The State Duma commented on the plans of “Roscosmos” to grow plants in orbit

Deputy Kashin called the idea of ​​Roscosmos CEO to grow plants in orbit as foolish corporation “Roscosmos” Dmitry Rogozin to grow plants in orbit foolishness. His words are quoted by the radio station “Moscow speaking.” He noted that they should be addressed. “That film is being shot in space, now we’ll come up with one more nonsense. Let's take and use what lies under our feet, what is at hand, “- Kashin commented on the plans of Roscosmos. Earlier Rogozin said that the seeds and sprouts in orbit will be strongly influenced by the space environment – radiation, a bright stream of ultraviolet radiation. It is possible that the experiment will be carried out using a 3D bioprinter, said the head of the state corporation. In addition, he revealed the planned names of the new modules of the promising Russian Orbital Service Station (ROSS). Rogozin noted that they will be

Revealed a way to disable tracking on Android 12

Android 12 found a feature to disable personalized ads Wired reporters listed the main privacy settings that need to be applied in Android 12. About this available on the website of the publication. The authors noted that in the new OS from Google, you can disable a personal advertising identifier, which allows applications to receive data from the device and actually track the user. This setting can be found in the “Confidentiality” section, where the “Advertising” item with the “Remove advertising identifier” button is located. “This does not mean that you no longer see ads, it just will not be based on your behavior and personal data,” the journalists explained. Also, experts have revealed a way to control permissions for applications in Android 12. In the section “Privacy Control Panel” you can choose the privileges that certain programs have. Also in this section you can see what information about the

The State Duma lists rappers who do not violate anti-drug laws

Deputy Drapeko: rappers promoting drugs will have to answer for their words in the lyrics of their songs to the propaganda of narcotic substances, and hip-hop performers who have violated Russian law will have to “answer for their words.” This statement was made by the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture Elena Drapeko on Tuesday, November 30, at the Moscow Talking radio station. “We have legislation that prohibits drug propaganda, and therefore, if there really is propaganda , our security officials have the right to involve under this article. I want to say that Basta and Oksimiron, as far as I remember, did not have this in their lyrics. They sang about something else, “the official listed the artists. Drapeko stressed that if rappers allow themselves to give out such things to the public information space, then they should be responsible for their words. The MP added

Russians warned of QR code scanners stealing bank data

ThreatFactor: 12 apps for scanning QR codes steal data from Russians which steal banking data from infected devices. ThreatFactor analysts warned Russians and residents of a number of other countries about this. They note that the infected applications are mimicking document and QR code scanners. ThreatFactor analysts add that all malicious applications, depending on the technological features of the downloaded code, can be roughly divided into three groups. The Anatsa group is targeting Russia, as well as the USA, Great Britain, Austria and other countries. The applications included in it have been installed 200 thousand times. Experts note that after installing the application on the user's device, the program itself decides whether to download the virus to the phone. If the decision is positive, then the malicious code gets to the victim through a fake request to update the program. Such a scheme with a separate download of the virus

Russians warned of QR code scanners stealing bank data

ThreatFactor: 12 apps for scanning QR codes steal data from Russians which steal banking data from infected devices. ThreatFactor analysts warned Russians and residents of a number of other countries about this. They note that the infected applications are mimicking document and QR code scanners. ThreatFactor analysts add that all malicious applications, depending on the technological features of the downloaded code, can be roughly divided into three groups. The Anatsa group is targeting Russia, as well as the USA, Great Britain, Austria and other countries. The applications included in it have been installed 200 thousand times. Experts note that after installing the application on the user's device, the program itself decides whether to download the virus to the phone. If the decision is positive, then the malicious code gets to the victim through a fake request to update the program. Such a scheme with a separate download of the virus

The effectiveness of “Sputnik V” against the omicron-strain will be studied in three weeks

Head of RDIF: Sputnik V has shown high efficiency against all existing mutations the strain will take three weeks. This is reported by TASS with reference to an interview with the head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) Kirill Dmitriev on CNBC. Sputnik has shown incredibly high efficiency against all existing mutations. We believe that it will take three weeks to fully assess [the effectiveness of the vaccine against omicron], “TASS quoted him as saying. Dmitriev also expressed confidence in the possibility of adapting the vaccine for all existing variants of the virus. < p> Earlier, Dmitriev announced his readiness to create one hundred million booster doses of the Sputnik V vaccine adapted against the omicron strain in February 2022. At the same time, the Gamaleya Institute and RDIF announced their readiness to begin mass production of the vaccine by mid-January. The strain under the code B.1.1.529 (omicron) was

The effectiveness of “Sputnik V” against the omicron-strain will be studied in three weeks

Head of RDIF: Sputnik V has shown high efficiency against all existing mutations the strain will take three weeks. This is reported by TASS with reference to an interview with the head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) Kirill Dmitriev on CNBC. Sputnik has shown incredibly high efficiency against all existing mutations. We believe that it will take three weeks to fully assess [the effectiveness of the vaccine against omicron], “TASS quoted him as saying. Dmitriev also expressed confidence in the possibility of adapting the vaccine for all existing variants of the virus. < p> Earlier, Dmitriev announced his readiness to create one hundred million booster doses of the Sputnik V vaccine adapted against the omicron strain in February 2022. At the same time, the Gamaleya Institute and RDIF announced their readiness to begin mass production of the vaccine by mid-January. The strain under the code B.1.1.529 (omicron) was

Legendary bakery in the center of Moscow will be turned into a hotel

Moskomstroyinvest has authorized the reconstruction of the historic Filippov bakery on Tverskaya Street Moscow authorities have issued a permit to build a hotel on Tverskaya Street. According to the chairman of Moskomstroyinvest Anastasia Pyatova, the building of the “House of D. I. Filippov with a bakery, confectionery and coffee shop” will be turned into a hotel. The text of the press release is published on the agency's website. The Luxe Hotel developer, together with the Luxe Properties developer, will have to reconstruct the legendary bakery in the center of Moscow. The new hotel will be operated by Corinthia Hotels Group. “The developer will restore the volumetric-spatial structures of historical premises, their height and dimensions, recreate the original appearance of the most valuable architectural elements that have survived: intricate hand-made stucco molding, cartouches, caryatids, and rustic facades,” according to Moskomstroyinvest. The hotel will occupy an area of ​​40 thousand square meters.

Legendary bakery in the center of Moscow will be turned into a hotel

Moskomstroyinvest has authorized the reconstruction of the historic Filippov bakery on Tverskaya Street According to the chairman of Moskomstroyinvest Anastasia Pyatova, the building of the “House of D. I. Filippov with a bakery, confectionery and coffee shop” will be turned into a hotel. The text of the press release is published on the agency's website. The Luxe Hotel developer, together with the Luxe Properties developer, will have to reconstruct the legendary bakery in the center of Moscow. The new hotel will be operated by Corinthia Hotels Group. “The developer will restore the volumetric-spatial structures of historical premises, their height and dimensions, recreate the original appearance of the most valuable architectural elements that have survived: intricate hand-made stucco molding, cartouches, caryatids, and rustic facades,” according to Moskomstroyinvest. The hotel will occupy an area of ​​40 thousand square meters. According to the plan, the hotel will have nine overground and underground floors,

Czech Republic called on NATO and Russia to return to the negotiating table

Czech Foreign Minister Kulganek called on the Russian Federation and NATO to sit down at the negotiating table and restore dialogue Czech Foreign Minister Jakub Kulganek called on Russia and NATO to sit down to the negotiating table. His words are reported by TASS. Related materials 16:32 – June 17 So we talked. How the meeting between Putin and Biden will change relations Russia and the United States? 00:01 – 27 July Diplomatic acrobatics. Turkey does not recognize Crimea and sells weapons to Ukraine. How does she manage to be friends with Russia? “Russia must abandon unnecessary provocations [in Eastern Europe]. It will be difficult, but at the same time Russia and NATO must strive to return to the negotiating table and to restore dialogue, “the Czech Foreign Minister said ahead of the meeting of the heads of the NATO foreign affairs agencies in Riga. According to Kulganek, now the