SKR has accused four commanders of the APU in illegal methods of warfare

The four commanders of the Armed forces of Ukraine was charged in absentia with unlawful methods of warfare. On Monday, November 14, reported the Investigative Committee of Russia.   The charges under article “Organization of the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare” against the commanders of the 92-th and 72-th separate mechanized brigades colonels Victor Nikolyuk and Andrei Sokolov.   According to investigators, on 27 October, they fired on houses in Makeyevka near Donetsk. Killed two men, injured five people, including a six year old girl.   The same charge is in absentia brought to the commander of the 44th separate artillery brigade Colonel Oleg Lisovoy. He orchestrated the shelling of Gorlovka on may 6 that resulted in the deaths of three people, including minors, and the wounding of two local residents.   The fourth defendant was a former commander of 72-th separate mechanized brigade Andrey Grishchenko. He

UN: ISIS uses chemical weapons in Mosul and its suburbs

UN: ISIS uses chemical weapons in Mosul and its suburbs The high Commissioner of the organization for human rights, in particular, stated that on 23 October, four people died after inhaling the smoke of the burning sulfur. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий GENEVA, 11 Nov. /TASS/. Supporters of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) set fire to the sulphur and use smoke as a chemical weapons in Mosul and its suburbs. This is stated in a statement on Friday the statement of the UN high Commissioner for human rights Zeid RA’ad al-Hussein. According to al-Hussain, October 23, “four people died after inhaling smoke of the burning sulfur” at the plant in al-Message (South of Mosul). This factory “was set on fire and fired.” October 26, the smoke from the burning of sulfur choked month-old baby. “According to the data coming from Mosul, ISIS collects large quantities of ammonia and sulfur, and

The chair complained about the distribution of Russian passports to the “Sigala”

The chair complained about the distribution of Russian passports to the “Sigala” Actor Nikita Dzhigurda confirmed that he is a citizen of Ukraine and has a Russian passport. He said this to RIA Novosti. “I was asked to give me a second, Russian citizenship, but we have his “signals” give, and my dual citizenship was denied,” — said the artist. He also commented on the statement of the lawyer Sergei Gorina, who reported that he was aware of the violation Morrice immigration laws. “About the documents Zhorin lying: everything in my order, I was at a friends house, and documents”, — said the actor. Zhorin, representing the interests of the skater Marina Anisina those at the hearing in divorce case with 55-year-old Morrice, asked the police to check the legality of the artist’s stay on the territory of Russia. According to the lawyer, the actor has not risen on the

The government and the Venezuelan opposition agreed on the way out of the crisis

The government and the Venezuelan opposition agreed on the way out of the crisis According to the Vatican representative Monsignor Claudio Maria Celli, the parties agreed to work together to combat economic sabotage and work on providing the population with food and medicines. MEXICO city, 13 Nov. /Offset. TASS Ivan valueK/. Representatives of the Venezuelan government and controlling the country’s Parliament of the democratic unity Bloc (BDE) has agreed to follow the road map to resolve the political and socio-economic crisis in the country. The corresponding agreement was reached at the end of the next round of talks between political opponents. See alsothe Nobel peace prize was awarded to the President of Colombia According to the Vatican representative Monsignor Claudio Maria Celli, who is involved in the negotiations as the international mediator, the parties agreed to coexist peacefully, to deal with the economic sabotage and work on providing the population

The state Duma suggest to establish a Day of patriotism on the day of the introduction of Russia grocery embargo

© Catherine jaeckel/TASS MOSCOW, November 14. /TASS/. The proposal to establish in Russia the Day of patriotism and to celebrate it on 6 August, the day of the introduction of Russia grocery embargo in response to Western sanctions, directed to the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin and the heads of all four Duma factions. The author of the initiative made by the President of the Association of entrepreneurs for development of business of patriotism “Avanti” Rahman Anshukov, which has also prepared a draft Federal law (a copy is in TASS).

The chair will submit to the court the lawyer Gorina because of the stroke

Continued: the chair complained about the distribution of Russian passports to the “Sigala” Actor Nikita Dzhigurda after a confrontation with the lawyer of his wife Sergey Garinim needed the help of doctors. Caused doctors diagnosed showman stroke. About it on Friday, November 11, said in an interview with “National news service” (NSN). According to Dzhigurda, he intends to apply for a lawyer in court.Earlier it was reported that Dzhigurda after a fight at actor’s blood pressure rose. Earlier, on 11 November it became known that Zhorin asked the interior Ministry to check the legality of a finding Dzhigurda, who is a citizen of Ukraine, in Russia. The Complainant claims that the actor was not got registered in migration service. If a breach is confirmed, he could face deportation to his homeland. The actor confirmed that the Russian citizenship he never had, however, stated that it is in Russia legally. On

Tens of thousands of people came to the rally for the resignation of the President of South Korea

Tens of thousands of people gathered on Saturday, November 12, at a rally in Seoul demanding the resignation of South Korean President Park Geun-Hye. This was reported by Yonhap. People hold placards reading “Go away, Park Geun-Hye”. About his participation in the campaign said the three opposition parties, to join the rally had intended and the mayor of Seoul, Park Wonsoon. The police expects the action on the streets of the capital will gather not less than 170 thousand demonstrators, organizers expect a million inhabitants. For security in the city will involve 25 thousand law enforcement officers. One of the city courts had previously allowed the rally, pointing to freedom of Assembly. However, he noted that the temporary overlap of the streets, which demonstrators intend to go through, will not affect the traffic. Earlier in Seoul scandal, threatens impeachment for the President, Park Geun-Hye. The President accused that she surrounded

In the state Duma explained the new mechanism of work with addresses of voters

Photo: RIA Novosti Member of the Committee on rules and organization of work of the state Duma Victor Pinsky believes that the attraction of the MPs to work with citizens “will put everything in its place”. This opinion was expressed in a conversation with “ru” on Tuesday, November 8th. “First of all, to the Deputy treated his own constituents. Therefore it was his duty, his task to take care of their voters and to answer their queries. They sent him here,” — said the MP. He explained that now the regulations will clearly have a mechanism for the reaction of the deputies to the treatment. “Before Deputy, as a rule, sent a letter to the corresponding profile Committee and requested the machine to answer, said Pinsky. Now Deputy, if something is not clear, may request information from the relevant Committee himself to answer the appeal.” However, changes to be made

The Syrian military found caches of militants, which produced chemical weapons

The Syrian army during a special operation in Aleppo found workshops where terrorists have produced chemical weapons. The building was located warehouse of chemicals, the bags scattered everywhere with toxic substances and ammunition.   Russian experts who were called the soldiers of the Syrian army, found that out of empty min the militants melted TNT. Inside was filled with a poisonous mixture.   We found only about 5 tons of deadly components. They can make bombs and other powerful projectiles. This Arsenal would be enough to destroy a city block.   All air samples and substances sent to the laboratory. The soldiers tell me that these shops and warehouses, mines and chemicals, in Aleppo, there could be hundreds.