Su-35 regiment TSB in the Khabarovsk territory worked intercept high-speed targets

Su-35 © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS, archive KHABAROVSK, November 30. /Offset. TASS Sergey Mingazov/. The su-35S of the Eastern military district (TSB) performed the flight tasks in the Khabarovsk territory, including the interception of high-altitude high-speed targets and dogfight at low altitudes. On Wednesday the head of the press service of the district Colonel Alexander Gordeev.

We learn from our mistakes – the Pentagon about the attack on Syrian forces

Pentagon spokesman, Peter cook, called the deviation from the “high standards” of the U.S. military mistakenly bombed the Syrian troops of the international coalition forces in Deir ezzor on September 17, reports RIA Novosti. Cook in the briefing promised that from this situation the lessons to be learned.   “When we do not meet our high standards, as happened this time, we admit our mistakes. And we are learning from them. What we intend to do in this case”, – said the representative of the Ministry of defense of the United States.   He stressed that the results of the investigation were informed the head of the Pentagon Ashton Carter. Cook assured that the Minister of defense “supports efforts to learning the lessons following this incident”.   Earlier on Tuesday, 29 November, the American General, Richard CoE, responsible for investigating the situation with the shelling of Syrian forces at Deir

When shooting in New Orleans, one person was killed and nine were injured

When shooting in New Orleans, one person was killed and nine were injured MOSCOW, 27 Nov — RIA Novosti. At least ten people were injured in a shooting on the street in the us city of New Orleans, one of the victims died, said the police of the city. The incident occurred Saturday night on Bourbon street. “Only ten people were injured from the shooting, one of the victims died from wounds”, — is spoken in the message of head Department of police New Orleans on Twitter. The police said that it was investigating the circumstances of the incident. JUST IN: 10 including 1 shot — fatally — on Bourbon Street in New Orleans’ French Quarter, police say — ABC News (@ABC) November 27, 2016 The footage, published by the Fox News channel, you can see that the scene of the shooting drove about ten cars of police

Detachment of a giant iceberg from Antarctica have shown in the video

Detachment of a giant iceberg from Antarctica have shown in the video Geophysics from Ohio state University (USA) proved that Antarctica is falling apart from the inside. A video showing the degradation of the continent, in particular, the formation of a huge iceberg, available on the website of the University. Devoted to the study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. To such conclusions scientists have come, watching pine island, part of the ice shelf, bounding the West Antarctic shield, eroded subsurface warm waters. Geophysicists presented on the video noticeably, at the base of the glacier in 2013 formed the crack, reaching a length of 36 kilometers. In 2015, its spread led to the isolation of a huge ice — the formation of the iceberg. Degradation of the glacier, scientists were able to track using space-based observations. Experts believe that the West Antarctic shield may collapse after 100 years, which

In Zimbabwe, for the first time since 2009 printed their own money

In Zimbabwe, for the first time since 2009 printed their own money MOSCOW, November 28 — RIA Novosti. The Zimbabwean authorities for the first time since 2009 conducted an issue of its own banknotes caused by a lack of foreign currency, which serves as the country’s means of payment. As Reuters reports, the nominal value of the so-called obligations (bond notes), the Zimbabwean Reserve Bank, equal to the U.S. dollar. The total amount of commitments amounted to $ 10 million. The us dollar has been used in Zimbabwe since 2009, after the national currency was withdrawn from circulation due to hyperinflation. Since then, in addition to the dollar, the country has addressed a number of other foreign currencies, including the South African Rand and Chinese yuan. It is noted that due to the shortage of U.S. dollars in circulation all the more necessary to use other currencies, such as Rand,

Lavrov said the lack of breakthroughs at the meeting of foreign Ministers of “Norman Quartet”

Sergei Lavrov © EPA/TATYANA ZENKOVICH MINSK, 29 November. /TASS/. The meeting of foreign Ministers “channel four” (Russia, Germany, Ukraine, France) breakthroughs have brought, to coordinate the sequence of steps on settlement in the Donbass is not yet possible. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov following the talks. “No breakthroughs we have today has not been reached, he said. But I think the positive thing is that agreement of the leaders of 19 October are not questioned”.

In a children’s camp in Dubna covered shop on manufacture of counterfeit vodka

In Dubna near Moscow discovered an illegal workshop for the production of vodka. This was reported on the website of the Federal alcohol market regulatory service on Tuesday, November 29. Alcoholic products without a license or with forged excise tax was discovered in the former dining room of the camp. Also in the room were 10 thousand bottles of counterfeit vodka and artisanal line for bottling of alcoholic beverages. All discovered alcohol were seized and arrested. Management of Rosalkogolregulirovanija in the Central Federal district are investigating this incident. At the end of September in Chita seized 58 tons of alcoholic production with counterfeit excise stamps. The cost of illegal shipments was estimated at 22 million rubles. In July, an underground factory for the production of alcohol was arrested in the Smolensk region. In the hangars were found three automatic filling lines, over a half million bottles of fake vodka different

In Turkish dormitory fire killed 11 girls

As a result of a fire in a hostel for girls in the city of Sochi in the province of Adana in southern Turkey killed 12 people — 11 students and one worker. On Tuesday, November 29, reported on the website of the newspaper Daily Sabah. The incident occurred on 29 November in a three-storey building, where students lived boarding school. The dead children were from 10 to 16 years. Another 22 people were injured, they were hospitalized. The Governor of the province of Adana, Mahmut Demirtas said that people got out of the hostel through the Windows, bringing the injured with the shards of glass, some of them have poisoned with burning products. The representative of the province of Adana in the Turkish Parliament Omer Celik said that the cause of the fire could be electrical problem. Demirtas said, fired up the meter, from it the flames spread through

The Pentagon has called the attack on Syrian forces “unintentional mistake”

American General Richard CoE, responsible for investigating the situation with the shelling of Syrian forces at Deir ez-Zor on September 17, said that the airstrike of the coalition were suffered in connection with the “human factor” and was “inadvertent mistake” of the US Armed forces, reported TASS.   “I also found that the intention to strike at Syrian forces were not. We came to the conclusion that the main factor (the incident), the main cause was the “human factor”, – said the General.   In addition, he said that Russia received information about the intention to commit an airstrike in the vicinity of Deir ez-Zor contained errors. The representative of the U.S. armed forces mistakenly said that the air strikes would be dealt 9 km South of the airport of the city, while the attack was being planned in 9 km South of the city, that is to the North

On the Yamal Peninsula, Mi-8 made an emergency landing due to engine failure

On the Yamal Peninsula, Mi-8 made an emergency landing due to engine failure Moscow. 27 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Helicopter Mi-8 in the thirty-degree frost emergency landing on the Yamal Peninsula due to engine failure, have informed “Interfax” a source in the emergency services. “After departure from the site of a Polar commander reported the failure of the left engine. In an emergency situation, the crew decided on an emergency landing on the nearest platform,” he said. The Agency reported that the helicopter was flying in polar conditions at low temperatures. Nevertheless, victims and victims managed to be avoided. “Along the route of flight was established frosty weather, the temperature does not exceed minus 30 degrees Celsius — said the source. — However, during a forced landing nobody has suffered, the crew and passengers were quickly evacuated to avoid frostbite”. About a month ago on the Yamal Peninsula has been a