Four projects of Tatarstan were recognized as the best in the field of landscape architecture

The Kazanka River Development Strategy was recognized as the best project in the field of landscape architecture. This was reported by the Tatar Inform agency with reference to the Institute for the Development of Cities of the Republic of Tatarstan Foundation. It is known that the winner in the nomination “The best urban planning solution, planning project, concept” according to the XII Russian National Prize was recognized development strategy of the Kazanka river. According to the project, it is planned to create the largest ecosystem of coastal parks in Russia on the river embankment by 2030. In total, the authorities will equip 12 park zones. In addition, the new sections of the Kazanka embankment, which were opened on August 30, 2021, have become the best implemented object of public space with an area of ​​more than five hectares. According to information editions, the second place was shared by two projects

New Year's festival “Vyugovey” will take place in Ufa

Competitions will be held in Ufa in order to preserve the traditions of the New Year's holiday … This was reported by the press service of the City Administration. It is known that the events, which were created in order to preserve the traditions of the New Year's holiday, will be held from December 15 to 30 in seven districts of the republic. The organizers will hold three competitions in the following nominations: “Ice City” (for the best design of an ice town), “Fairy Ice” (rating of snow and ice sculptures) and a competition among Santa Claus. Themes for the competition “Ice City “Can be motives of fairy tales, legends and traditions of the peoples of Russia, as well as various anniversaries and significant events of the country. The main criteria for evaluating the work will be the originality of the concept, themed decoration of the New Year tree, the

Rospotrebnadzor answered the question about the identification of the omicron strain in Russia

Head of Rospotrebnadzor Popova: no omicron strain has been detected in Russia Omicron strain of coronavirus has not been detected in Russia. This was stated by the country's chief sanitary doctor Anna Popova, TASS reports. The head of Rospotrebnadzor explained that research is constantly being carried out as part of monitoring the genetic structure. “We have subjected the samples to a particularly thorough analysis. who entered the database over the last month, and primarily from persons who traveled abroad, “- said Popova. Earlier, immunologist Nikolai Kryuchkov said that the meeting of two strains of COVID-19 in one organism is capable of lead to the emergence of a new combined version. The likelihood of meeting two strains of coronavirus in one organism depends on the path of spread in the population of the mutation that has appeared, the immunologist explained. A new strain of COVID-19 under the code B.1.1.529 was detected

370 million rubles were stolen from a Russian cryptominer

A 24-year-old resident of Tomsk was stolen from bitcoins worth 369 million rubles 370 million rubles. In addition, cash and equipment were taken out of the Russian's apartment. This was reported by the Telegram channel “112”. The robber was waiting for 24-year-old Vladislav at the exit from the house. Then a man in a medical mask, threatening the victim with a pistol, forced the young man to return to the apartment. Already on the premises, the attacker demanded to transfer 85 bitcoins (369.2 million rubles) to him. The robber left five bitcoins for Vladislav himself. After the victim transferred the money, the robber tied him up with duct tape and put him on the bed. In this position, the young man lay for eight hours. All this time, the malefactor's accomplice was watching him. When the accomplice finally left, the cryptminer managed to free himself and go to the police.

Rospotrebnadzor answered the question about the identification of the omicron strain in Russia

Head of Rospotrebnadzor Popov: no omicron strain has been detected in Russia Omicron strain of coronavirus has not been detected in Russia. This was stated by the country's chief sanitary doctor Anna Popova, TASS reports. The head of Rospotrebnadzor explained that research is constantly being carried out as part of monitoring the genetic structure. “We have subjected the samples to a particularly thorough analysis. who entered the database over the last month, and primarily from persons who traveled abroad, “- said Popova. Earlier, immunologist Nikolai Kryuchkov said that the meeting of two strains of COVID-19 in one organism is capable of lead to the emergence of a new combined version. The likelihood of meeting two strains of coronavirus in one organism depends on the path of spread in the population of the mutation that has appeared, the immunologist explained. A new strain of COVID-19 under the code B.1.1.529 was detected

Murashko clarified the timing of the receipt of the vaccine for adolescents in civilian circulation

Murashko: the vaccine for adolescents “Gam-COVID-Vac M” will go into circulation in 15-18 days Currently in Russia has produced the first series of the Gam-COVID-Vac M vaccine for adolescents – it is expected that it will go into civilian circulation in 15-18 days. The timing was specified by the head of the Ministry of Health of the country, Mikhail Murashko, during the presidium of the Coordination Council under the government to combat COVID-19, which is broadcast by the Russia 24 TV channel on YouTube. According to the minister, the drug has already entered state-owned laboratories.

Murashko clarified the timing of the receipt of the vaccine for adolescents in civilian circulation

Murashko: Gam-COVID-Vac M vaccine for adolescents will go into circulation in 15-18 days At the moment, Russia has produced the first series of Gam-COVID-Vac M vaccine for adolescents – civil circulation in 15-18 days. The timing was specified by the head of the Ministry of Health of the country, Mikhail Murashko, during the presidium of the Coordination Council under the government to combat COVID-19, which is broadcast by the Russia 24 TV channel on YouTube. According to the minister, the drug has already entered state-owned laboratories.

Murashko named the number of vaccinated Russians

Head of the Ministry of Health Murashko: more than 70 million citizens have been vaccinated in Russia In Russia, more than 70 million citizens have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Such a number of Russians with a coronavirus vaccine was named by the head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko at a meeting of the presidium of the coordinating council for combating the infection. The broadcast is on the Russia 24 YouTube channel. Over the past week, the number of vaccinated citizens over 60 has increased. This is the category that causes the greatest concern, since the elderly are more seriously ill, Murashko stressed. The Minister of Health said that the number of patients with COVID-19 in Russia over the past week decreased by 13 percent. < p> Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatyana Golikova said that in Russia 0.74 percent of Russians who had recovered from COVID-19 contracted

370 million rubles were stolen from a Russian cryptominer

A 24-year-old resident of Tomsk was stolen from bitcoins in the amount of 369 million rubles 370 million rubles. In addition, cash and equipment were taken out of the Russian's apartment. This was reported by the Telegram channel “112”. The robber was waiting for 24-year-old Vladislav at the exit from the house. Then a man in a medical mask, threatening the victim with a pistol, forced the young man to return to the apartment. Already on the premises, the attacker demanded to transfer 85 bitcoins (369.2 million rubles) to him. The robber left five bitcoins for Vladislav himself. After the victim transferred the money, the robber tied him up with duct tape and put him on the bed. In this position, the young man lay for eight hours. All this time, the malefactor's accomplice was watching him. When the accomplice finally left, the cryptminer managed to free himself and go