Zakharov responded to criticism of dance grooves

Zakharov responded to criticism of dance grooves In the show “Ice age” on the First channel Tatyana Navka and actor Andrey burkovsky performed a dance on the ice, on the theme of love between prisoners in the Nazi concentration camps. MOSCOW, November 28. /TASS/. The Western media criticizing the dance room of the Olympic champion in figure skating Tatiana Navka, are not advocates of tolerance, and the cowardly hypocrites and liars, fulfills a political order. This opinion was expressed by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “Haaretz, Daily Mail, Huffington Post, and dozens of others — all have written about a dance number on the Holocaust performed by Tatiana Navka, he wrote on his page on the social network Facebook. Room they did not like! The image of Auschwitz, you see, not embodied on the ice as necessary. The defenders of tolerance? Nothing of the sort! Hypocrites,

Putin instructed to send to Syria mobile hospitals to aid the people of Aleppo

© Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, November 29. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the defense Ministry and the emergencies Ministry to send to Syria mobile hospitals to provide medical care to residents of Aleppo and the surrounding areas. As reported the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, this task must be completed in the shortest possible time.

German counterintelligence caught in the conduct of Islamist propaganda

Member of the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution (BfF) German (counterintelligence of the country) convicted of keeping Islamist propaganda and terrorist attack in the office of his organization in Cologne. It is reported by Die Welt. We are talking about a 51-year-old regular employee BfF. In the online chat, he also offered to disclose secret information concerning the activities of his Department. Through social networks, using fake name, he was actively looking for contacts with Muslims, ready to assist him in the organization of terrorist attack using explosives at the Cologne headquarters of counterintelligence. Responded to the proposal a few people, one of whom was an informant of the security services. It failed to find the attacker. The representative of the counterintelligence explained to the publication that the suspect, an ethnic Spaniard with German citizenship two years ago converted to Islam. He is currently in custody. He

The President of the Philippines spoke about his meeting with Putin in Peru

Photo: AFP The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte in an interview with RT told about his meeting with the Russian leader Vladimir Putin held on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Peru. “On the last day we saw each other c Putin, and he shook my hand. He smiled and said, “we are Waiting for you in Russia!” — said Duterte. Then the leader of the Philippines said he would come, but “not now” because they do not tolerate cold. Earlier Duterte said that was so anxious to meet with Putin.

US and UN has not offered humanitarian aid to the residents of Aleppo – MO

Official representative of Russian defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov said that the UN and some countries, which required to allow humanitarian aid to Eastern regions of Aleppo, do not treat offers of assistance to residents for two days.   In particular, as noticed Konashenkov, this issue has not received any proposals from the office of the UN special envoy Staffan de Mistura, foreign Ministry of great Britain or France, the US state Department.   The representative of the Russian defense Ministry said that up to that assistant to the special representative of the UN Secretary-General for humanitarian Affairs, Jan Egeland, as well as representatives of the United States, Britain, France, Germany and various international organizations have advanced persistent demands to allow humanitarian convoys to areas East of Aleppo, which are under the control of insurgents.   Konashenkov said that now the terrorists released more than 90 thousand inhabitants, Aleppo,

Lada Kalina disappeared in the Ufa pool

Lada Kalina disappeared in the Ufa pool In Ufa a parked car Lada Kalina fell under it formed a deep pit with rainwater. Video of a sinking car the eyewitness of an event Vladimir Kobzev has posted on YouTube. The owner called the rescue, but, as reported in the caption to the video Kobzev, “while MOE was driving, the machine fell to the gills”. The last seconds of the video shows that the car went under water completely. According to the TV channel “360” arrived on the scene the staff of the emergency services pumped out water from six pits, but the car was not there. “Employees “Ufavodokanal” they say that the car was taken away by groundwater, and the failure was formed due to the karst cavities. The pipe, according to them, broke through after that,” said the owner of the car Larissa Krasheninnikov. She added that she intends

Four-year-old girl in the powered paraglider flew over the Alps

Four-year-old girl in the powered paraglider flew over the Alps Traveler Tim green (Tim Green) together with his four-year-old daughter Isabel (Isabelle) flew a powered paraglider above the highest ski resort in Switzerland. This was reported on the page of the manufacturer of action cameras GoPro Facebook, who posted the video. Green, along with her daughter flying over the Swiss Zermatt, located in the heart of the Valais Alps. Then they spent the night in the mountains, and then went skiing. For the movie green received the award GoPro Awards from the company.

One of the richest MPs prematurely leaves the state Duma

One of the richest MPs prematurely leaves the state Duma Moscow. 28 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — One of the richest deputies of the state Duma Alexander Skorobogatko (fraction “United Russia”) decided ahead of time to hand over the mandate; the Committee of the lower house of Parliament on the regulations supported the statement, follows from the documents in the database of legislative activity. According to published in the same document, Skorobogatko previously sent a written statement of resignation of Deputy powers. The Duma Committee on rules on 28 November endorsed the corresponding draft resolution. The decision on early termination of powers of the Deputy of the state Duma Skorobogatko can take on Friday, December 2. According to the Declaration of assets and incomes of candidates, published on the websites of the CEC and territorial election commissions, 49-year-old Skorobogatko is the fourth Deputy of the state Duma of the seventh convocation on

Russia will respond to expansion of Canada’s sanctions list of officials of the Russian Federation

© Gabe Souza/Portland Press Herald via Getty Images MOSCOW, November 29. /TASS/. Russia has accepted with regret the decision of the canadian authorities once again to expand the sanctions list of Russian officials. this is stated in the commentary official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, posted on the website of the guardian.