Istanbul airports suspended flights due to hurricane

Turkish Airlines: flights are delayed at Istanbul airports due to bad weather Istanbul airports have suspended flights due to hurricane winds. RIA Novosti writes about this with reference to a statement by a representative of Turkish Airlines. It is reported that the reception and departure of flights is currently delayed at the airports of Istanbul due to bad weather. Airplanes in the air are being redirected to other air harbors. “Currently, due to strong winds, check-in for flights departing from Istanbul has been suspended,” the message says. Passengers are asked to check information about flights on the websites of airlines or in call centers of carriers. On November 30, a total of about 30 flights were delayed and canceled at Moscow airports. So, according to information at 12:30 Moscow time, five flights were delayed at Vnukovo and two more flights were canceled, six flights were delayed at Domodedovo, one was

Russians were offered to live in a bubble

A married couple installed a bubble house in the forest near Tyumen, made at the Russian plant -bubble) – it was installed on their own land plot by a married couple of local residents. You can live a full life in a frameless structure made of transparent film, where air is continuously supplied. This is reported by Rossiyskaya Gazeta. A pandemic forced the couple to create an unusual vacation spot – the borders were closed, and all interesting tourist sites in the region were occupied. A huge tent, made to order at a Russian factory, was set up right among the pine trees. “There are only two bubble houses in Russia: one is near St. Petersburg, the second is ours,” said the author of the project. – In general, they are popular in Bali – balls for living, in which, however, you will not be spoiled, stretch along the coast

Север Испании ушел под воду из-за шторма «Арвен»

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Radio Bilbao (@radiobilbao) Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Rachid Lamor (@lamorrachid) Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Martin Tailtiu (@travellingtailtiu) Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от El Correo (@elcorreo_com) Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Radio Bilbao (@radiobilbao) Черная пятница обрушит цены на тысячи товаров Екатерина Гура

Russians were offered to live in a bubble

A married couple installed a bubble house in the forest near Tyumen, made at the Russian plant A bubble house (house -bubble) – it was installed on their own land plot by a married couple of local residents. You can live a full life in a frameless structure made of transparent film, where air is continuously supplied. This is reported by Rossiyskaya Gazeta. A pandemic forced the couple to create an unusual vacation spot – the borders were closed, and all interesting tourist sites in the region were occupied. A huge tent, made to order at a Russian factory, was set up right among the pine trees. “There are only two bubble houses in Russia: one is near St. Petersburg, the second is ours,” said the author of the project. – In general, they are popular in Bali – balls for living, in which, however, you will not be spoiled,

In Russia, a three-year-old child was crushed to death by a TV

In Tyumen, a boy died because of a TV falling on him In Tyumen, a three-year-old boy was crushed to death by an old heavy TV. Komsomolskaya Pravda writes about the incident. The child's mother went away on business and left her son alone at home, at which time a TV fell on him. Returning home, the woman tried to resuscitate her son on her own and called an ambulance. However, the doctors were unable to save the child. “The doctors performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation. For more than half an hour they fought for the patient's life, but, unfortunately, they failed to save the boy, “the press service of the city's health department reported. bus. The bus was leaving the stop, and the driver did not notice that not all the passengers had time to get off – a child was caught in the doorway. They tried to pull the girl

Ученые создали биороботов, которые умеют размножаться

Исследователи из Университета Вермонта в США создали первых самовоспроизводящихся роботов, полученных из живых клеток. Необычные роботизированные существа не являются ни традиционными роботами, ни известными видами животных. Это абсолютно новый класс: живой программируемый организм, объяснили ученые. Первые биороботы были получены этой же командой год назад из стволовых клеток, забранных на ранней стадии развития эмбрионов африканской шпорцевой лягушки с когтями (Xenopus laevis). Их назвали ксеноботами. Тогда эти организмы еще не умели размножаться. Продолжив эксперименты, ученые нашли способ заставить ксеноботов самовоспроизводиться, но не половым или вегетативным способом, а совершенно иначе. Исследователи обнаружили, что если они поместят достаточное количество ксеноботов в непосредственной близости друг от друга в чашке Петри, в результате их движения свободные клетки лягушки, плавающие рядом в растворе, начнут объединяться в кластеры. Эти кластеры могут аналогичным образом находить и объединять свободные клетки в новые кластеры, которые выглядят и движутся так же, как они. «Почти все организмы, вырастая, дают потомство. Некоторые молекулы также реплицируются, но не в росте, а в движении: они находят и объединяют строительные блоки в самокопии», — объясняют ученые. Это явление называют спонтанным кинематическим самовоспроизведением. Оно ранее наблюдалось в других типах молекулярных машин, но никогда — в живых многоклеточных системах,

In the Netherlands, reported earlier cases of infection with the omicron strain

In the Netherlands, an omicron strain was detected in samples collected before the first known case the first known case of this variant of the coronavirus in the country. This was reported at the Netherlands' National Institute of Health. Related materials 17: 19 – 27 November A new strain of coronavirus has arrived in Europe from Africa. What is known about the omicron and how dangerous is it? 00:01 – September 8 drag on for years. How can humanity defeat the coronavirus? A new strain of COVID-19 was found in samples taken on November 19 and 23. Researchers have not yet established whether there were people who took the tests in South Africa. The institute has already transmitted information to the local authorities of the regions where the infected live in order to track their recent contacts. It was believed that the first infected with the omicron strain arrived in

In Russia, a three-year-old child was crushed to death by a TV

In Tyumen, a boy died because of a TV falling on him In Tyumen, a three-year-old boy was crushed to death by an old heavy TV. Komsomolskaya Pravda writes about the incident. The child's mother went away on business and left her son alone at home, at which time a TV fell on him. Returning home, the woman tried to resuscitate her son on her own and called an ambulance. However, the doctors were unable to save the child. “The doctors performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation. For more than half an hour they fought for the patient's life, but, unfortunately, they failed to save the boy, “the press service of the city's health department reported. bus. The bus was leaving the stop, and the driver did not notice that not all the passengers had time to get off – a child was caught in the doorway. They tried to pull the girl

Russian deadly “Marker” crossed the river

NPO Android Technics: the Marker robot overcame a ford more than 0.8 meters deep Russian promising combat robot Marker , called deadly, during the tests demonstrated the possibility of forcing the river, told RIA Novosti the executive director of the research and production association (NPO) “Android technology” Evgeny Dudorov. “As part of the acceptance tests of the platform in the Chelyabinsk region “Marker”, the robot confirmed the declared characteristics of overcoming obstacles, including overcoming a ford more than 0.8 meters deep, “said the candidate of technical sciences. In October, the NGO noted that the main advantage of the” Marker “is high speed of rotation of the payload module (up to 400 degrees per second) and positioning accuracy. The robotic platform “Marker” is a joint project of the FPI and the research and production association “Android Technician a “, which developed the product Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research (FEDOR), which flew

Russian deadly “Marker” crossed the river

NPO Android Technology: the Marker robot overcame a ford more than 0.8 meters deep Russian promising combat robot Marker , called deadly, during the tests demonstrated the possibility of forcing the river, told RIA Novosti the executive director of the research and production association (NPO) “Android Technics” Evgeny Dudorov. “As part of the acceptance tests of the platform “Marker”, the robot confirmed the declared characteristics of overcoming obstacles, including overcoming a ford with a depth of more than 0.8 meters, “said the candidate of technical sciences. In October, the NGO noted that the main advantage of the” Marker “is high speed of rotation of the payload module (up to 400 degrees per second) and positioning accuracy. The robotic platform “Marker” is a joint project of the FPI and the research and production association “Android Technician a “, which developed the product Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research (FEDOR), which flew to