Rospotrebnadzor urged Russians to spend New Year's holidays at home

Head of Rospotrebnadzor Popova: Russians should better spend New Year's holidays at home On New Year's holidays, Russians should better refuse travel to other countries and stay at home. The head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, called on the residents of the country to do this, according to the Telegram channel of the Russian government on Tuesday, November 30. “The situation with the closure of borders in the world is changing rapidly. Travelers, unfortunately, have a real chance, instead of rest, to get a significant number of problems, “Popova explained, recommending citizens to spend a long weekend in the country. Earlier in November, a virologist, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of the laboratory of bionanotechnology , Microbiology and Virology of Novosibirsk State University (NSU) Sergei Netesov called a way to limit the spread of the omicron-strain COVID-19 in Russia. According to the specialist, for this it

Срок действия ПЦР-теста ограничат 48 часами

В 20-х числах ноября ученые сообщили о появлении в Ботсване и ЮАР штамма коронавируса B.1.1.529, который содержит несколько десятков мутаций в S-белке, необходимом патогену для заражения клеток. По мнению исследователей, многие из новых изменений в геноме SARS-CoV-2 указывают на высокую трансмиссивность этого варианта и устойчивость к защитным антителам переболевших и привитых, хотя окончательные выводы делать пока рано. Специалисты предполагают, что B.1.1.529 изначально развился в организме человека с ослабленным иммунитетом, вероятно, больного СПИДом. Как пишут зарубежные СМИ, в ЮАР зарегистрировали около сотни зараженных. Заболевшие есть почти в 20 странах, в том числе в Гонконге, Израиле, Бельгии, Чехии, Германии, Великобритании, Италии, Австралии, Португалии, Шотландии, Нидерландах, Австрии, Японии, Франции, а также, предположительно, в Финляндии и Швейцарии. Все эти случаи, за исключением Шотландии, — завозные. Всемирная организация здравоохранения на чрезвычайном заседании признала B.1.1.529 «вызывающим озабоченность» и присвоила ему название «омикрон»: по 15-й букве греческого алфавита. Эксперты считают, что заражаться могут уже переболевшие и вакцинированные. Евросоюз и многие страны, в том числе Россия, ввели запрет на въезд из некоторых африканских государств.

The journalist revealed the fate of ugly girls at the parties of the founder of Playboy

Reporter Miller: ugly girls were kept away from Hefner at Playboy parties the mansion of the founder of the American erotic magazine Playboy Hugh Hefner, as well as the fate of ugly girls at these events. He shared the relevant information in the latest episode of the Power: Hugh Hefner podcast. According to Miller, Hefner has always demanded that there be twice as many women at events as men. So, once, in search of a sufficient number of girls, the businessman's subordinates walked around the entire campus of the University of California at Los Angeles. “Pretty students were happy to be invited, but when they came to the event, they quickly realized that there were not many celebrities as promised. Instead, they met ordinary men suitable for their fathers. Having visited the mansion once, no one wanted to return again, “the journalist shared. In addition, Miller said that the appearance

Oscar winner's childhood home to be sold for millions of dollars

The former family house of actress Gwyneth Paltrow was put up for sale for $ 14.5 million ” Gwyneth Paltrow. For the former townhouse of the actress's family in the Upper East Side of New York, they asked for more than $ 10 million, writes the New York Post. Built in the 19th century, Paltrow's parents acquired when the actress was 12 years old and sold in 1992, when she turned 20. The new owner plans to get $ 14.5 million (over a billion rubles) for a luxury house. The 7.2 thousand square meters townhouse is very bright – through large windows the sun penetrates well into the room. Inside there are seven high-ceilinged bedrooms, eight bathrooms, six fireplaces, several dressing rooms, as well as a terrace and private garden with orange trees and a fountain. In addition, the mansion has a spacious kitchen-dining room, a wood-paneled library and its

The validity of the PCR test in Russia will be reduced

Head of Rospotrebnadzor Popova: PCR test for COVID-19 will be valid for 48 hours, not 72 PCR test validity which shows the presence of the COVID-19 virus in the body will be reduced from 72 to 48 hours. This was stated by the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova. A fragment of the video recording of her speech was published on the official Telegram channel of the Russian government.

The journalist revealed the fate of ugly girls at the parties of the founder of Playboy

Reporter Miller: Ugly girls were kept away from Hefner at Playboy parties the mansion of the founder of the American erotic magazine Playboy Hugh Hefner, as well as the fate of ugly girls at these events. He shared the relevant information in the latest episode of the Power: Hugh Hefner podcast. According to Miller, Hefner has always demanded that there be twice as many women at events as men. So, once, in search of a sufficient number of girls, the businessman's subordinates walked around the entire campus of the University of California at Los Angeles. “Pretty students were happy to be invited, but when they came to the event, they quickly realized that there were not many celebrities as promised. Instead, they met ordinary men suitable for their fathers. Having visited the mansion once, no one wanted to return again, “the journalist shared. In addition, Miller said that the appearance

Oscar winner's childhood home to be sold for millions of dollars

The former family house of actress Gwyneth Paltrow was put up for sale for $ 14.5 million ” Gwyneth Paltrow. For the former townhouse of the actress's family in the Upper East Side of New York, they asked for more than $ 10 million, writes the New York Post. Built in the 19th century, Paltrow's parents acquired when the actress was 12 years old and sold in 1992, when she turned 20. The new owner plans to get $ 14.5 million (over a billion rubles) for a luxury house. The 7.2 thousand square meters townhouse is very bright – through large windows the sun penetrates well into the room. Inside there are seven high-ceilinged bedrooms, eight bathrooms, six fireplaces, several dressing rooms, as well as a terrace and private garden with orange trees and a fountain. In addition, the mansion has a spacious kitchen-dining room, a wood-paneled library and its

The validity of the PCR test in Russia will be reduced

Head of Rospotrebnadzor Popova: PCR test for COVID-19 will operate for 48 hours, not 72 The validity of the PCR test, which shows the presence of the COVID-19 virus in the body, will be reduced from 72 to 48 hours. This was stated by the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova. A fragment of the video recording of her speech was published on the official Telegram channel of the Russian government.

Rospotrebnadzor urged Russians to spend New Year's holidays at home

Head of Rospotrebnadzor Popova: Russians should better spend New Year's holidays at home On New Year's holidays, Russians should better refuse travel to other countries and stay at home. The head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, called on the residents of the country to do this, according to the Telegram channel of the Russian government on Tuesday, November 30. “The situation with the closure of borders in the world is changing rapidly. Travelers, unfortunately, have a real chance, instead of rest, to get a significant number of problems, “Popova explained, recommending citizens to spend a long weekend in the country.