The man took hostages in Saratov and shot himself in the head

The man took hostages in Saratov, and after wounding himself with a pistol. The incident occurred on the night of 21 June in the Factory district of the city. About it to Agency “Irinform” reported in a press-service of the main Directorate of the interior Ministry in the region. It is known that the 42-year-old armed man was closed in the apartment with people (how many of them there were, was not specified). Then on a scene there arrived police officers, who blocked all exits from the room and began negotiations. Man to surrender, refused, and threatened to shoot the hostages and guards. Some time later, the invader shot himself in the head. The wound was fatal and the shooter was hospitalized in one of city hospitals. As a result of incident nobody has suffered. It is noted that the man may be involved in assault on jewelry store in

Three Russian universities are in top 200 universities of Europe

Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov Moscow state University named M. V. Lomonosov took the 93rd place in the ranking of best European universities compiled by Times Higher Education (THE). Among the top 200 were three Russian universities: in addition to MSU, is the Moscow Institute of physics and technology (MIPT), which is located between 151st and 160th places, and the Saint-Petersburg national research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics (ITMO) between 191-m and 200-m. Just a list of 400 European institutions were 24 Russian universities, among which the Higher school of Economics, Kazan Federal University, national research nuclear University MEPhI, Novosibirsk and St. Petersburg state universities and others. The best universities in Europe, according to the, were Oxford and Cambridge universities. Among the top ten educational institutions in the UK, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland. Times Higher Education — weekly magazine devoted to higher education. With the

When killed at the station in Brussels found a powerful bomb

When killed at the station in Brussels found a powerful bomb The man who tried to arrange an explosion at the Central station in Brussels. according to Le Soir, it is on Bel RTL] the Minister of internal Affairs of Belgium Jean Jambon. To name the suspect, he refused, saying that it was too early. The Minister added that the bomb he found on a dead terrorist, “was not small makeshift explosive device”, thankfully it did not explode. This is according to RTBF. According to VTM, the attempted terrorist attack made the 37-year-old resident of the commune of Brussels, Molenbeek, where they lived, in particular, the perpetrators of the attacks in Paris in November 2015. According to De Standaard, the suspect was known to police, but not in connection with terrorist activities. This morning in Brussels, will be convened by the security Council. The participants will hear reports of emergency

Poroshenko wants to obtain coal and gas from USA

Poroshenko wants to obtain coal and gas from USA WASHINGTON, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that he would like Ukraine to be awarded the coal and gas from the United States. Poroshenko visited Washington on a working visit on Tuesday and met with U.S. President Donald trump and Vice-President Mike Pence. “We talked about effective economic cooperation between Ukraine and the United States, that the coal from Pennsylvania was on the Ukrainian thermal power plants, and liquefied natural gas from Louisiana — in the Ukrainian gas transport system”, — said Poroshenko in an interview with Fox News. Previously Ukrainian radicals have blocked the supply of coal from the Donbass, as a result, Ukraine from February 17 was introduced emergency measures in the energy sector. In particular, it provides for the continuation of measures to reduce the consumption of anthracite coal by thermal power plants

The head of the Pentagon assured Poroshenko in support of

The head of the Pentagon assured Poroshenko in support of WASHINGTON, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis assured the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko for support. “Even in the face of fear, aggression, cyberattacks, neighbor, destroying the trust your country has shown determination to defend themselves against all threats. USA supports you. We support you in the face of threats to the sovereignty, international law and world order,” said Mattis Ukrainian President in the presence of journalists. In turn, Poroshenko said that he expects to expand cooperation with the United States since Ukraine is “fighting for freedom and democracy”. The United States and other Western countries have accused Russia of meddling in Ukraine’s Affairs. Moscow categorically denies and declares that it is interested in resolving the internal Ukrainian crisis.

Vyacheslav Volodin does not let the senators in the summer holidays

Vyacheslav Volodin does not let the senators in the summer holidays On Tuesday the state Duma Council discussed the situation around the variance of the end dates of the spring session of the lower house and the Federation Council (SF). The last meeting at the Duma on 21 July, while the SF — 19 July. This means that the adopted by the Duma on 21 July, the laws can be signed by the President without the approval of the upper house. The state Duma believes that the Federation Council would extend the work. According to “Kommersant”, against this stands the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, which the Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin has not agreed changes to the schedule of the Duma. Interlocutors “” in the state Duma noted that the bypass SF in the adoption of the law is not contrary to the Constitution, but

The Brussels terrorist was declared dead

The terrorist who has arranged explosion at the Central station of Brussels died of his wounds. It is reported by the newspaper Le Soir, citing the Federal Prosecutor of Belgium. The publication writes that it is still not clarified the identity of the alleged perpetrator of the explosion. The Agency France Presse, witnesses revealed that before the attack, the perpetrator shouted the traditional Islamic terrorists cry. The evening of 20 June, Belgian media reported explosions and shooting in the train station on the Grand-place. This information was so controversial that it was not known how many criminals and what is their fate. 22 March 2016 in Brussels, had committed a series of terrorist attacks. Was attacked Zaventem airport and the metro station “Maalbeek”. The victims were 35 people, more than 300 were injured. According to investigators, the metro explosive device detonated Khalid Batrawi, and the airport — his brother Ibrahim

Seized a primary school militants in the Philippines retreated

The Islamists who seized a primary school on the Philippine island of Mindanao, retreated. About it reports Reuters. The representative of the military has denied the appeared information that the militants took hostage several children. “The situation is already resolved. They retreated, they are no longer there. The campus once again safe,” said Brigadier General Restituto Padilla (Restituto Padilla). However, he added that investigated the possible kidnapping of five civilians. Earlier on June 21, militants, including members of the radical movement Islamic freedom fighters in Bangsamoro, broke into the school building Pigcawayan city in the province of North Cotabato. Presumably, there were about 300 people. On may 22, Minando fighting broke out between government forces and Islamists. The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte introduced in the region under martial law. The next day, the Islamists seized the largest city of the island Marawi and entrenched in it. Government forces

Climate change will make Ethiopian coffee highland

Climate change will make Ethiopian coffee highland Scientists from the University of Addis Ababa, together with colleagues from the UK analyzed the future of the coffee plantations in Ethiopia and came to the conclusion that to maintain yields, farmers have to carry farm higher in the mountains. Migration of the plantations will help protect them from climate change, which already affects the coffee crop. A study published in Nature Plants. Ethiopia is a leader among African countries in the production and export of coffee. The major coffee regions located in the South-West and South-East of the country. A large part of coffee trees (Coffea arabica) grows in areas covered with — now or in the past — humid evergreen forests, on the altitude of 1200-2200 m above sea level. In recent years, Ethiopian farmers are experiencing hard times. The climate becomes more arid and unpredictable, the duration of the rainy

Most Russians prefer Comedy, the survey showed

Most Russians prefer Comedy, the survey showed MOSCOW, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. The majority of Russians (82%) stated that Comedy is their favourite genre in the movies, according to a survey by VTSIOM at the disposal of RIA Novosti. Also 78% of respondents said they prefer to watch historical films, 71% — adventure films about journeys and adventurers. Movies about unhappy and happy love like 55% of respondents. According to the survey, 12% of Russians go to the movies a few times a month, 24% said that they visit the cinema several times a year, 37% said they do not attend the cinema at all. When you select the movie 41% of respondents pay attention to the cast of the film, 29% pay more attention to the plot, 25% trust the opinion of family, friends and colleagues. “All genres are good except the boring ones, inspired the readers of