The former chief of customs Vnukovo caught at the border with Kazakhstan

The former chief of customs Vnukovo caught at the border with Kazakhstan The former Deputy chief of customs Vnukovo airport Novel Kurzenkova detained at the border with Kazakhstan, reported RIA Novosti a source in law enforcement bodies. “Being in the international wanted Kurzenkov was detained on the border of Russia with Kazakhstan. Today, he delivered in court for election of a measure of restraint”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Kurzenkova accused of collusion with smugglers. According to investigators, he organized the channel of illegal importation of goods into the country through the green channel. Him in absentia charged under article “Excess of powers of office”. In the period January-March 2016 12 passengers of flight Istanbul — Moscow were freely imported goods under the personal supervision Kurzenkova. The Deputy chief of customs airport Vnukovo has been suspended from their duties employees serving on the green corridor. In addition Kurzenkova, defendants in

Physics told about the possible discovery of the dark photon

Physics told about the possible discovery of the dark photon On the channel of the European center for nuclear research (CERN) in YouTube there is a video which tells about an experiment NA64, which physicists hope to find dark photon. This hypothetical particle is assumed to be a mediator between the visible and dark matter. For the study used proton supersynchronous — particle accelerator ring. A beam of electrons whose initial energy is known with a high speed goes to the detector and collides with atoms and produces visible photons. If, after nuclear reactions scientists will miss a certain amount of energy, it would mean that she was gone dark photons. The discovery of these particles will allow physicists to confirm some hypothetical properties of the dark matter and open a new type of fundamental interaction (along with gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak).

French politicians congratulated Fillon with a victory in the primaries

French politicians congratulated Fillon with a victory in the primaries The far-right leader marine Le Pen believes Fillon convenient rival. Moscow. 28 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — a Prominent French politicians, including former opponents within the party and future rivals in the election, congratulations to the ex-Prime Minister françois Fillon with a victory in the primaries, “Republicans”. See alsoFillon is leading in the primaries in France, with 69,5% of votes In particular, one of the first congratulations were expressed to Jean-Francois cope, a longtime opponent of Fillon, who supported the party elections of the former Prime Minister Alain Juppe. His example was followed by several other members of the “camp Juppe”, which is offered to the winner of the primaries his support during the upcoming presidential campaign, writes “Figaro”. Rival Fillon in the first round of primaries — MP Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet congratulated him on the win. “Bravo Francois Fillon victory over Alain

From cotton domestic gas in Grozny suffered 6

In result, cotton domestic gas in a private house in Grozny, injured six people, including five children. About it RIA Novosti reported on Monday, a source in emergency services of Chechnya. “As a result of cotton’s gas in a residential building on Dekabristov street in the Oktyabrsky district, previously battered women and five children,” — said the Agency interlocutor. The circumstances of the accident and the condition of the victims specified. As reported on the website of the main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the Republic, the signal about the incident was received at 21:40. Fire after cotton followed. The scene directed all emergency and municipal services of the city. To eliminate the accident involved 62 people and 20 pieces of equipment. Victims are delivered in city clinical hospital №4.

The media learned about the Somali origin attacked people in Ohio criminal

The attacker attacked people on the campus of the American, Ohio and subsequently shot, by birth was a Somali, according to broadcaster CBS News. According to preliminary data, the culprit of the incident was about 20 years old. His name not yet named. Authorities said that the incident, perhaps a terrorist act. Connected to the investigation, the FBI. Law enforcement officers according to witnesses revealed that the suspect in the car ran into a group of students returning to the building, then went and started to put victims of stab wounds. The security officer of the University shot an intruder. Only the attack injured nine people, one of them in critical condition. They have either blunt trauma or puncture stab wounds. Ohio University was founded in 1870, there are around 45 thousand students and 13 graduate students.

The President of Poland is concerned about the deployment of “Iskander” near Kaliningrad

The President of Poland Andrzej Duda concerned about the placement of Russian weapons in the Kaliningrad. According to policy, the region needs to strengthen the defenses. About Duda said in an interview with Polish television in Szczecin, where on Monday, November 28, held a meeting with the German colleague.   “I’m concerned as this concerned and Mr. President (Germany), Joachim gauck… But it is a question of building us security environment in our region, this good cooperation in the framework of the Alliance, as well as neighborly cooperation”, – quotes RIA Novosti words of the Polish President.   The Russian side has repeatedly stated that Russia is strengthening its defense in response to the emergence of the American missile defense system in Europe, in particular, enhances the system of aerospace defense in the West, including the deployment of s-400 and Iskander complexes in Kaliningrad, as well as the creation of

Missing on maneuvers near Krasnodar Marines were killed

Missing on maneuvers near Krasnodar Marines were killed ROSTOV-ON-DON, November 26 — RIA Novosti. The press service of the southern military district has confirmed the death of three paratroopers who earlier in the exercise to parachute jumps in Krasnodar Krai landed on the river. “In a press-service of the southern military district confirmed the death of three servicemen of the Novorossiysk airborne compounds, which in the course of landing 24 Nov landed outside the specified landing on the water surface of the river Kuban”, — stated in the message. According to preliminary data of PUBLICATION, because of the low cloud military if it enters the water did not have time to detach the parachute system. On-site work, the Commission command of the airborne troops together with law enforcement, added in a press-service.

The man was gone: what to do, how to seek and save

The man was gone: what to do, how to seek and save Where and who to contact if your relative or friend does not communicate, — in the new infographic “News”. At the registration Desk accidents “news” told how to contact him if you have a missing person, and how to most effectively and quickly find it. We are clearly told in the new infographic “News”. ​​​​​​​

Syrian army liberated from terrorists eight districts in Eastern Aleppo

Syrian army liberated from terrorists eight districts in Eastern Aleppo More than 2.5 thousand people were evacuated from the liberated from the terrorists districts of Aleppo. Moscow. 27 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Syrian army liberated from terrorists on Sunday eight quarters, are displayed more than 2.5 thousand of civilians, reports the defense Ministry. “During 27 November, government forces SAR terrorists freed from eight neighborhoods in East Aleppo. From the liberated districts evacuated more than 2,500 civilians, including more than 800 children”, — stated in the Bulletin of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria, posted on the website of the Ministry of defense. According to the Center, from the area of al-qadisiyah left 500 people from the areas of Jabal Bidart and the high-es-Sakura — about 1500 people. Photo essayRuins of the city of Aleppo “Under the guise of civilians blocked regions tried to leave several militants