FSIN reported the beating Davnym cellmate

FSIN reported the beating Davnym cellmate The victim received multiple injuries to the head, state office. Moscow. 17 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Opposition activist Ildar Dading, who claimed that it used physical violence in the Karelian colony, had a fight with a fellow inmate, reports the FPS at the Karelia Republic on Thursday. The incident occurred on November 16. “Around 7.00 in Moscow in the premises of one of the units of IK-7 UFSIN Rossii po Respublike Kareliya Davnym between the convict and his cellmate there was a conflict on household soil. In the result of a verbal altercation and a fight ensued,” the statement reads. See alsoDading is ready to give evidence on the polygraph after examination Prison officials isolated the prisoners on different premises. After visiting the doctor, they were given medical assistance. Dading got a bruise in lip, the second convict, who received multiple head injuries, is currently

Manufacturers of homeopathic medicines in the United States are required to indicate on the packaging that homeopathy is unscientific

Manufacturers of homeopathic medicines in the United States are required to indicate on the packaging that homeopathy is unscientific The Federal trade Commission, which protects the rights of consumers, has obliged manufacturers of homeopathic medicines to prove the efficacy of their products. Manufacturers who refuse to comply with this requirement will be required to indicate on the packaging of the drug that the scientific evidence of its efficacy does not exist. They will also have to warn consumers that the drug was developed solely on the basis of theories of the eighteenth century, which was not recognized by most modern medical experts. Homeopathy is based on a pseudoscientific principle of “like cure like”. Its advocates propose to treat patients with heavily diluted preparations that cause healthy person symptoms similar to the symptoms of the patient. The theory of homeopathy was developed by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in the late eighteenth

The court dismissed the complaint of “Levada-Centre” to the Ministry of justice for inclusion in the registry registered as a foreign agent

The court dismissed the complaint of “Levada-Centre” to the Ministry of justice for inclusion in the registry registered as a foreign agent The organization appealed the order on inclusion in the list of foreign agents because they do not believe that she was engaged in political activities. MOSCOW, November 18. /TASS/. The Zamoskvoretsky court of Moscow on Friday rejected the claim of “Levada-Centre” to the Ministry of justice about its inclusion in the register of noncommercial organizations performing functions of a foreign agent, the correspondent of TASS. “Levada-Center” appealed the order of the Ministry of justice about the inclusion in the list of registered as foreign agents because they do not believe that the organization was engaged in political activities. As reported earlier, the Ministry of justice, in the course of unscheduled inspection of the main Department for Moscow, it was established that “Levada-the Centre” financed by foreign sources and

Named as a possible cause of the fire at the site in the Tyumen region

A fire in a trailer-shed at the construction site in the Tyumen region, in which seven people died, could start due to the circuit wiring. On Saturday, November 19, “Interfax” reported the press service of the regional Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia. “According to preliminary data, the fire occurred at the entrance to the trailer. Were there people tried to escape through the only window of the cabin,” — said the Agency. As reported on the website of the regional Prosecutor’s office, in fact the incident a criminal case under part 3 of article 219 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Infringement of requirements of fire security, entailed on imprudence death more of two persons”). The Ministry confirmed that all the dead and injured are citizens of Tajikistan. They were employees of Contracting organizations OOO “Horizon”, had a work permit and was officially employed. The fire occurred

Liner with members of the Russian delegation at the APEC summit broke down in Lisbon

Continued: the Reserve Board will take in Lisbon spare parts to repair the aircraft with reporters The plane, which flew to Peru for the APEC summit, the journalists and members of the Russian delegation, broke down in Lisbon, where it was refueling. It is planned that after eliminating the aircraft will fly to Lima. Most likely, he will arrive in Peru’s capital on Saturday evening, November 19, after the start of the summit, RIA Novosti reported. Previously when flying over the territory of Switzerland the aircraft for several minutes was accompanied by two fighter jets with the Swiss flag. First military aircraft flew under the left wing of the liner, then the right. Before they sharply swerved to the side, the pilot of one of the fighters waved a hand. In addition to participating in the working sessions, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has scheduled a number of bilateral

Russia in the UN security Council urged “not to hide under the carpet” the problems of Serbs in Kosovo

Photo: RIA Novosti Problems with the violence against the Serbian population in Kosovo must be solved, not to “hide under the carpet”. This was stated by the Deputy permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vladimir Safronkov at the meeting of the Security Council. “We are obliged to note that the situation in Kosovo remains extremely unstable. Recorded incidents of violence against the Serbian population. In order to solve them, they need not to hide under the carpet and talk about the problems”, — quotes the words Safrankova TASS. He pointed to the incident with the attack of nationalists on the Serbian pilgrims in August 2016, referred to in the UN report. “The intensity of hatred against minorities is evidence of the continuing threats, including physical security of Kosovo Serbs,” — said the diplomat. Earlier, British defense Secretary Michael Fallon said that British troops will strengthen the International security force

The intergovernmental Commission of the Russian Federation and Turkey intends to discuss the delivery of s-400

© Sergei Savostyanov/TASS LISBON, 19 Nov. /TASS/. A meeting of the intergovernmental Commission of Russia and Turkey will soon be held in Russia. About it told journalists the head of Federal service for military-technical cooperation Alexander Fomin, which is included in the Russian delegation at the APEC summit. On the way to Lima, which will host the summit, the delegation made a stop in the Portuguese capital.

Died in a fire in the Tyumen region were citizens of Tajikistan

The people who died in the fire at the poultry farm near the village Yurginskoe the Tyumen region, were citizens of Tajikistan, reported RIA Novosti.   In addition, the number of deaths in a fire the man had risen to seven, as rescuers found the body of another person. Three hospitalized in connection with a poisoning with burning products.   Earlier it became known that the fire occurred at 1:49 on 19 November on the construction site of the poultry farm. The first unit of firefighters arrived at the call after 8 minutes after ignition. There were three pieces of equipment and eight personnel. Photo: EMERCOM of Russia

Varvara Karaulov spoke with the recruiter IG with class 10

Varvara Karaulov spoke with the recruiter IG with class 10 Originally she thought he is not a Muslim, and pagan. MOSCOW, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. Student of Moscow state University Alexander Ivanov (Varvara Karaulov), accused of trying to join is banned in Russia and other countries of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG), talked with my recruiter since 10th grade and at first thought that he is not a Muslim, and pagan. See alsothe Student of Moscow state University V. Karaulov pleaded guilty in terrorism case Varvara Karaulov, later changed his name and became Alexandra Ivanova, was arrested in October 2015 for attempting to join ISIS. Being a second year student of Moscow state University, Karaulova secret from the parents flew to Istanbul, where he was detained with a group of Russians, allegedly attempting to enter Syria, found FSB. “We met with Ayrat Samatvam in 2012, I was in