Russia raised in the UN security Council the question of the water blockade of the Crimea

© Artyom Geodakyan/TASS UN 23 Nov. /Offset. TASS Oleg Zelenin/. Russia drew Tuesday attention of the UN Security Council on water blockade of the Crimea, carried out by the Ukrainian side. Speaking at the security Council meeting, the first Deputy permanent representative of the Russian Federation at the world organization Pyotr Ilyichev stressed that the deliberate actions of the Kiev authorities violate human rights and a number of international humanitarian norms.

Putin presented Patriarch Kirill

Patriarch Kirill and Vladimir Putin Patriarch Kirill presented the order “For merits before Fatherland” I degree during the celebration of the jubilee of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. It is reported by RT. The Patriarch received the award personally from the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. The decree on awarding the order was signed on November 19. November 20, Patriarch Kirill was 70 years old. In November 2006, the Patriarch was awarded the order “For merits before Fatherland” II degree, and in August 2000 received the order “For merits before Fatherland” III degree. In addition, he was awarded the following state decorations: order of Alexander Nevsky, the order of Friendship the order of Friendship of peoples. In addition, Cyril, in the world Vladimir Gundyayev, was presented to regional, departmental and foreign awards, including medals of the unrecognized States.

Trump refused to prosecute Clinton e-mail scandal

Donald trump and Hillary Clinton The US President-elect Donald trump has decided not to pursue its rival in the election campaign Hillary Clinton the case of her electronic correspondence. This was announced on Tuesday, November 22, the Manager of the headquarters of the Republican Kellyann Conway in an interview with MSNBC. “When the President-elect said before the inauguration that he did not want to press charges, it sends a very definite and clear message,” said Conway. November 14, trump said he will consider the appointment of a special Prosecutor to investigate the case involving the correspondence of former U.S. Secretary of state Clinton. The politician said that while he intends to focus on other issues. “I must first think about jobs, about the health care system, on migration issues, in particular, on a good immigration bill,” he said. Conway herself had not ruled out the possibility of conducting a separate

The defense Ministry responded to the statement of the state Department about the deployment of “Iskander” near Kaliningrad

Missile complex “Iskander-M” © Yuri Smityuk/TASS MOSCOW, November 22. /TASS/. USA pose a threat to security, saturating Europe with weapons. This was stated by the official representative of Russian defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov, commenting on the statement of the state Department about the location of the systems s-400 complexes “Iskander” in the Kaliningrad region. Earlier, state Department spokesman rear Admiral John Kirby said that the presence of anti-aircraft missile systems s-400 and operational-tactical missile complexes “Iskander” in the Kaliningrad region is a “threat to European security.”

Russia not affected by sanctions of EU for the supply of fuel to Syria – defense Ministry

Russia does not affect existing EU sanctions on fuel supplies to Syria. This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia major-General Igor Konashenkov.   “Operating inside the European Union intrigue, restrictions and sanctions for the supply of fuel to the Syrian Arab Republic, air group VC Russia, to put it mildly, do not touch” – he stressed.   Konashenkov also said that the shortage of fuel for aviation VKS RF, no and not expected, especially since it concerns the fight against international terrorism.   Earlier, several British media reported that the Russian tankers supplying fuel for aviation of the Russian Federation, allegedly in violation of EU sanctions. Photo: Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation

The court arrested two more persons involved in the preparation of sabotage in the Crimea

The court arrested two more persons involved in the preparation of sabotage in the Crimea The Kiev district court of Simferopol arrested two more defendants in the case of the preparation according to the instructions of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine of diversions on objects of infrastructure of the Crimea. About it “RIA Novosti” reported in the court. Arrest Stogniy and Sable was made last week, the court session was held behind closed doors and became aware of it only on Monday, November 21, the Agency said. See alsothe Court in Sevastopol arrested three alleged Ukrainian saboteurs On 10 November, the FSB announced the detention in the Sevastopol members of subversive groups of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine, which, according to intelligence agencies, was preparing acts of sabotage on military installations in the Crimea. On the same day, three suspects were arrested by the Lenin court of Sevastopol.

Goalkeeper “Tractor” danced on the ice under the Strauss waltzes.

Goalkeeper “Tractor” danced on the ice under the Strauss waltzes. One of the goalkeepers of the Chelyabinsk hockey club “Tractor” during a workout to dance on the ice under the work of Johann Strauss “the blue Danube”. Video episode posted user Andre Mark on YouTube. Hockey player, to identify which failed because of the mask and the lack of numbers on the equipment, demonstrated the skills of the skater, for which he received applause from teammates.

The Prime Minister: there is no guarantee that trump “comfortable” President

The Prime Minister: there is no guarantee that trump “comfortable” President Donald trump is elected as the 45th President of the United States, he defeated in the election of Democrat Hillary Clinton that Russia is perceived positively. MOSCOW, Nov 21 — RIA Novosti. Moscow and Washington have serious work to do to restore confidence in the fight against terrorism, but there is no guarantee that in this sense, won the elections in the United States Donald trump is for the Russian Federation “comfortable” the President said in an interview with RIA Novosti Director of the Department of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on the issues of new challenges and threats Ilya Rogachev. See alsodo Not panic: how in the world took the victory trump He recalled that the anti-terror “was and remains one of the priority areas of our cooperation with the Americans.” Although, according to him, this does

The capture of Russian troops in the Crimea compared with piracy

Franz Klintsevich First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Franz Klintsevich believes that the Russian soldiers in the Crimea might have been kidnapped to exchange for earlier detained on the Peninsula saboteurs. This opinion Senator said in comments to the editors”.ru” on Tuesday, November 22. “We have every reason to believe that this provocation was authorized by the highest officials of Ukraine. I do not exclude that pursued quite specific goal — to exchange abducted by Russian military on Ukrainian saboteurs detained in the Crimea”, — said the Senator. According to him, the incident — “piracy in its worst forms”. Klintsevich also expressed hope that Ukraine “has already received a notice about what will Russia’s position be if this ugly incident will remain unresolved”. Earlier Tuesday, Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called the detention and removal warrant officer Maxim Odintsov and younger Sergeant of contract

The OPCW agreed to accept Russia sample traces of chemical weapons from Aleppo

The organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) expressed its willingness to examine samples taken by Russian experts after the use of prohibited substances in the Syrian city of Aleppo. On Tuesday, November 22, reported in a statement on the organization’s website. “These samples and other materials may be used in the ongoing work of the OPCW mission to establish facts [of chemical weapons]”, — stated in the message. As specified in the document, taking into account the difficult situation in Aleppo, the organization’s representatives are ready to obtain samples from the Russian side in Damascus or the Hague. On 21 November, the Russian defense Ministry confirmed the alleged use of chemical weapons by opposition forces in the South-West of Aleppo. Insights on the use of ammunition chlorine and white phosphorus have been made on the basis of the Express-identification of the nine samples taken in the quarter, “1070”.