Putin gave instructions after an emergency at the Listvyazhnaya mine

President Putin on the state of emergency at the Listvyazhnaya mine: all the causes of the accident must be clarified All the circumstances and causes of the accident at the Listvyazhnaya mine must be clarified. Such instructions were given by Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting on the situation in the coal industry of Kuzbass, which is broadcasted by the Russia 24 YouTube channel.

More than 800 thousand tourists have visited Krasnogorsk since the beginning of the year

Tourists who came to Krasnogorsk most often visited the museum-estate “Arkhangelskoye” Since the beginning of the year, more than 800 thousand travelers have visited Krasnogorsk. This was reported by the press service of the Moscow Region Tourism Committee. “The Arkhangelskoye Estate Museum is the most attractive for tourists in the city district. The estate is known by the names of its owners – princes Odoevsky, Cherkassky, Golitsyn. The true flowering began with the arrival of the Yusupovs. It was Prince Nikolai Yusupov who collected the largest collection of paintings and sculptures in Arkhangelsk, “the report says. Also, tourists are attracted by the Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology. This is one of the largest in Europe and the largest in Russia private museum of ancient technology. Its collection of the museum has more than 1,000 exhibits. All of these objects are included in the regional programs “Summer in the Moscow Region”

In the discussion of the act depriving Russians of foreign medicines, they saw a cheating of votes

AdVita: when discussing a project on the procurement of vital drugs, voices are raised The cheating of votes began during the discussion on the federal portal of draft regulatory legal acts of a draft government decree, according to which a number of vital drugs will be purchased from a single domestic supplier if it organizes a full production cycle in the country. This is what Elena Gracheva, director of the Russian charitable foundation AdVita, says on Facebook. She claims that the adoption of the document will negatively affect Russian patients – instead of the “extra third” rule, the “extra extra” rule will apply. “Doctors and patients will have no choice of drug. So far, the decree concerns not such a large number of items, but the trouble has begun. When the project first appeared, patient organizations opposed, ”she said. According to the current rules, foreign drug manufacturers are not allowed

The teacher of the Russian Academy of Arts accused of debauchery was arrested in absentia

The court arrested in absentia the ex-teacher of the Russian Academy of Arts accused of debauchery Former teacher of the Russian Academy of Arts Viktor Elizarov, wanted on suspicion in the corruption of female students, arrested in absentia. This was announced on Thursday, November 2, to Lente.ru by the press service of the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow. According to the court, upon arrest or extradition, Elizarov will be immediately placed in an isolation ward for two months. The former teacher of the Russian Academy of Arts is suspected of crimes “against the sexual inviolability of female students.” A criminal case has been initiated against him under the article “Depraved acts against two or more persons” of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and this is from 5 to 12 years in prison. The criminal proceedings began after several former students of Elizarov complained on harassment on his part. The

Ukraine extended the law on the special status of Donbass

The Verkhovna Rada has extended the law on a special procedure for self-government in Donbass The Verkhovna Rada has extended the law on the special status of Donbass. This is reported by “Interfax-Ukraine”. It is noted that the parliament of Ukraine extended until December 31, 2022 the law on a special procedure for local self-government in certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. 317 deputies voted for the relevant bill. According to the head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Legal Policy Andriy Kostin, this decision was made by parliamentarians to continue the negotiation process within the Trilateral Contact Group and the Normandy format. He stressed that the law on special status is the basis for achieving peace in Donbass and restoring the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

The State Duma responded to the call to abandon beer and video games

Deputy Vyacheslav Fetisov supported the rejection of beer, meat and video games to save the planet Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Vyacheslav Fetisov responded to the call from Credit Suisse analysts to change their way of life in order to save the planet. The deputy supported the rejection of beer, meat and video games, reports the Federal News Agency (FAN). “This is not a hype, but an attempt to draw people's attention to serious environmental problems. Significant changes have already taken place in our life. We have ruined water, air, food and 50 percent of life on planet Earth, “Fetisov said. The parliamentarian recalled the plans of the countries of the world by 2050 to switch to a carbon-neutral economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. He is confident that in order to combat the climate crisis, people will have to change their habits in all spheres of life. The MP

Ukraine extended the law on the special status of Donbass

The Verkhovna Rada has extended the law on a special procedure for self-government in Donbass The Verkhovna Rada has extended the law on the special status of Donbass. This is reported by “Interfax-Ukraine”. It is noted that the parliament of Ukraine extended until December 31, 2022 the law on a special procedure for local self-government in certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. 317 deputies voted for the relevant bill. According to the head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Legal Policy Andriy Kostin, this decision was made by parliamentarians to continue the negotiation process within the Trilateral Contact Group and the Normandy format. He stressed that the law on special status is the basis for achieving peace in Donbass and restoring the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Some Russians will receive new payments

President Putin ordered to allocate 50 thousand rubles to participants in the defense of Sevastopol Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to allocate 58 million rubles for one-time payments in the amount of 50 thousand rubles to participants in the defense of Sevastopol. The corresponding order is published on the official Internet portal of legal information. “To allocate 58 million 350 thousand rubles from the reserve fund of the President of the Russian Federation to the Ministry of Finance of Russia in 2021 to provide these funds to the budget of Sevastopol in order to make a lump sum payment in the amount of 50 thousand rubles to persons awarded the medal “For the Defense of Sevastopol” or the badge “Resident of the besieged Sevastopol” “, – the document says.

The head of the DPR allowed an appeal to Russia for help in case of war

The head of the DPR Pushilin admitted that the republic, in case of war, will turn to Russia for help The head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Denis allowed an appeal to Russia for help in the event of a war with Ukraine, Interfax reports. When asked by the TV presenter whether Donetsk would turn to Moscow if Kiev starts a full-scale power scenario, Pushilin replied: “We will act, based on the situation. ” “It's going to be hard. But in any case, we will act according to the situation, “Pushilin assured. When asked whether he excludes the possibility of turning to Russia, he said:” I do not exclude. “ < p> In recent weeks, statements about the threat of a Russian invasion have been heard in the West and Ukraine. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called allegations of aggressive behavior or intentions of Moscow absolutely groundless. “We fear