Trump admitted that he liked Obama

Trump admitted that he liked Obama NEW YORK, November 23. /Offset. TASS Kirill Volkov/. The US President-elect Donald trump after meeting Barack Obama came to the conclusion that he likes the current U.S. leader. This Republican said Tuesday during a meeting with journalists of the newspaper the New York Times. “I didn’t know if he liked me. I thought, probably not,” said trump, speaking about the White house. However, “I really liked it,” admitted the President-elect. Video100 days of presidency: Donald trump will start an audit of heritage Obama According to the billionaire, until Obama meeting in Washington, which occurred a few days after trump’s victory in the elections, he was not familiar with the American leader. However, their first conversation went very well recognized businessman. “I had a great meeting with President Obama,” he said. During the election campaign trump has said that he believes Obama is the worst

Putin has threatened to dismiss the officials who have become academics

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, November 23. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he intends to make personnel decisions regarding senior officials from the Administration of the head of state of several ministries and the FSB, which became the academicians and member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences despite his instruction not to combine doing science and the civil service. At the meeting of the Council on science and education Putin has demanded from the head of the RAS Vladimir Fortov to answer why the number of academicians were elected officials in spite of his recommendation not to do so. In response, the President of the Academy assured that the applicants met all requirements.

Commemorative plaque Nemtsov will appear in Nizhny Novgorod

In Nizhny Novgorod will appear in the plaque of a former Governor of the region Boris Nemtsov. The decision to install unanimously adopted the city Duma, said on Wednesday, November 23, “Interfax”. “The first Governor of Nizhny Novgorod region is worthy of the house where he lived, there was a plaque,” said Deputy mayor Elizabeth Solonenko. Nemtsov was spelled out in the house at the Agronomy the street but grew up on the street Krylov. Which of the houses scheduled appearance of the plate, and the timing of its installation, is not specified. The plaque will be installed at the expense of private donations. In October in the city hall of Moscow found it impossible to install a memorial plaque at the place of death of the policy — the Big Moskvoretsky bridge. According to a source in the city administration, it is contrary to the current regulatory framework. He

The European Parliament approved a resolution on countering Russian propaganda

The European Parliament (EP) adopted a resolution on countering hostile to the European Union’s external propaganda emanating in particular from Russia. This was reported on the website of the EP. The document States that the hostile propaganda against the EU and its member States are aimed at distorting the truth, a split between the EU and its North American partners, the difficulty of the decision-making process, the discrediting of the institutions of government, intended to cause fear and uncertainty among citizens Association. “The Russian government uses a wide range of instruments: analytical centers […], multilingual television channels (RT), pseudo-news Agency (Sputnik) […], social media and Internet trolls, with a focus on the division of Europe and creating a false impression about the disagreements between the EU countries and their Eastern neighbours”, — the document says. The resolution States that Moscow is funding political parties and other organisations within the EU,

Syria army conducts large-scale offensive in Aleppo

Syria army conducts large-scale offensive against rebel positions in Eastern Aleppo. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the Lebanese TV channel “al-Mayadin”.   Fierce fighting continues in the district of ARD al-Hamra in the North-East of the city, and for the height of the Jebel, Badro.   Victory in these battles will allow Syrian troops to stop the constant mortar shelling from the territories controlled by militants.   It is also reported that the district for which we are currently fighting in the strategically important area Masakin-Khan, which actually opens the passage from North in the Eastern areas of Aleppo.   Lately the fighting in Aleppo has hardened, the terrorists of banned groups continue to hold thousands of civilians.

In Fukushima Prefecture after a massive earthquake announced the threat of a tsunami

In Fukushima Prefecture after a massive earthquake announced the threat of a tsunami According to the national meteorological management of Japan, tsunami wave height of at least 3 meters should hit the North-Eastern part of the country in the near future. TOKYO, November 22. /Offset. TASS Igor Belyaev, Alexey Sarachev/. A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake occurred to the North-East of the main Japanese island of Honshu. According to the National meteorological management of Japan announced a tsunami threat. The live stream is channel NHK. Video on social media showing trains stopped during #JapanEarthquake . #Tsunami warning issued Ali Al Shouk (@alialshouk) 21 Nov 2016. The epicenter was located East of Fukushima Prefecture, and the focus lies at a depth of 10 km under the ocean floor. After the quake, the National meteorological office Japan warned that the coasts of the Prefecture is a tsunami up to three meters. For

Nearly four billion people in the world use the Internet

Nearly four billion people in the world use the Internet GENEVA, 22 Nov — RIA Novosti, Elizabeth Isakov. Nearly 4 billion people worldwide use the Internet, says the report of the International telecommunication Union (MTS), published on Tuesday. According to MTS, 3.9 billion people do not use the Internet. Mostly women, the elderly, poorly educated, low-income people to and from villages. In order to allow more people went to the network, the authors propose to reduce socio-economic inequality, since education and income are key indicators that determine, is or not people Internet. MTS also indicate a sharp increase in mobile Internet users. The report notes that at the end of 2016, there were almost as many mobile phone users, much of the population on the planet. With 95% of people in the world live in areas where there is a cellular connection. At the same time in MTS underline that

Kaliningrad refuses the election of the mayor

Kaliningrad refuses the election of the mayor The acting head of the Kaliningrad region Anton Alikhanov introduced in the legislative Assembly a bill abolishing the elections of the mayor of Kaliningrad. He explained “Kommersant” that the project is “the overall Federal trend”, and in Kaliningrad due to “decades of confrontation between regional and city authorities.” A similar initiative is being discussed in the Voronezh region. If the amendments in the two regions are approved, that the popular election of heads will be only nine of 82 regional centers. According to the draft, which Mr. Alikhanov introduced in the legislative Assembly, the regional center introduced a double-headed system of governance: the head of municipality, will be the speaker of the city Council and the administration will be headed by the appointed city Manager. As reported by “Kommersant” Mr. Alikhanov, the project “is not the first freshness” and “it was discussed long

Sands: the deployment of missiles on the Kuril Islands reasonable, but will not affect the talks with Japan

Shore-based missile complexes “Ball” © Yuri Smityuk/TASS MOSCOW, November 23. /TASS/. The placement of missiles on the Kuril Islands has a rationale, but this should not affect the negotiations with Tokyo, including on the issue of a peace Treaty. This was stated press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on media reports that Russia has placed on the Kuril Islands of Iturup and Kunashir coastal missile complexes “Bastion” and “Ball”.