Users complain to Google

Users complain to Google Users of several mobile operators and Internet service providers complained about the blocking of access to the site at the request of Roskomnadzor. In particular, the blocking of the site was described in the Telegram-channel”, Cybersecurity” political activist Alexander Litreyev. He speaks of many thousands of user complaints about the unavailability of the resource at a range of providers. In Roskomnadzor the Russian service Bi-bi-si said that I can not yet comment on the incident. Later, the head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov confirmed “Vedomosti” that the lock is not false and the problem really was. Google stood a redirect from the website of the betting company, so the operators started to block him. Google has removed a redirect, the problem was quickly solved, Zharova quoting “Vedomosti”. Google confirmed that users experiencing problems with access to “We are aware that some users are experiencing problems

ROC denied the excommunication from the communion for watching “Matilda”

ROC denied the excommunication from the communion for watching “Matilda” That such a measure was adopted in respect of members of private screenings of the film, said his fanatical opponent, state Duma Deputy Natalia Poklonskaya. Moscow. June 22. INTERFAX.RU — IN the Russian Orthodox Church has not confirmed the information of the Deputy of the state Duma Natalia Poklonskaya about the punishment of believers for the viewing of the film by Alexei Uchitel “Matilda”. “We have no information about the participation of the faithful in private shows “Matilda” and their excommunication from the communion” — said “Interfax” on Thursday a source in the Synodal Department for relations between Church and society and the media. On the eve of Poklonskaya said that believers have looked for private shows “Matilda” and excommunicated from the sacrament for six months in temples and monasteries. In the movie “Matilda” tells about the relationship of the

Russia will respond to new US sanctions

Photo: TASS The Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov, said that Moscow will respond to the new anti-terrorism sanctions. “We will, of course,” – said the representative of the Kremlin on a question of journalists whether the expected reaction of Russia to the US imposed sanctions. As stated earlier, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin, the extension of the sanctions list of the United States “received with regret at the fact that there continues to bet on sanctions rhetoric, is far from constructive, and most importantly – far from the real demonstrations of political will to resolve the problem that we have in Ukraine.” A Kremlin spokesman added that the possible responses are now being considered and formulated at the expert level. The U.S. Treasury introduced Tuesday in the sanctions list of 38 persons and organizations, including “two Russian civil servants” and their two assistants. Among Russians

Vorobyov has proposed tougher penalties for illegal dumps

Photo: RIA Novosti The authorities of the Moscow region jointly with the Russian popular front (onf) think about the development of the draft law toughening the penalties for illegal dumping. With the corresponding initiative was made by the Governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov, reports TV channel “360” Wednesday, June 21. “We may take pictures of illegal dumps, the heaps of garbage. And I am grateful to the onf, this work is carried out, — he said at a meeting with activists of the front. But without punishment, we’ll run around in aprons, gloves and clean”. The Governor described the situation with illegal waste dumps in the suburbs is ugly. He stressed that the voluntary work is not enough: to punish the guilty. June 15 residents of Balashikha in the direct line with President Vladimir Putin complained that the landfill on the landfill Kucinska almost came close to their

The Governor laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown Soldier

Andrei Vorobyov The delegation of the government of the Moscow region headed by the Governor Andrei Vorobyov took part in the solemn ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown soldier in the Alexander garden, the TV channel “360” Thursday, June 22. They observed a minute of silence in memory of those killed during the great Patriotic war, and then laid carnations at the Eternal flame. Earlier Thursday it was reported that the head of the state Vladimir Putin laid a wreath at the memorial of spruce branches and red carnations, tied with ribbon colors of the Russian flag with a Golden inscription “to the Unknown soldier from the President of the Russian Federation”. The ceremony was also attended by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the leadership of the Kremlin administration and Cabinet as well as representatives of the Federation Council and the state Duma. In Sevastopol also gave tribute to the

Slutsky shamed the Polish Sejm for the Russophobia in the Day of memory and grief

Leonid Slutsky The law on the demolition of monuments to the red army, adopted by the Polish Sejm on the Day of memory and grief, confirms Russophobic beliefs of local politicians. This was stated by the Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky. His words are in the statement, received by the editors”.ru” on Thursday, June 22. “The decision, in fact, a desecration of the memory of the defenders of the Soviet people, who defended Poland from the fascist hordes. Particularly inappropriate to make such decisions, when in Russia, commemorating the millions who gave their lives for the liberation of the world from the brown plague”, — said the MP. Earlier on Thursday it became known that the Polish Sejm adopted amendments to the law on prohibition of propaganda of communism, which include, in particular, the demolition of Soviet monuments throughout the country. The actions of the

Accionista glasses virtual reality detained in Central Moscow

Yekaterina Nenasheva On the red square in Moscow detained the artist Catherine (Catherine) Nenasheva that glasses virtual reality held a rally in support of patients of psycho-neurological dispensaries. About it reports on Thursday, June 22, “Interfax”. The girl told the Agency that she was taken to the police station “Kitay-Gorod”. As reported on the Facebook page Nenasheva, during the arrest, she was told that “in virtual reality in no event it is impossible to be in a public place.” Later the artist wrote that in the office she was visited by a psychiatrist. Then the ambulance drove to the examination in a psychiatric hospital. Since June 12, Nenasheva is conducting a campaign called “Between here and there”. She moves to Moscow with a virtual reality in which broadcast video and photos of everyday life of the Moscow psycho-neurological boarding schools. Nenasheva in 2015, was scheduled three days in jail for

The CIA got fired for stealing food from vending machines

The CIA got fired for stealing food from vending machines The Central intelligence Agency of the United States in 2013, fired a few employees for stealing food from vending machines more than $ 3 thousand dollars. The crimes happened from autumn 2012 to may 2013. This is stated in the declassified report of the inspector General of the U.S. Department of justice. Crimes were committed in the autumn of 2012 and may of 2013. The attackers stole the contents of the machines for the sum more than 3 thousand dollars. This is the website BuzzFeed, citing a declassified report of the inspector General of the Ministry of justice of America for 2013. Investigators referred the case to the Prosecutor’s office in the Eastern district of Virginia for investigation, but the U.S. justice Department did not show to the agents of the prosecution. Criminals have disconnected a cable which machines were

The Deputy of Ulan-Ude has headed a rating of incomes of officials

The Deputy of Ulan-Ude has headed a rating of incomes of officials The Deputy of city Council of Ulan-Ude took first place in the ranking of the income of civil servants, compiled by Forbes. According to the publication, in 2016 a family income Vadim Bredny amounted to 2.8 billion rubles ($46 million). According to the publication, ownership of the regional parliamentarian and his wife of more than 20 plots of land, five houses, two of which are in Thailand, cars, snowmobiles, boats and Motorboats. Total income of the couple for 2016 has made more than 2.8 billion rubles ($46 million). A member of the party “United Russia” Vadim Nonsense was elected Deputy of the city Council in 2009. In the past he was engaged in business in 1995 Address it opened a food wholesale center “Titan”. Now in the same group of companies includes the retail network, fishery, meat processing

The CPS advises traveling to Europe for the Russians to be vaccinated against hepatitis A because of gay pride parades

The CPS advises traveling to Europe for the Russians to be vaccinated against hepatitis A because of gay pride parades Rospotrebnadzor recommends that the Russians traveling to Europe to be vaccinated against hepatitis A, since the region, according to the European centre for control and prevention of diseases (ECDC), with increasing incidence of this type of hepatitis. The Council to be vaccinated, the Agency explains that from June to September of this year in Europe will be held several national and international LGBT events including the world festival of LGBT people in Madrid (June 23-July 2), which can take up to 2 million people. “Although the risk of transmission of hepatitis A virus in food and waterways in Spain is assessed as low or moderate, the probability of contact transmission of infection from person to person is high,” adds the Agency. Most cases of hepatitis a “was among men who