Patients Annunciation hospital was operated by people with no medical training

At the clinical hospital of the city of Blagoveshchensk in the Amur region on the positions of doctors working employees without professional education. This was reported on the website of the regional Prosecutor’s office. “The audit found evidence of employment of persons without appropriate professional education, certificate by specialty “urology”. However, according to the operating log, as specified by the staff in the absence of certificates of urologists surgery citizens”, — stated in the message Department. It was also found that the equipment of the urology Department of the hospital did not meet the standard. The city attorney in the interests of one of the citizens sent to court the statement of claim about compensation of moral harm caused to him due to the provision of substandard medical care. The doctor had made representation with the requirement to eliminate the revealed violations. Additionally, the materials were sent to investigative bodies.

The authorities of the Italian Trieste was thinking about a complete ban on begging

The authorities of the Italian city of Trieste in the North-East of the country is thinking about a complete ban on begging. About The Local reports Tuesday, November 29. It was specifically noted that the penalty would be not only beggars, but also to give them alms. But that’s not the only innovation: according to the rules proposed by the newly elected city administration, people will be banned for a long time to sit on the ground or lying on the benches — it will be a penalty from 150 to 900 Euro. It will be impossible to pitch tents in the parks and on the streets. Will be increased and the fines for Smoking and drinking alcohol in parks — for such an offence will have to pay from 100 to 600 € and for illegal Parking (from 25 to 250 Euro). As told Deputy mayor, a member of

Right-wing candidate for the presidency of Austria announced visit to Russia

Photo: The presidential candidate of the far-right Austrian freedom party (fpö) Norbert Hofer said that in case of victory in the elections on 4 December one of the first countries he will visit will be Russia. He said this in an interview with Österreich. “I spoke with the Russian Ambassador, he asked me, I’d like to visit soon Moscow, and I said, “Yes, I would”. Also I was invited to China. But the first visit I’m going to apply to the Czech Republic, as made a promise to the President [of the Czech Republic Milos] Zeman”, — said the politician. Hofer also expressed the view that the EU is “difficult phase”, so the exit from the EU any country puts its existence at risk. However, he noted that Austria will raise the referendum question on the refusal of EU membership only in the case of making it to Turkey

Most Russians want to be friends with the West as never before

Two-thirds of Russians have declared their desire to be friends with the West. This is evidenced by data survey, conducted in November of this year, “Levada-center”, according to RBC.   According to the publication, these results are close to the historical high of March 2000, when the thaw in relations expressed 76% of survey participants. Now the policy of rapprochement was supported by 71% of respondents. In the summer of 2015, the figure was only half.   The desire of Russians to have good relations with European countries grew amid the increasing negativity toward the United States. In November “mostly bad” and “bad” to America took 56% of the respondents. In relation to the EU-54%.   According to the Deputy Director of “Levada-center” Alexei Grazhdankin, the lion’s share of survey participants is confident that the initiative of normalization of relations must come from the West. In addition, respondents do not

Seven people died as a result of the accident in New Zealand

Seven people died as a result of the accident in New Zealand The ship capsized due to heavy swells in the ocean. SYDNEY, November 27. /Offset. TASS Pavel Vanichkin/. At least seven people were killed in the accident of a small fishing vessel that occurred on Saturday in harbour Kaipara in New Zealand. This was announced Sunday by local police. Onboard a vessel there were 11 persons. According to available information, the ship capsized due to heavy swells in the ocean. Seven people drowned, three were rescued, searches of one more victim continues. Rescue operation takes place in conditions of poor visibility, strong winds and high waves. Police have launched an investigation into the incident.

Wes Anderson took a Christmas short film with Adrien Brody for H&M

Wes Anderson took a Christmas short film with Adrien Brody for H&M Wes Anderson shot for H&M the incredible beauty of a mini-movie with Adrien Brody in the title role. Touching movie, though inspired by the movie “the Darjeeling limited” tells about the “Winter Express”, whose visit to the destination on Christmas eve delayed by as much as 12.5 hours. The conductor, played by Brody, said passengers unpleasant news, and invite them to a festive brunch, organized as an apology.

The lawyer told about the arrest of the speaker near the office of “Rosneft”

The lawyer told about the arrest of the speaker near the office of “Rosneft” Timofei Gridnev, a lawyer of the former Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev, has revealed the circumstances of the detention of the accused in bribery of an official. On Monday, November 28, RIA Novosti reported. “Away from office “Rosneft” his car was blocked by the FSB. After that, they restricted his movements and banned the use of means of communication”, — told Gridnev at the meeting of the Moscow city court. According to the defender, detained at that time Minister of the operatives did not have any authority. See alsothe media learned the details of the extortion of bribes Ulyukaev After the arrest of the speaker 11 o’clock not understand, in what status he is, said the lawyer. According to estimates Gridneva, the FSB and the TFR for all this time carried out investigative actions with