Egypt approved the transfer of Saudi Arabia’s two Islands in the Red sea

Egypt approved the transfer of Saudi Arabia’s two Islands in the Red sea Moscow. June 24. INTERFAX.RU — Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi ratified the agreement on transfer of Saudi Arabia’s two other uninhabited Islands in the Red sea, reported on Saturday by the Western media. Last week the Egyptian Parliament approved the agreement with Riyadh on the transfer of Saudi Arabia’s two Islands, Tiran and Sanafir. Meanwhile, in January this year, the Supreme court in Egypt rejected the government’s proposed transmission project to these areas. Then the court noted that the government had not provided sufficient evidence to support allegations that the Islands have always been territory of Saudi Arabia. Earlier in the Egyptian government claimed that the Islands came under the control of Egypt only in 1950 and that the agreement on transfer of Saudi Arabia would bring economic benefits to Egypt.

Akinfeev has said it is ready to criticism after a mistake in the match against the Mexicans

The goalkeeper of Russian national team Igor Akinfeev has said it is ready to criticism after a mistake that led to a goal for the Mexicans and the defeat in the final match of the group stage of the confederations Cup. The words of the player leads “CHempionata”. “You and the press to discuss goals. It was exactly as you saw. What am I, to hang himself? The opponent ran and scored a goal. This one mistake on our part, for which we paid a goal. The tournament is always sad to leave. Even at youth level. We lost, not to say deserved, some kind of game we had,” said Akinfeev. Previously on 24 June, the Russian team lost to Mexico with the score 1:2 and left the confederations Cup. In the 52nd minute Akinfeev played poorly at the output, and the striker Mexicans Irvin Lozano scored a goal, which

The media learned about the call of the Congress to withdraw the U.S. from the INF Treaty

A number of members of the American Congress suggested that the administration of US President Donald trump to lead the country out of the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range nuclear forces (INF). On Saturday, June 24, reports the Politico. “In the administration of tramp Mature fierce debate about whether to get out of another international Treaty that is the cornerstone of American-Russian disarmament, and prohibits an entire class of nuclear missiles”, — writes the edition. A member of the house of representatives and the head of the Committee on nuclear weapons, Republican Mike Rogers said Politico that the United States continue to adhere to the Treaty would be “irresponsible.” At the same time, Washington fears the possible consequences of withdrawal from the Treaty. In the state Department and the Pentagon believes that the unilateral refusal of the agreement is not in the interests of the United States.

Foreign Ministry called the mockery of law of the Polish Sejm about the monuments

Photo: Photo from open sources The law on prohibition of propaganda of totalitarian regimes, including communism, adopted today by the Parliament of Poland, is a shameful mockery of the memory of the fallen in the great Patriotic war, as it involves the demolition of the memorials in honor of the red army. This is stated in the statement of the Russian foreign Ministry posted on the Ministry website. “Blasphemy Polish authorities have timed this decision to the Holy and tragic for us the day of the beginning of Nazi aggression against the Soviet Union. Otherwise, how shameful mockery of the memory of the victims of such actions will not name” – said the foreign Ministry. Russian diplomats expressed confidence that many people in Poland don’t accept this “heinous behaviour”, and such laws provoke aggravation of relations between the two countries. Note that, for the adoption of amendments to the document

Blocked path of ambulance of St Petersburg will be judged for the false accusation

The St. Petersburg police brought to court a case of false accusation against a resident of the city, blocked in his car in the path of the ambulance, reported by TASS in the press service of the regional Department of internal Affairs. To the man threatens till six years of imprisonment. In February, he filed a statement that became a victim of assault and lost his chain, which cost 240 thousand rubles. “Police found that the fact the applicant simply made up. To be sure, he paid 1 thousand rubles Keeper grocery store, located near “the scene”, that he was a witness of a crime”, — told the Agency. A fictional story about the attack, according to the source Agency in law enforcement, was necessary to the accused to avoid liability for traffic rules violation committed in January, when the man driving a Porsche staged a conflict with the ambulance

Waste from the landfill in Balashikha promised to take less than a week

Redistribution of debris from solid waste landfill “Kuchino”, closed at the request of Russian President Vladimir Putin, will take less than a week. This was stated by the press service of the Ministry of ecology and nature management of the Moscow region on Friday, June 23, reports TASS. According to the Agency, the landfill accepted up to 90 percent of municipal waste in Moscow. Their redistribution, in addition to the government and the capital region, the experts from specialized companies. However, a number of companies, the export of waste to the landfill in Balashikha, called the situation a collapse. In particular, the “Eco Stroy SERVIS” canceled orders and returned to base trucks filled with debris, says the Agency. In Moscow the Ministry of ecology stressed that law enforcement authorities and the relevant Supervisory authority ensure that companies are not dumping rubbish in prohibited areas. On 22 June the President of

More than 20 freight cars derailed in Transbaikalia

In Transbaikalia on the pass Zilovo — Sadira 23 freight cars derailed. On Saturday, June 24, the press service of Russian Railways (RZD). “The incident disturbed the envelope of the adjacent track. Movement on a stage is temporarily suspended. There were no injuries, threats to environmental security is not” — said in a statement. To address the impacts to the place of the incident sent a recovery trains from the stations “Zilovo”, “Mogocha” and “Shilka”. There went the Commission TRANS-Baikal railway. The Railways are trying to establish the cause of the accident. The passenger trains no, added the company. Later, “Interfax” found that the cars were loaded with metal products. June 19 at the Kursk station in Moscow derailed the wagon train. Four people were injured. Ten days earlier the same thing happened under Saint-Petersburg. At the end of February, reports TASS, on another stretch of track in the TRANS

In Stavropol Krai the cyclist sprayed acid on two girls

In Stavropol Krai the cyclist sprayed acid on two girls PYATIGORSK, 24 Jun — news, Margarita Savelyev. The cyclist in the Stavropol region sprayed with the two girls in the face with acid, they are hospitalized, according to SU IC in the Stavropol region. “On the evening of 23 June, on October street in the town of Budennovsk crossing the road 15-year-old and 16-year-old girls passing in the same direction on the bike, the young man splashed acid in her face”, — stated in the message. It is noted that the girls received burns of varying severity and were taken to the hospital. On this fact the SU IC in the Stavropol region “criminal case under article “hooliganism committed with use of objects used as weapons”. The consequence of asking for help in finding the suspect committing the bullying, adds SK. “To date, in a criminal case conducted the inspection

In London, the house lit up

In London, the house lit up LONDON, Jun 24 — RIA Novosti. Residential house caught fire in East London in Bethnal green on Saturday, there are ten fire brigades and rescue, a total of 72 people, said on Saturday the capital’s fire service. Due to an emergency on the duty room received about 50 calls from residents of nearby houses, the first call was about 16.25 (18.25 GMT). It is known that the fire started in the apartment on the third floor, the cause of the fire is unknown, information on casualties there. Above a four-story building, according to Twitter-the accounts of eyewitnesses, raises “a huge cloud of smoke.” Increased attention to emergency of this kind began in London after the fire of June 14, when it’s lit 24-storey Grenfell Tower house. Killed at least 79 people. Third floor flat and roof is alight on Turin Street in #BethnalGreen. Now

The death toll in the landslide in China has risen to 15 people

The death toll in the landslide in China has risen to 15 people MOSCOW, 24 Jun — RIA Novosti. At least 15 people died in a landslide in Sichuan province in China, which more than 120 people are still missing, reports Xinhua news Agency. According to him, the rescuers managed to extract from the rubble the bodies of 15 people. Earlier it was reported about five victims. The landslide came down near the settlement of Desi Mohseni County of Sichuan province in southwest China on Saturday morning, burying under a 62 households. Chinese President XI Jinping earlier ordered to intensify the search, to reduce the number of potential victims. At the moment in search of survivors, according to the Agency, involved more than a thousand people.