In the FSO recommend the Surgeon to refrain from PR on the arms

Alexander Sudostroitelnoe: Poklonskaya called meaningless the idea of a Surgeon to change the coat of arms of Russia The military heraldry of the Federal security service (FSS) Nikolay Ukolov thinks that the idea of the leader of the biker club “Night wolves” Alexander Zaldostanov to change the Russian coat of arms is meaningless. This view Ukolov expressed in an interview with National news service (NSN) on Tuesday, November 29. “We have a coat of arms so self-sufficient, so, historically verified, and suffered, something to add absolutely no sense,” said Herald, commenting on letter from Surgeon to President Vladimir Putin, where he asked to add to the coat of arms of the Russian Soviet symbols: the star of Victory and ears of corn. According to the artist, this initiative can be regarded as a kind of PR. “But I think heraldry is not an area where the Surgeon is strong and

Trump chose the Minister of transport a ally of Bush

Elaine Chao The Minister of transport in the administration of Donald trump will be Elaine Chao (Elaine Lan Chao). According to The Guardian on Tuesday, November 29, citing a statement of the transition team of the elected President of the United States, this decision was made by trump. Trump emphasized that leadership and experience Chao in his new post will be invaluable in the development of transport infrastructure. On 21 November the President-elect and Chao was found in a new York skyscraper, Trump Tower, the conversation lasted two hours. Elaine LAN Chao 63 years, she was born in Taiwan to a family of immigrants from China, moved to the United States at the age of eight years. Before becoming a politician, he worked in Citicorp and Bank of America. Since the second half of the 1980s, the years held a number of positions in the administration of Republican presidents. In

Kadyrov: for the American instructors the gates to the training center of special forces in Chechnya closed

Photo: TASS American instructors under any circumstances will not be involved in the international training center of special forces in Chechnya. In an interview with TASS said the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. “I didn’t invite Americans to Chechnya. And in an interview that many now refer, it is not. Before that, they stated, and now repeat, that we under no circumstances do not attract employees of the American special forces to work in the Center. The first reason is ─ we are the best in the world, and they are twenty some. It showed the world championship in Jordan. They have nothing to teach us,” – said Kadyrov. According to him, in addition, all official structure of the United States in Chechnya fall under the sanctions. “The selection to work in the Center very hard. Pass it won’t be easy, regardless of the country of the applicant. Well, for

Regiment in Primorye received a link of the upgraded MiG-31BM

Supersonic all-weather fighter-interceptor long-range MiG-31BM during tactical exercises © Yuri Smityuk/TASS VLADIVOSTOK, November 30. /Offset. TASS Natalia Nikulina/. Aviation regiment, based at a military airfield in the Central Corner near Vladivostok, got the link from the three upgraded fighter-interceptor MiG-31BM. Flight the technical part of the regiment already held a training for working with these aircraft, said on Wednesday, TASS head of information providing press service of the Eastern military district (TSB) for the Pacific fleet second rank captain Vladimir Matveev.

Mourning rally in memory of Fidel Castro began in Havana

In Havana began mourning rally in memory of the leader of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro, reports TASS. The action involves about one million people.   Held a rally on Revolution square near the memorial of Jose Marti. In Havana arrived more than 50 foreign delegations, including from Russia, represented by the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. It is planned that he will speak at the rally. Russian speaker is accompanied by Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov and first Deputy speaker of the lower house of Parliament Ivan Melnikov and members of the Duma Committee on international Affairs.   30 Nov ashes Fidel Castro will go to four-day journey from Havana to Santiago de Cuba. In 1959, on the same route but in the opposite direction, was the so-called Caravan of liberty, headed by Comandante, to topple the regime of dictator Fulgencio

Wasps attacked Russian tourists in Sri Lanka

Wasps attacked Russian tourists in Sri Lanka Four Russian tourists required medical attention after the attack OS in Sri Lanka. All the victims were eight people, according to TASS on Sunday, November 27, with reference to the Manager of the travel company NKAR Travels & Tours Alevtina Yurkovsky. “It was a group of 14 Russian tourists. It all happened the day before, eight Russians were bitten by wasps, four people received serious bites and had to be taken to the hospital where they received medical assistance. Together with the Russians were also affected tourists from China,” — said Yurkovskaya. The incident occurred in the town of Dambulla, where is the Buddhist cave temple in South Asia. It is reported that the area has a lot of wasp nests. The Russian Embassy in Colombo are looking into the circumstances of the incident, if necessary, to provide victims assistance.

Scientists understand the mechanism of cat washing

Scientists understand the mechanism of cat washing Cats are known for their love for a manicured appearance, but they manage to bring themselves “up” using only one language, still remained a mystery. Alexis Noel, a mechanical engineer from Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta), began to explore the bristles on a cat’s tongue, when he saw a cat stuck them in the shag rug, which tries by mistake to clean up. “I was at home watching TV with the cat family. Murphy, a three-year short-haired breed cat, decided that lying on the couch, the blanket smells good and started to lick it. When I stopped laughing, I have a question, how’d he get caught up in the soft tissue?” — said Noel. He filmed the process of licking with the camera with time-lapse, and then created a 3D model of the cat language. It turned out that the bristles are in

In Havana, began the closing ceremony of farewell to Fidel Castro

In Havana, began the closing ceremony of farewell to Fidel Castro MONTEVIDEO, November 28 — RIA Novosti. Ceremony of farewell to Fidel Castro began in Havana, the deceased leader of the Cuban revolution observed 21 a volley of artillery shells, reported by Sputnik. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий After the start of the ceremony across the country were lowered to half mast state flags. The urn containing the ashes of the deceased in the memorial complex named after Jose Marti Revolution square, where on Monday held a mass rally. Fidel Castro died at the age of 90 years on Friday, 22.29 local time (6.29 am Saturday GMT), about his brother, Cuban leader Raul Castro announced on state television. From November 30 to December 3, urn Castro will take in the whole country — on the way back to the historic March of the Caravan of Freedom led by Fidel Castro in January 1959, after

Suffering from smog, the Chinese have proposed a clean air for 17 cents a breath

Suffering from the smog to the people of China had offered to new Zealand a breath of fresh air for 17 cents per breath. About it reports The South China Morning Post. “Packed manually clean, disinfected and oxygenated” air new Zealand is sold in bottles of 7.7 litres and is worth 219 yuan (just over $ 30). The sellers claim that each bottle will allow the owner to make a 180 sighs. For better residents provided air from Canada — it costs 108 RMB ($16), for the most economical Chinese city of Weihai (5 yuan, or 0.7 dollars). For the Chinese living in the most polluted smog cities (e.g., Beijing), discounts are available. The novelty, however, is appreciated by all. “Breathe this air, large do not feel the difference”, — shared his impressions one of the users of social networks. In China, the difficult situation with the environment. Due to