Russian doctors will do the analogue Siri

Russian doctors will do the analogue Siri The Ministry has allocated for the project is 250 million rubles. The company “speech technology Center” (MDGs) will receive a subsidy of 250 million rubles for the development of speech recognition physicians. The company won the competition of Ministry of industry and trade under the state program “Development of electronic and radioelectronic industry for 2013-2025”. Development should help doctors to get rid of large amounts of paperwork, as the new system will allow us to tell the history and purpose into the microphone. The system will be fully ready by 2020. As described in the MDGs, has already developed a prototype of the recognition of the professional language of physicians using the dictionary of medical terms. Now we are working on a software-hardware platform, which is a noise-canceling microphone, the recorder for recording when working in the field, a cloud-based service synthesis and

The Cabinet reduced the number of quotas for temporary residence in Russia to 2017

The Cabinet reduced the number of quotas for temporary residence in Russia to 2017 MOSCOW, November 18 — RIA Novosti. The government of the Russian Federation has established quotas for issuance to foreign citizens of permissions to temporary residence in Russia in 2017, reducing them by 11.9% compared to last year. The corresponding decree was published on Friday on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. “Set in 2017, the quota for issuance to foreign citizens and stateless persons 110 880 permits for temporary residence in the Russian Federation with distribution on subjects of the Russian Federation according to the Appendix”, — is spoken in the document. In 2016, the quota amounted to 125,9 thousands of permits. In reference to the decree it is noted that quotas in 2017 is set with the distribution of the subjects, their size was determined on the basis of proposals of local authorities, prepared

Moscow authorities have denied the statement of Amnesty International, an error the contract

The office of the international human rights organization Amnesty International © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, November 18. /TASS/. The termination of the lease with the international human rights organization Amnesty International was not a technical error, it was because the organization had debts on rent of office. About TASS reported the press service of the Moscow Department of city property. “The termination of the lease was not a technical mistake, it happened because of the bad faith performance of the terms of the lease the organization “Amnesty international limited”. The organization are unable to provide proof of timeliness of payments, the payments were made late and unevenly. The maximum amount of debt on lease payments amounted to 500 thousand rubles”, – said the press service. According to the Department, now with the organization re-signed a lease contract for which it is “ordered in a strict order to make monthly payments”. “The

When you fire at the construction site in the Tyumen region killed 7 people

Continued: Died in a fire in the Tyumen region were citizens of Tajikistan The fire in the Tyumen region killed seven people, according to the website of the regional Department of EMERCOM of Russia. The incident occurred in the night of Saturday, November 19. Lit residential caravans on the site of the poultry farm seven kilometers from the village Yurginskoe. Firefighters extinguished the fire within seven minutes. The fire area was 32 square meters. Three people who have received a poisoning with products of burning are hospitalized. On the night of 15 November, six people — a woman and five children died during a fire in the village of Hemp Spirovska district of Tver region. The injured man, he burns of moderate severity and shock.

Trump will pay $ 25 million to solve the case of Trump University

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump agreed Friday, November 18, to pay $ 25 million to settle court claims against its now defunct “University trump” (Trump University). Reported by the Associated Press. All structures against trump was filed two group a civil lawsuit in San Diego and one initiated by attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s civil lawsuit in new York. In accordance with the terms of the agreement, trump does not recognize the presence of any violations but agrees to pay the required. The complaints about Trump University indicated that the firm was not accredited by the school and dealt with cheating students, who paid up to 35 thousand dollars a year to learn the “secrets” of the business trump in real estate. It was alleged that the workshops were essentially promotional events where listeners were encouraged to pay more and more. If the district court approves the settlement agreement,

Lukashenko will hold a press conference for representatives of Russian media

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, on Thursday will hold a press conference for Russian regional mass media – participants of the traditional press tour in Belarus. “The event is held for the thirteenth time. In the current press conference will be attended by about 100 representatives of the media and the blogosphere from 46 regions of Russia”, — said the press service of the Belarusian leader. Before the press conference was held the traditional press tour. This time the Russian journalists got acquainted with the socio-economic development of Mogilev region. It is planned that the video stream of the press conference will start at 10.00 on the first national channel of the Belarusian radio. The TV version of the press conference will be shown in the evening broadcast on the TV channels Belarus 1, Belarus 24, ONT, and STV. The press conferences for the Russian media

“Ice Apocalypse” expects Moscow region this weekend

Weather once again presents a nasty surprise to residents of Moscow and Moscow region. Weekend in the region are expected freezing rain and sleet. Although the thermometer rises above the level held all week, a thaw will cause the ice and fog.   Air temperature in capital region will be 0…+4 degrees.   “Day (Sunday) there is a tendency to better weather, the Siberian ridge will displace all from Central Russia, so the rain will stop, the clouds uncertain the sun will come out, and 0… +2 degrees,” – told RIA Novosti in the center “Phobos”.   On the past weekend due to freezing rain in the suburbs more than 100 settlements were left without electricity. Because of the rain and the constant change of temperature on the trees formed a layer of ice, that they fell and broke power lines. Now in the readiness given about 10 thousand units

The speaker protection will appeal against his house arrest

The speaker protection will appeal against his house arrest Moscow. 16 Nov. INTERFAX.RU Protection ex-the Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev plans to appeal the decision of the court of his house arrest in the case of receiving a large bribe, reported “Interfax” his lawyer Timofei Gridnev. The day before he could not answer whether to appeal the district court’s ruling on house arrest the speaker, citing the need to learn more about the case and to consult with his client. In the night of Tuesday, November 15, SK the Russian Federation has informed on excitation of criminal case on the speaker. He was charged with extortion and receiving a bribe of $2 million According to investigators, the money, a senior official has received for the Ministry of economic development issued a positive evaluation, which allowed Rosneft to acquire state-owned shares of the company “Bashneft”. The night before

Scientists have created a GMO tobacco growing with record speed

Scientists have created a GMO tobacco growing with record speed Scientists from the USA were able to get tobacco to grow 20% faster than the norm due to the slight optimizations in the genes of photosynthesis, which caused the plant to quickly recover from “safe mode”. MOSCOW, November 18 — RIA Novosti. Scientists from the USA were able to get tobacco to grow 20% faster than the norm due to the slight optimizations in the genes of photosynthesis, which caused the plant to quickly recover from “safe mode”, according to a paper published in the journal Science. “We used tobacco for the reason that it is easier to operate, but we now make such modifications in the DNA of rice and other useful plants. Those molecular processes that we change, are common to all plants, and we hope that we will reach an equally substantial increase in the rate of

Lavrov criticized Obama for calling for Trump to repel Russia

Lavrov criticized Obama for calling for Trump to repel Russia The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov criticized US President Barack Obama urging his successor Donald trump to give, if necessary, back Russia. The Minister stated on air of TV channel “Russia 24” before the meeting in Peru on the sidelines of the APEC summit with U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry. Lavrov said the us leader’s call “sad”. “If you finish your term as President, probably better to answer some questions, give some advice that relate to positive things in regards to solve the internal problems of America, there are a lot of them. As regards the development of external relations. And on the negative to ensure the continuity, in my opinion, will not work”, — quoted Lavrov RIA Novosti.See alsoObama considers Russia a superpower The foreign Minister expressed hope that Russian-American relations common sense will prevail. However, he pointed