The media learned about the plans for the reorganization of the presidential administration

Anton Vaino In the near future the administration of the President of Russia is going to be reorganized, which resulted in the number of departments could be reduced at least twice. The corresponding order, according to the newspaper “Kommersant”, prepared by the head of Department Anton Vaino. According to the source, initially it was discussed that 21, the office will turn into 8-9. Close to the presidential administration source also admitted that the changes will be known next week, after 1 December, Russian President Vladimir Putin will deliver a message to the Federal Assembly. That in the presidential administration began to actively discuss the reorganization plans, which may begin with the reform of the political bloc, “Kommersant” wrote on October 19. Interlocutors of the edition noted that the office “there is a trend towards consolidation”, as expressed in the fusion offices. Then one of the sources described the discussion of

Abe expressed regret over the deployment of Russian missiles in the southern Kurils

Shinzo Abe Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he regretted the placement of the southern Kuril Islands of the Russian rocket complexes. Such statement as transfers RIA Novosti, he made at a meeting of the upper house of Parliament. “We passed through diplomatic channels their sorrow, as it does not coincide with the position of our country,” said Abe. In addition, the Prime Minister said that his country’s position on the issue of the four Islands of the South Kuril Islands has not undergone any changes. Missile complexes “Bastion” and “Ball” were placed in the Kuril Islands on November 22. “Bastion” on duty on the island of Iturup, Bal — on Kunashir. On 23 November foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said that the government will respond to the emergence of Russian anti-ship missiles. Earlier in the day, the press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that the deployment of missile complexes

The Russians consider to be most important for onf problems of medicine, employment, environment

Photo: RIA Novosti The Russians consider the health problems of employment, quality of housing and communal services and environmental issues as key areas to focus Russian popular front (onf), the fight against corruption in government as a priority called a little less than a third of respondents, and the least relevant to the work of the movement considered the issue of protection of entrepreneurs, it follows from the results of a survey of the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion. On the eve of the Moscow hosted the final in this year’s “action Forum” onf. The poll was conducted November 12-13, 2016 among 1,600 respondents through telephone interviews. The statistical error for the sample does not exceed 2.5%. The survey asked respondents to Express an opinion about which areas should focus their work on the onf in their city or area, respondents could choose no more than five of

American military killed in Syria

In Syria killed an American soldier. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the command of the United States in the middle East (CENTCOM).   The incident occurred in the North of Syria near the town of ain Issa. The American military was blown up by an improvised explosive device. Details of the incident are not disclosed.   As previously stated in the Pentagon, currently in Syria there are groups of us special forces. They help the local forces in the fight against banned terrorist organization “Islamic state”, but operate without the consent of the Syrian government. According to official data, the US special forces did not join in the fighting with the terrorists and is engaged in the exploration and training of local groups. Photo:

Bastrykin said, what was the reason of the tragedy on the Syamozero

Bastrykin said, what was the reason of the tragedy on the Syamozero According to him, the imperfection of the legal regulation of children’s activities contributes to the Commission of crimes in this sphere. MOSCOW, November 23 — RIA Novosti. The imperfection of the legal regulation of children’s activities contributes to the Commission of crimes in this sphere, including such as the tragedy on the Syamozero in Karelia, said the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin at the meeting of the Board of the Russian IC. “I would like to emphasize that the investigation of some criminal cases, including the Syamozero, it is established that one of the conditions conducive to these crimes, is the imperfection of normative-legal regulation of children’s activities”, — said Bastrykin at the meeting, devoted to the consideration of crime reports and investigating criminal cases on the facts of violation of rights

Scientists urged to stop lying to children about Santa Claus

Scientists urged to stop lying to children about Santa Claus American psychologists recommend parents not to hide from their children the truth that Santa Claus doesn’t exist. A study published in the Lancet Psychiatry, about it reports the edition EurekAlert! According to psychologists, lying about the existence of Santa Claus can be devastating for children as one of its motivations is the desire of the parents believe in it and thus to return to childhood. According to scientists, when children learn that Christmas wizard who lives at the North pole to appreciate the actions of others, including their lies, is fiction, puts children in a difficult moral situation. Meanwhile, according to psychologists, to trick the children sometimes makes sense. For example, when a beloved pet dies, it makes more sense to say that a cat or a dog caught in a “special place” and not to talk about their “reincarnation”

The approval rating of Putin peaked in 2012

The approval rating of Putin peaked in 2012 Moscow. 23 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the Share of Russians approve of the activities of Vladimir Putin as President of Russia, peaked in 2012, then the figure was at 63%, now 86%, reported “Interfax” in the “Levada-Center”. Dissatisfied with the work of Putin’s 14% of Russians. According to sociologists, the increased approval ratings of Dmitry Medvedev as Prime Minister: up to 52% now versus 48% in October. Not approve of his job as Prime Minister, 47% of citizens (against 51% a month ago). Commending the work of the Russian government, 50% of Russians said they were satisfied with the Cabinet of Ministers, and 49% dissatisfied. The activities of the State Duma approve 44%, disapprove — 54%. The activities of their governors (in Moscow mayor — if) satisfied 56% of respondents, and 43% — no. Respondents were also asked to name 5-6 politicians, public

The daughter of the Chairman of legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg fell out of Windows of flats

In St. Petersburg killed Anastasia Soltan, daughter crashed in a car accident, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the city of Pavel Soltan. On Thursday, November 24, on his page in “Vkontakte” reported the girl’s sister Veronica. According to “Fontanka”, 22-year-old girl fell from the apartment window. “Nastia is no longer alive,” wrote Veronica Soltan. The circumstances of his death she said, adding that the day before the tragedy, Anastasia has decided not to undergo rehabilitation after the accident and moved in with his girlfriend. According to “Rosbalt”, the girl fell from a height of 12 floors. On the website of the Investigative Committee of Russia (SKR) across St.-Petersburg States that “late in the evening on 24 November at one of the houses on the street Butlerov was found the body 22-the summer local resident”. “According to preliminary data, the woman committed suicide, for reasons that are set,” said