Russian experts: the militants had used mustard gas against civilians in Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian military experts have proven militants use chemical warfare agent mustard gas against the civilian population in the province of Aleppo in Syria. Ammunition was applied in September in the village of Marat-Um-Haouch experts said, the Troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation. “Express analysis of content was conducted using a portable infrared spectrometer showed the presence of a chemical warfare agent skin-blister agents mustard gas. Of ammunition selected about 20 ml of sample, the ammunition is sealed and delivered to the Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Aleppo city for further studies,” the experts said. Unexploded chemical ammunition was discovered during the survey of the village of Marat-Um-Haouch near the soldiers ‘ barracks. It is a homemade mine with 240 mm filling hole in the rear. Its contents – a black oily liquid with a volume

Russian military helicopters entered the top best in the world

Reconnaissance and attack helicopter Ka-52 “alligator” has entered the world top among the fastest helicopters. The rating of leading Swedish newspaper Expressen.   The top also includes shock Mi-28N “Night hunter”, transport-combat Mi-35 heavy multi-purpose military transport helicopter Mi-26.   The maximum speed that develops the Ka-52, 350 kilometers per hour. Also, this helicopter is unmatched maneuverability. The coaxial design of the rotors allows the helicopter to make shapes, including the “Funnel”. Backwards and sideways, this helicopter can fly at speeds up to 100 km/h.   In the first place experimental hybrid Eurocopter. In 2013, he set a record speed of 472 km / h. Photo: Alexey Ivanov / TRK “Star”

Vice-President of “ALROSA” was injured during a collapse at the mine

Vice-President of “ALROSA” was injured during a collapse at the mine YAKUTSK, November 25. /Offset. TASS Susanna Rozhina/. Vice-President of company ALROSA injured in the collapse at the mine in the diamond field in a Good Mirny district of Yakutia, told TASS in the press service of the company. According to a source in the company suffered the first Vice President Igor Sobolev. The victims are fractures in Udachninskiy city hospital. At the time of emergency at the mine were 209 people, including the President of ALROSA Andrey Zharkov, he was not injured. On the eve Zharkov told reporters that on 25 November there will be a meeting of the Board of the company in a Good, in which there was a visit to the mine. At the moment mine is “Good” works in a regular mode, reported to ALROSA. A Good pipe — diamond mine in Yakutia.

The revision of the thesis Medinsky possible at MSU in January

The revision of the thesis Medinsky possible at MSU in January For consideration of the thesis highlighted two months. MOSCOW, November 25. /TASS/. The Presidium of the HAC requested the academic Council of Moscow state University. Lomonosov revise the dissertation of the Minister of culture of Russia Vladimir Medinsky, what is likely to happen in January. About this TASS said the head of the Higher attestation Commission (HAC), rector of PFUR Vladimir Filippov. “Today the Presidium of the Higher attestation Commission has decided to send his thesis Medina at the conclusion of the dissertation Council on historical Sciences at the Moscow state University… most Likely it will be in the month of January,” said Philip, adding that for consideration of the thesis highlighted two months. The head of the HAC explained the decision to charge to consider the thesis of Medina MSU fact that it is “the largest educational and

Turchynov: Kyiv will not conduct missile tests in the Kerch Strait

Turchynov: Kyiv will not conduct missile tests in the Kerch Strait KYIV, November 25 — RIA Novosti. Ukraine is not planning to conduct missile tests in the Kerch Strait, said the Secretary of Council of national security and defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov. On Friday, the Federal air transport Agency reported that Ukraine in violation of all international agreements unilaterally decided to organize the 1 and 2 December rocket fire into the sovereign air space of Russia in Simferopol. Rosaviatsia on Friday demanded that the Ukrainian side immediately issued cancellation notices and considers inadmissible the attempts to establish exclusion zones in the sovereign airspace of the Russian Federation. Ukraine is not planning to conduct missile tests in the Kerch Strait. So the Secretary of the NSDC Turchynov commented on the statement of the Federal air transport Agency about violations of the Ukrainian side in the Russian airspace during

In the Moscow metro, a woman fell on the rails

In the Moscow metro, the woman fell from the platform under the train arriving. On Friday, November 25, the TV channel “360” with reference to eyewitnesses. The incident occurred at the station Taganskaya circle line. The passenger managed to lift out of the way, she survived. On the night of 14 November, a man fell onto the tracks at the station “Filyovsky Park” Filyovskaya line of the Moscow subway. The passenger died from his injuries. Arrived on the scene, rescuers lifted the body on to the platform, reports the Agency “Moscow” with reference to a source in emergency services of the city. On the morning of 3 November, the woman fell onto the tracks at the station Paveletskaya Ring line. The driver applied the emergency brake but the passenger was still under the train. She was not killed because he was in the chute.

ISIS used chemical weapons against the opposition in Northern Syria

Militants “Islamic state” has used chemical weapons against the Syrian opposition in the province of Galilee in the North of the country. These data were provided by the Turkish General staff, reports Anadolu news Agency. It is noted that 22 fighters of the opposition parties identified the evidence on the use of IG shells with poisonous gases. It is also reported that as a result of the air raids conducted by the Turkish air force as part of operation “shield of the Euphrates” in the area Anifah in the North of Syria, dismantled four terrorist targets. In mid-November about the use of ISIS chemical weapons in Aleppo said in the Russian Ministry of defense. The attack injured 30 the Syrian military. In the beginning of the month it was reported that the militants shelled the liberated area “1070” in Aleppo shells with toxic substances. Two people died and dozens were

Pamfilova complained about the lack of independence of electoral commissions

Photo: RIA Novosti The Chairman of the CEC of Russia, Ella Pamfilova said that in Russia are missing efficient mechanisms of accountability for election fraud. “The lack of effective mechanisms of responsibility for falsification of voting results due to the lack of independence of election commissions. It is a fact, unfortunately, it’s real,” said Pamfilova, speaking at the scientific-practical conference “Election system of Russia: formation experience and development prospects”. Scientific-practical conference “Election system of Russia: formation experience and development prospects” held in Moscow on 24-25 November. In the framework of the event representatives of authorities, scientific and expert community, public figures, human rights activists, representatives of political parties and the media to discuss the results of the election campaign of 2016, and will announce proposals for improving the electoral system of the Russian Federation as a whole.

Dembelsky chord Obama: what kind of provocation to expect from the lame duck

In January 2017, the White house will take guests – Barack Obama, who held the position of President of the United States of America, is leaving his post, behind the oval office Donald Trump. Many experts see the change in President as a good sign, but until the moment that Barack Obama will cease to perform the duties of the head of state, many regions of the world in which the United States is bogged down on the ears, can break out again. The consequences of “dembelsky chord” President Obama does can be unpredictable.   Not a brotherly provocation     The armed coup in Ukraine, overthrowing the legitimately elected President and the beginning of punitive operations in the South-East of the country was accompanied by exceptional informational support from the Western countries. Officials of the European Commission, Vice-President and other senior politicians from Europe and the United States suggested