Onf will discuss the outcome of three years of work on the “Forum actions”

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS, archive MOSCOW, November 22. /TASS/. The results of the work of the Russian popular front (onf) in the three years since the creation of social movements, the execution of the may decrees of the President and plans for the future will be the key themes of the “Forum actions”, which opens in Moscow, the forum will pass the next Congress of the organization. The forum will be attended by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

Forum on corporate volunteerism held in Moscow

In Moscow on 8 December will be the forum “Corporate volunteering: business and society”. About it reported in a press release received by the editors”.ru”. The event will feature more than 70 speakers, including: senior consultant, IAVE – The International Association for Volunteer Effort, Ken Allen, chief editor of “echo of Moscow” Alexei Venediktov, Deputy Minister of natural resources and environment Murad Kerimov, managing Director of the Fund” Public opinion” Larisa Pautova and Director of corporate communications and public relations, “Philip Morris Seylz end Marketing” Irina Zhukova. The main task will be the analysis of experience of corporate volunteering in Russia and abroad, and the reproduction of successful practices, a discussion of possible ways of development and strengthening of multi-sectoral partnerships, “business – society – government”. “The experience of leading companies shows clearly that corporate volunteering is an important tool for meaningful social change, and corporate communications,” — said the

In an accident with a school bus in the United States killed six children

In the U.S. city of Chattanooga, Tennessee, a school bus rolled over and crashed into a tree. In the accident, six children died, another 23 were hospitalized. About it reports on Tuesday, November 22, the Fox News channel. 24-year-old driver of the vehicle, Dantoni Walker (Johnthony Walker) was arrested, reports the Associated Press. He was indicted on five counts. In particular, he is accused of violation of traffic rules, resulting in death and reckless driving. — Chattanooga FireDept (@ChattFireDept) 21 November 2016, 22:23 It is noted that five people died on the spot, another died in the hospital. Only the car were 35 children of different ages. The youngest of them went to kindergarten, the older ones in the fifth grade. The reasons and circumstances of incident being investigated. As noted by RIA Novosti, this was the third accident involving school bus in Tennessee for the last week. On 19

Japan admitted the possibility of joint activities with Russia on the South Kuril Islands

Tokyo does not exclude the possibility of joint economic activities on southern Kuriles. This was stated by foreign Minister Fumio Kishida.   “In General, it is not denied, but it is extremely important not to harm the legal status of our country”, – quotes words of the Minister Japanese news Agency “Kyodo”.   On the eve of the capital of Peru Lima on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific economic cooperation (APEC) held a meeting of the head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. Immediately after this in the Japanese media there were messages on possible joint economic activities of States on the four Islands the southern Kurils.   Tokyo believes that the Islands of Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomai her, referring to the Treatise on trade and borders of 1855. In turn, Moscow stressed that the southern Kuriles became part of the Soviet

The number of victims of the train crash in India has reached 63 people

The number of victims of the train crash in India has reached 63 people In India the number of victims as a result of the derailment of a passenger train, EN route from Patna to Indore, there are now 63 people and 150 injured. It is reported by The Times of India. According to local officials, about 150 people were taken to nearby hospitals. On the scene there are more than 30 ambulances and rescue operation involved more than 250 police officers. Due to rescue operations section of the road remains blocked. The representative of Railways Anil Saxena told the publication that the number of casualties could rise. Some passengers remain locked inside the train. 45 killed, 150 injured as Indore-Patna express train derails in UP For more details: https://t.co/4UlrcS6BS2 pic.twitter.com/5VXz5Etaub — Times of India (@timesofindia) on 20 November 2016. A passenger train derailed near the town of Pokhran in

Village of isolated tribe filmed from the air

Village of isolated tribe filmed from the air The Network published a unique photograph of the settlement of the Brazilian Yanomami, made from the air. The footage shows the dwelling of one of the tribal communities, so-called shabono — placed in the circle of straw boards, under each of which is one family. In the center of the circle, under the open sky, are the inhabitants of the settlement, with interest looking at the aircraft. Photos of the village, located near the border with Venezuela, publishes The Independent. The Yanomami tribe (or Yanomamo), numbering about 35,000 members, dwellings which are scattered in an area of 9.6 million hectares, is one of the most isolated in the world. Contacts with the outside world are minimized. Yanomami perceive all people as their distant relatives who speak distorted Yanomami languages, not dividing them into Nations. Identity happens in the village, the Yanomami do

Sarkozy conceded defeat in the primaries in France

Sarkozy conceded defeat in the primaries in France Moscow. 21 Nov. INTERFAX.RU Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy conceded defeat on the last Sunday of the primaries of the right and centrists, according to BFM TV. He said this, speaking at his campaign headquarters in Paris. Sarkozy also said that in the second round of primaries will support the candidacy of françois Fillon. #LaPrimaire #Sarkozy’appelle ce soir à voter pour #Fillon, son ancien Premier ministre en tête des voix pic.twitter.com/lo7cPU1SbD — BFMTV (@BFMTV) 20 Nov 2016 Thus, Sarkozy out of the presidential race in France, although the results of the voting in the primaries have not yet fully counted. According to exit polls, they are the leaders Francois Fillon (44%) and Alain Juppe (28%), Sarkozy — the third place (21%). MISE A JOUR. NKM passe devant Bruno Le Maire. https://t.co/43i9Z5GmeE pic.twitter.com/YVViv1m9z3 — BFMTV (@BFMTV) 20 Nov 2016 The French socialists have

Representatives of the state in corporations proposed to punish for poor performance

State representatives in boards of Directors and Supervisory boards of companies and corporations with state participation will be liable for the improper performance of their duties. According to the newspaper “Izvestia”, the relevant amendments to KoAP develops Ministry of economic development. Development of amendments to the legislation is conducted on behalf of the government. The need for this action the Department explained that now in the Russian legislation such responsibility is absent. Chairman of MDM Bank Board of Directors and an independent Director of Directors of “Rosneft” Oleg Vyugin said that the government instructions on development of amendments to the administrative code is a response to two cases in which representatives of States that had to vote on the Directive voted otherwise. Under the proposals, a breach will be considered even in the absence on the ballot. For the first misconduct of representatives of the state will be fined on

The state Department warned Americans about the risk of terrorist attacks in Europe

The Department of state warns U.S. citizens about the increased risk of terrorist attacks throughout Europe, especially during the upcoming holidays. This is stated in the message on the Agency’s website, updated on Monday, November 21. As explained, there is credible information that the organization “Islamic state”, al-Qaeda and their affiliates continue to plan terrorist attacks in Europe, especially during the holidays. You must be prepared for the fact that during this period, extremists and their sympathizers can attack almost without warning, using various tactics, according to the Agency. Citizens are advised to exercise caution on the festivities, festivals, outdoor markets. Should be alert during the visit tourist and religious sites, restaurants and hotels, using public transport, to avoid the crowd. The warning is valid till 20 Feb 2017. “The European authorities continue to conduct raids, and to disrupt terrorist conspiracies. We continue to work closely with our European allies,