The Israeli air force on Saturday struck “dzhebhat an-Nusra”

The Israeli air force on Saturday struck “dzhebhat an-Nusra” MOSCOW, 25 Jun — RIA Novosti. The Israeli air force struck on Saturday, a blow to the armored vehicles of militants “dzhebhat an-Nusra”, and not the art of Syrian government troops, reported RIA Novosti military-diplomatic source in the Russian defense Ministry. Earlier, the press service of the Israeli army announced that Israeli aircraft attacked the positions of Syrian government troops, destroying two tanks and a heavy machine gun in response to a dozen stray shells that landed in a controlled Israel parts of the Golan heights. Later, the press service of the Israel defense forces released a video of the destruction of the “targeted” air strikes heavy machine gun and two tanks, which now according to the military, fired shells across the dividing line on the Golan heights. “Saturday’s strike aircraft of the Israeli air force in the Golan heights was

Rogozin jokingly suggested to build in Serbia wood s-300

Rogozin jokingly suggested to build in Serbia wood s-300 BELGRADE, 25 Jun — RIA Novosti. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin says Serbia Russian s-300 is not needed, it is sufficient to build of wood, and the West is frightened. In the Serbian city of Niš in 2012 was established the Russian-Serbian humanitarian centre in order to respond to emergency situations that, as said Rogozin, for some reason, scares Western countries. “Therefore, I say, s-300 Serbs is not necessary. Enough wood to build the s-300, they (the West — ed.) already going to die there all fear”, — said Rogozin. Rogozin said that the Russian-Serbian initiative aimed at taking into account the experience and technological capabilities — aircraft fire and all sorts of means to locate a center closer to the region of southern Europe, “in order not to send forces and means in case of need, and to do that

The Federation Council has promised retaliatory measures in the event of a U.S. withdrawal from the INF Treaty

Russia will retaliate in the event of a US withdrawal from the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range (DRMD). On Sunday, June 25, said the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Viktor Ozerov, RIA Novosti reported. According to him, the Russian Parliament will closely monitor the actions of their colleagues in the U.S. Congress. “If withdrawal from the Treaty will occur and will lead to the build-up of arms, a new missile deployment in Europe, we turn a blind eye to it will not, we will take retaliatory measures,” he said. Washington has no reason to accuse Moscow of reneging of the contract, said Ozerov. “Russia has fulfilled all its obligations for the destruction of intermediate range, they were destroyed by cutting under the control of the American side,” — said the head of the Committee. Moreover, Russia has destroyed one thousand missiles, more

British Parliament attacked by hackers

The computer network of the Parliament of great Britain was under attack. On Saturday, June 24, reported the newspaper the Telegraph. Indicates that the attack made it impossible remote access of parliamentarians to email. The first report of the cyber attack came on Friday evening, deputies informed computer specialists about the problems with access. Also a record of the fact that the Parliament was under attack appeared in the account of the legislature in Twitter. — Commons Press Office (@HoCPress) June 24, 2017, 16:48 “We recorded unauthorized attempts to gain access to accounts of users of the parliamentary network and are investigating the incident in close cooperation with the National service of cybersecurity. (…) As a precautionary measure, we have temporarily limited access to remote accounts of the parliamentary network”, — stated in the record. May 12, the network began to spread virus-extortionist WanaCrypt0r 2.0 (aka WannaCry), causing damage to

Erdogan fainted during the prayer in the mosque

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan lost consciousness while praying in a mosque in the city of Istanbul near Istanbul, said on Sunday, June 25, CNN Turk. The head of state of the guards ran up, and then he was carried off on a stretcher. At a place called the medics. Reporters to the mosque is not allowed. Late Erdogan came to himself and told reporters he feels fine, and the deterioration of health associated with a sharp spike in blood sugar. On Sunday, Muslims around the world celebrate the end of the Holy month of Ramadan. This year it started on may 26. This is the month of fasting during which Muslims from dawn to sunset refuse, particularly food and drink. The Turkish leader for 63 years. In 2012 he had an operation on the stomach.

Media: Ex-chief of staff, Clinton will speak to Congress on

Photo: RIA Novosti The former head of the election headquarters of Hillary Clinton, John Podesta next week will speak to the US Congress, reported broadcaster CNN citing sources familiar with the situation. “The intelligence Committee of the house of representatives next week plans to interrogate Podesto, hacking e-mail server which became a Central element in the invasion of Russia in the American elections last year”, — stated in the material. It is emphasized that “Podesta will be one of the key witnesses, who will speak before the members of the Committee.” As noted, the meeting will be held behind closed doors. Representatives of several members of the Committee — both Republicans and Democrats — refused to comment on CNN this topic. For 2016, the website WikiLeaks published details of the correspondence of members of the National Committee of the Democratic party, as well as letters to the Chairman of the

Putin congratulates Russian Muslims on Eid al-Adha

Putin congratulates Russian Muslims on Eid al-Adha MOSCOW, 25 Jun — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Russian Muslims on Eid al-Adha, noting their role in maintaining peace and strengthening friendship and understanding among peoples, the press-service of the Kremlin. The President called Eid al-Fitr holiday, which “carries with it a deep moral sense, represents the joy of renewal, self-improvement, readiness to do good, to help those in need.” He also noted the caring attitude of Russian Muslims to the rich spiritual and historical heritage of the ancestors. “Our most sincere respect, deserves the active participation of Muslim organizations in the social, cultural life of the country, in the implementation of the claimed charitable, educational, Patriotic initiatives. And of course, emphasizing their role in maintaining civil peace and accord, strengthening of friendship and understanding between people”, — the telegram says.

Erdogan lost consciousness during the prayer

Erdogan lost consciousness during the prayer ANKARA, June 25. /TASS/. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan lost consciousness during the festive prayers on the occasion of the Holy month of Ramadan. This was reported Sunday by CNN Turk. According to him, while praying in the mosque of Mimar Sinan in the city of Atasehir in Istanbul province Turkish leader had suddenly increased sugar level, and he fainted. The doctors gave him immediate medical assistance, after which Erdogan came to. Erdogan had a blackout before #Eid prayer moments ago. He spoke to the press, did not look good, slammed Arab states for demands from Qatar — ilhan tanir (@WashingtonPoint) 25 Jun 2017

Four people died in an accident in the Stavropol region

Four people died in an accident in the Stavropol region. On Sunday, June 25, reports TASS with reference to the management of traffic police across Stavropol territory. The accident occurred on the Federal highway “Caucasus”. “The driver of the Chevrolet Captiva, moving from Nevinnomyssk in the direction of Mineral Waters, as yet unknown reasons drove into the oncoming lane, where collided with a freight wagon MAN. Blow was such force that the car became a pile of metal,” — said the Agency. From his injuries at the scene were killed in Chevrolet two adults and two children. Two minors in critical condition was taken to hospital. The driver MAN was hospitalized. According to preliminary data, Chevrolet was a family from France. Presumably, the driver fell asleep at the wheel. In management of traffic police for the Stavropol territory noted that, contrary to the norms of the rear passenger seat, were

The Federation Council has promised retaliatory measures in the event of a U.S. withdrawal from the INF Treaty

Russia will retaliate in the event of a US withdrawal from the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range (DRMD). On Sunday, June 25, said the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Viktor Ozerov, RIA Novosti reported. According to him, the Russian Parliament will closely monitor the actions of their colleagues in the U.S. Congress. “If withdrawal from the Treaty will occur and will lead to the build-up of arms, a new missile deployment in Europe, we turn a blind eye to it will not, we will take retaliatory measures,” he said. Washington has no reason to accuse Moscow of reneging of the contract, said Ozerov. “Russia has fulfilled all its obligations for the destruction of intermediate range, they were destroyed by cutting under the control of the American side,” — said the head of the Committee. Moreover, Russia has destroyed one thousand missiles, more