American biologists have found a predisposition to suicide in genes

American biologists: mutations in the seventh chromosome of DNA increase the risk of committing suicide , the results of the study are published in Biological Psychiatry. Biologists have studied the structure of the genome of about 30 thousand people in the United States and other developed countries with suicidal tendencies. In addition, they analyzed the indicators of 520 thousand volunteers who had never had such a desire. In the course of evaluating the data, they found a piece of DNA that affects a person's desire to commit suicide. At the same time, earlier this section of the seventh chromosome was associated with various mental disorders. Scientists were convinced that it causes sleep disturbances and the desire to smoke. Hundreds of mutations in the seventh chromosome formed a predisposition to suicide: they greatly reduced or increased the likelihood of committing suicide. “This suggests the need to study how variations in this

Poland announced the lag of Russian bombers from American

Defense24: the construction of the Tu-160M ​​indicates Russia's lag behind the United States On Monday, November 29, Russia announced preparations for testing strategic bomber-missile carrier Tu-160M ​​of new construction. The Polish edition of Defense24 suggested that this indicates the lag of the Russian strategic aviation behind the United States. The publication noted that the characteristics of the newly built aircraft were not disclosed. The author suggested that the bomber-missile carrier will receive the NA-32-02 engine and new avionics. “These works paradoxically indicate a significant lag between Russia and the United States, which not only put into service the strategic bomber B-2 Spirit, but are now in an advanced stage of work on its successor, designated the B-21 Raider, ”- writes the Polish edition. Defense24 notes that the Russian analogue of the B-2 will be the promising PAK-DA bomber, but its development is at an early stage. Earlier, a source in

Russia resumed flights with several countries

Operations headquarters: Russia has resumed flights with Bangladesh, Mongolia and Argentina since December 1 Russia has resumed flights with several foreign countries since December 1. This was reported on the official website of the operational headquarters to combat the spread of coronavirus infection. So, with the onset of winter, flights to Bangladesh on the Moscow-Dhaka route will resume, which will be operated twice a week. In addition, flights to Mongolia have been restored with a frequency of three flights a week from Moscow to Ulan Bator and one flight a week from Ulan-Ude, Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk to Ulan Bator. Now regular flights will also be operated to Brazil, Argentina and Costa Rica on routes between the capitals with a frequency of two flights per week. At the same time, the TourDom portal published a traveler's memo, which explains that the newly opened destinations have different requirements for tourists. For example,

Biologist explained the main danger of the omicron strain

Biologist Baranova: mutations of the omicron strain of the coronavirus can help it deceive antibodies The main danger of the omicron strain of coronavirus is a large number of mutations in those parts to which antibodies produced by the human body are usually attached. This can lead to the fact that the immunity already formed against other strains will not be effective against the omicron. Ancha Baranova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor at the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University (Virginia, USA), told about this. In the virus sequence, there are concerns about the places where mutations have occurred. Here is the S-protein of the coronavirus (thorn). It has a receptor-binding domain (RBD), through which the virus enters the human cell. It’s such a lump that sticks out on the S-protein, and neutralizing antibodies cling to it. So there are ten mutations on this piece. That is,

Biologist explained the main danger of the omicron strain

Biologist Baranova: mutations of the omicron-strain of coronavirus can help it deceive antibodies The main danger of the omicron strain of coronavirus is a large number of mutations in those parts to which antibodies produced by the human body are usually attached. This can lead to the fact that the immunity already formed against other strains will not be effective against the omicron. Ancha Baranova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor at the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University (Virginia, USA), told about this. In the virus sequence, there are concerns about the places where mutations have occurred. Here is the S-protein of the coronavirus (thorn). It has a receptor-binding domain (RBD), through which the virus enters the human cell. It’s such a lump that sticks out on the S-protein, and neutralizing antibodies cling to it. So there are ten mutations on this piece. That is, there are

The professor assessed the ability of the omicron-strain to cause serious diseases

Professor Altstein: there is no evidence that the omicron strain causes severe COVID-19 Anatoly Altstein, Professor of the NF Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, on the Doc Tok program on Channel One, assessed the ability of the omicron strain of coronavirus to cause a severe course of the disease and lead to death. According to him, there is no such data yet, since this virus was found recently, only three weeks have passed since the first infections. “All people who have isolated this virus, they transferred this coronavirus infection very easily. So we still have no reason to think that this is a very dangerous virus in terms of its lethal effect, “the scientist explained. Related materials 17:08 – October 28 Another COVID-19 attack The epidemiological situation in the Russian Federation has become seriously complicated 13:43 – November 1 Scientists have discovered a new drug for COVID-19. 48

The professor assessed the ability of the omicron-strain to cause serious diseases

Professor Altstein: there is no evidence that the omicron strain causes severe COVID-19 Anatoly Altstein, Professor of the NF Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, on the Doc Tok program on Channel One, assessed the ability of the omicron strain of coronavirus to cause a severe course of the disease and lead to death. According to him, there is no such data yet, since this virus was found recently, only three weeks have passed since the first infections. “All people who have isolated this virus, they transferred this coronavirus infection very easily. So we still have no reason to think that this is a very dangerous virus in terms of its lethal effect, “the scientist explained. Related materials17: 08 – October 28 Another COVID-19 attack The epidemiological situation in the Russian Federation has become seriously complicated 13:43 – November 1 Scientists have discovered a new drug for COVID-19. 48

Free “social Internet” has been launched in Russia

Russians have access to a number of socially significant sites even with a zero balance … Now, access to a number of socially important sites can be obtained even with a zero balance, Izvestia reported. It was noted that sites to which Internet users will have access in any conditions should be controlled or created by Russian citizens operating on the territory of the country. In addition, they must be located in the .ru, .рф, .su or .children zones. At the same time, at least 50 percent of the audience must be located in Russia. In total, the list includes 371 resources, including a public service portal, news aggregators, search services, some social networks and individual online stores. In addition, from December, domestic sites created by financial fraudsters will be blocked without a court decision. We are talking about websites imitating the official websites of banks and financial organizations, as

The Ministry of Health predicted the imminent appearance of the omicron strain in Russia

Chulanov, an infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health: an omicron strain of coronavirus will soon appear in Russia on Channel One predicted the imminent appearance of the omicron-strain of coronavirus in the country. According to Chulanov, the omicron-strain can displace the currently dominant delta in the Russian Federation and in the world, but “provided that it is more contagious “. Earlier, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova listed measures to prevent coronavirus in Russia. It is still necessary to maintain social restrictions, wear masks and reduce contacts, as well as vaccinate and revaccinate, she said. Such measures are needed to disrupt the transmission of the virus and the formation of the immune layer of the population. The newest strain COVID-19 B.1.1.529, which was named omicron, was identified earlier in South Africa. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), existing vaccines may not be effective against it.

The United States announced its constant readiness to impose sanctions against Russia

White House: US is always ready for sanctions against Russia due to the situation near the Ukrainian border White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said that the United States is always ready to take steps towards imposing sanctions against Russia due to the situation near the border with Ukraine. However, the States consider it necessary to discuss such decisions with their European allies, TASS reports. At the briefing, journalists asked Psaki whether the Congress administration would take measures against Russia in the event of its “invasion of Ukraine.” In response, the White House spokesman announced her constant readiness to impose sanctions against Russia. “I think that we will first take a step, which will consist in the fact that our Secretary of State will continue discussions with his European partners in the region to see what steps to take, if necessary. We are always ready for any action, and we also