Sands has justified the deployment of missiles on the Kuril Islands

Dmitry Peskov The deployment of missile complexes “Bastion” and “Ball” on the Kuril Islands is justified and should not affect Russian-Japanese relations. On Wednesday, November 23, said press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov, reports TASS. Answering the journalists ‘ question about the missile deployment, the Kremlin’s spokesman said: “of Course, it has its justification”. To learn more, he recommended that the Ministry of defence. “However, from our point of view, of course, this should not affect the rapid trends that currently exist in our bilateral relationship with Tokyo,” — said Peskov. According to him, this applies both to the preparation of the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Japan, and negotiations on the issue of a peace Treaty between the two countries. Missile systems were stationed in the Kuril Islands on November 22. “Bastion” on duty on the island of Iturup, Bal — on Kunashir. In 1956, Moscow

Former CIA chief Petraeus expressed the desire to enter a team in the trump

David Petraeus The former head of the CIA David Petraeus announced his agreement to enter into a new administration if he gets an offer from the elected President of the USA of Donald trump. About it reports BBC News. Answering the question about willingness to take the post in the emerging us administration, the General replied: “I was in such a situation, when the President called me into the Oval office [the White house] and asked to lead the international security assistance force in Afghanistan. The only answer can be: “Yes, Mr. President””. November 20 this year, trump confirmed reports that it is considering the candidacy of a retired General of the marine Corps James Mattis to head the Pentagon. A day earlier, the newspaper The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that one of the potential candidates for the post of head of the defense Department is Petraeus. Among other

Shoigu: training of military in terms of modernization is of particular importance

The Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu © Press-service of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation/TASS KUBINKA (Moscow region), 23 Nov. /TASS/. Training and retraining of military personnel in terms of large-scale rearmament of the army and Navy acquire a special importance, said in greeting the participants of the gathering “Military education in the service of the Fatherland,” the Russian defense Minister, army General Sergei Shoigu. “In terms of large-scale rearmament of the army and Navy and developing new forms and methods of warfare, issues of training, retraining and advanced training of military personnel acquire a special importance,” reads the text read by Deputy defence Minister Nikolai Pankov. According to the Minister, the modern military specialist must possess a strong fundamental knowledge and certain practical skills in deploying troops, weapons and military equipment and to direct military units in combat and combat training missions.

Work on the Kerch bridge froze: video

Work on the site of the Crimean bridge, stopped for a few seconds. Thus, builders have joined the growing world popularity of the flash mob “Stop time” – #mannequinchallenge.   Installers frozen in their jobs at the time of the reinforcement plate of the carriageway on the island of Tuzla. To create the effect of stillness is the essence of the flashmob already tried thousands of people in different countries.   For a short time in social networks posted about a million commercials with the rising popularity of the hashtag. #mannequinchallenge. In natural project involves everything from singers to deputies of the state Duma.   The idea is to remove the rollers when they all freeze in a certain position, necessarily the song black Beatles American hip hop Duo RAE Simard. In the viewer there is a strange sense of the end times. It is believed that the game came

In Tatarstan condemned the teacher for having sex with a schoolgirl

In Tatarstan condemned the teacher for having sex with a schoolgirl The woman received a suspended sentence and banned her from teaching for six years. KAZAN, 21 Nov — RIA Novosti, Irina Durnitsyna. Almetyevsk city court on Monday sentenced a local school teacher her come Khusainov found guilty of sexual relations with a 15-year-old student, to three years imprisonment, reported RIA Novosti a source in the Prosecutor’s office. The verdict of the court sentenced to three years of imprisonment conditionally with a trial period three years.the source in Prosecutor’s office He noted that the state Prosecutor asked punishment in the form of 4,5 years of imprisonment. In addition, according to him, the woman is prohibited from teaching for six years. “The state charge intends to appeal the verdict for the softness,” — said the source. See alsoMizulina proposed to impose a lifetime supervision of pedophiles According to investigatory management SK

In the United States are investigating the drone down, running Facebook

In the United States are investigating the drone down, running Facebook Security Agency of the USA is investigating an incident involving a drone down solar, which was launched on Facebook in experimental mode. It is reported Bloomberg. We are talking about the giant drone Aquilla, which in the future will be able to fly at altitude 18 000 meters above the Earth and provide wireless Internet access hard to reach places on the planet. Its wingspan exceeds the wingspan of a Boeing 737. The machine is equipped with four electric motors. His first test took place on 28 June 2016. The machine rose into the sky near Yuma, and then fell sharply. The incident caused a “system error”, no one was hurt. According to Bloomberg, falling of the flying machine was one of several setbacks the company this year: earlier, Facebook has lost the satellite due to the explosion of

In place of Alexei Ulyukayev, few people want to be

In place of Alexei Ulyukayev, few people want to be Vacancy of the head of the Ministry may make more attractive the status of Deputy Prime Minister. The chair of the Minister of economy of the Russian Federation, left Alexei Ulyukaev, has remained vacant for most of the potential candidates for appointment would be more of a demotion and involve risks that at least some bidders are not willing to bear without the status of Deputy Prime Minister. As a result, the search for a new head of the economy can lead to a return to the White house ideas on the reform of departments, or the entire economic unit. Pause with the appointment of the new economy Minister following the resignation of Alexei Ulyukayev was delayed — it is possible that the name of the new Minister not to be named to the presidential address at the beginning of

The Russian foreign Ministry is concerned about the establishment of the government of Croatia working group on Ukraine

© Gennady Homeland/TASS MOSCOW, November 22. /TASS/. Russia is concerned about the establishment of the government of Croatia working group on cooperation with Ukraine, in a range of tasks which it is supposed to allow transfer to Kiev of the Croatian experience “the peaceful reintegration of the occupied territories,” supposedly applicable to Donetsk and Lugansk. This is stated in released today by the comments of the Russian foreign Ministry.

In the Urals, the conductor put a nine year old on the bus in 30-degree frost

In Ekaterinburg the conductor of the bus has forced 9-year-old girl, lost travel, to walk in the 30 degree cold. This was reported by the mother of a schoolgirl Irina Katysheva, reports the portal Tuesday, November 22. “Humanly speaking, the employee has done wrong. The complaints are checked out, are the circumstances,” — commented on the incident at the city motor company. According to Koltysheva, November 18, her daughter came back from the city club for children and teenagers Karavella home on the bus 18-th route. On the way, the girl lost travel. “She drove the bus in the cold, and she had to walk the Decembrists, in fact, not so much — 3 stops, but in the cold, a small child,” said the woman. Against the conductor addressed not only the child’s mother, but one of the passengers of the bus. 3 August it was reported about the

Trump expressed a desire to get along with Putin

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump expressed a desire to get along with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. He stated this in an interview with The New York Times. The trump rejected the idea of naming any warming of relations “reset”, referring to the unsuccessful attempt of former Secretary of state Hillary Clinton. “I would not use that term after what happened,” — said the politician. He also confirmed that he had a telephone conversation with Putin, but did not disclose its details. Turning to the issue of the Syrian settlement, trump said that “we must put an end to the craziness that is going on in this country.” Putin’s conversation with the tramp took place on 14 November. They are, as noted in a press-service of the Kremlin, agreed that Russian-American relations are in “extremely poor condition”. Also the two leaders spoke in favour of active collaboration in their