soldiers went to the front.   Then the Soviet government decided to hold this event to raise the morale of the soldiers. It was timed to the anniversary of the great October revolution.   In memory of the parade on the pavement marsh came five thousand people – soldiers, cadets, Suvorov military school students. They carried the banners of units defending the capital in 1941.   The protagonists of the parade – veterans, they are in the stands, and 75 years ago they minted step on the pavement. Hiking columns are replaced by the reconstruction of the battle.   Historical video to accompany songs of the war years. Red square sound “Katyusha”, “Holy war”, “Victory Day”.   Famous

In Spain Halloween detained the murderer, dressed in a devil costume

In Spain Halloween detained the murderer, dressed in a devil costume MADRID, Nov 4 — RIA Novosti, Sergei Sarymov. Spanish police detained one of the most wanted men in France, when he was in the devil costume was a Halloween party in Malaga, said on Friday the press-service of the national police of Spain. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The operation of the Spanish law enforcement bodies was held on the evening of 31 October, the detainee was a 47-year-old French citizen wanted for murder, drug trafficking and money laundering, in France, the criminal was included in the list of the most wanted and dangerous criminals in the country and was on a European arrest warrant. Along with him were also detained, two Spaniards, they are suspected of assisting the main suspect. The arrest took place directly during the celebration of Halloween, when the main suspect and his friends were headed to a party

Mikhalkov invited again to show in theaters “Burnt by the sun 2”

Mikhalkov invited again to show in theaters “Burnt by the sun 2” “Burnt by the sun 2: Anticipation” could again be showing on the big screens in a couple of years since this picture was ahead of its time. This opinion was expressed on air of TV channel TVTS the film is directed by Nikita Mikhalkov. See alsoNikita Mikhalkov has commented on the performance of Konstantin Raikin Commenting on the box office failure of “Burnt by the sun 2” and negative reviews from critics about the film, Mikhalkov admitted that he was not ready for it. However, he said that “the liberal critique of the beginning of the wet film” eight months before the start of hire” on the basis of one trailer. The Director also expressed confidence that the film was ahead of its time in eight years. “This is a very religious picture. It’s a parable about how

Border service of Ukraine found in the sea of Azov a Russian drone

Border service of Ukraine found in the sea of Azov a Russian drone Employees of Mariupol marine guard detachment of the Border service of Ukraine on 6 November, found in the sea of Azov unmanned aerial vehicle type of “Orlan-10”. The guards claim that the drone was made in Russia. In a message posted on the website, they say that the aircraft was drifting in the sea at a distance of about 3 km from the shoreline. According to preliminary information, the drone was in working condition. Now guards carry out a survey of drone and intend to shoot with available information. United instrument manufacturing Corporation in mid-September reported that she has begun to develop a drone the size of a dragonfly. They can be used in intelligence or counterterrorism operations. OPK announced that the drone fits in your palm, almost noiseless and maneuvers well.