The car ran for celebrating Eid al-Fitr in Newcastle

Six people were injured as a result of hitting the car in the British Newcastle, reports Northumberland police on Twitter. Suspect in custody, her name was not called, but clarifies that the woman is 42 years old. The version of terrorist act by the authorities is not considered. However, according to Daily Mail, the police helicopter and armed security forces. Trapped under the car pedestrians celebrated the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of Ramadan, reports BBC News. The evening of June 3, three men made a car hitting pedestrians in the area of London bridge, and then drove to borough market, where he got out of the car and with knives attacked passers-by. The terrorists were liquidated by the police. As a result of attacks killed at least 8 people, another 48 were injured.

The defense Ministry told the details of the missile attack on the objects of the IG in Syria*

Photo: RIA Novosti After hitting missiles “Caliber”, the remaining militants and illegal terrorist group “Islamic state” in Syria* airstrikes destroyed bombers VKS RF, the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation. “The remnants of militant and terrorist targets LIH* air strikes destroyed bombers VKS Russia”, — stated in the message. Launches of six cruise missiles “Caliber”.* implemented the ship “Admiral Essen”, “Admiral Grigorovich” and the submarine “Krasnodar” of the Russian Navy, said MO. *A terrorist organization banned in Russia

In the state Duma introduced a draft on the submission of electronic application for registration of marriage

Photo: Reuters The government of the Russian Federation submitted to the state Duma a draft on simplification of submission of electronic application for marriage registration is made, according to the website of the Cabinet. “To amend the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the draft Federal law “On amendments to article 26 of the Federal law “On acts of civil status”, — stated in the order of 22 June. The bill proposes to eliminate the need to submit the scanned copies of the identity documents and proof of termination of previous marriage along with the submission through a Single portal of public and municipal services of the application about registration of marriage. Specifies that the contained information in the application will be checked at the time of personal appearance for registration of civil status and the submission of the original documents. This will eliminate “excess actions”

Prince Harry spoke about the desire to renounce Royal privilege

Prince Harry spoke about the desire to renounce Royal privilege Moscow. June 25. INTERFAX.RU — Britain’s Prince Harry said that at some point was so disappointed in the Royal family that was thinking about the waiver of all privileges in order to “live a normal life.” He told this in an interview with the Daily Mail. But the Prince, who is 5th in line to the British throne, in the end, decided to stay and to find his calling and his place in the Royal family. He stressed that a special role was played by his devotion to his grandmother Queen Elizabeth II. However, he warmly recalls the time spent in the army, naming service, the best break that he got. 32-year-old Harry for 10 years he served in the army twice traveled to the British contingent in Afghanistan. In 2007, he had to return, after the media reported exactly

The head of Roskomnadzor warned a few days before the lock Telegram

Roskomnadzor ready to block the messenger Telegram a few days if his owner Pavel Durov does not provide data for the registration of a company in the register of the organizers of disseminating information. The head of the Federal service Alexander Zharov said on air of the TV channel NTV, reports TASS. “We use the last possibility of communication and dialogue. I can’t say that we are ready to block the Telegram tomorrow, but I repeat that time is limited — it is estimated days. We will these days to wait for the answer of Pavel Durov” — said Zharov. According to him, the owner of the Telegram “consistently demonstrates legal nihilism” and puts at risk the lives of millions of people. “The failure of Mr. Durov to provide the keys to information all the intelligence agencies of the world — as far as I know, the terrorists continue to

Six-year-old shot a four year old sister near Saratov

The investigative Department of the Investigative Committee (IC) for the Saratov region opened a criminal case into the death of four-year old girl, which, according to preliminary data, on Saturday evening, June 24, from the shotgun during the game, shot a six-year-old brother. This was reported on the website of the regional Central Board of the UK. “Police received a report about the discovery in a private household located in the town of Volsk, the body of four-year old girl with a gunshot wound. Presumably, her six-year-old brother found stored at home gun in the game fired a shot, hitting sister,” the statement reads. On the given fact criminal case under article of part 1 of article 109 of the criminal code (“Causing death on imprudence”) which provides till two years of imprisonment.

More than 250 thousand Muslims of Moscow prayed together on the occasion of Eid al-Adha

More than 250 thousand Muslims attended the morning prayer in Moscow in honor of the holiday of Eid al-Fitr. On Sunday, June 25, according to the website of Regardie. Joint prayer and sermon was held at the Historic mosque in the street Malorechenskoe, the Moscow Cathedral mosque on Mira Avenue, the Memorial mosque on Poklonnaya hill, Yardyam mosque in Otradnoye and in other venues. According to Regardie, offences not recorded. Public order during the event provided more than three thousand troops. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin congratulated Russian Muslims on the holiday, the press service of the head of state. “Our most sincere respect, deserves the active participation of Muslim organizations in the social, cultural life of the country, in the implementation of the claimed charitable, educational, Patriotic initiatives”, — said the head of state. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev also noted that the Muslim community does a lot for

The AirAsia plane “was shaking like a washing machine.”

The AirAsia plane “was shaking like a washing machine.” The plane Malaysian airline AirAsia X flight EN route to Kuala Lumpur, was forced to turn back to Australia because of problems with the engine. According to passengers, the ship “shook like a washing machine”. According to the pilot, the decision to return to Perth within 90 minutes after departure was taken for “technical reasons”. “The reaction of the crew was noticeable that everything is very bad” — said the TV channel Hey-bi-si, the passenger Sophie Nicholas. The plane landed safely at 10:00 local time on Sunday (02:00 UTC). “I was crying, many people crying, trying to call the moms and stuff, but we essentially had nothing to do, we could only wait and trust the captain,’ said Nicholas. — When we landed, all loudly applauded”. As reported by Hey-bi-si, North of Perth in readiness were given the Maritime rescue service

The car drove into a crowd of people in the English Newcastle

The car drove into a crowd of people in the English Newcastle At least five people were injured as a result of the collision of a car into people in the English Newcastle. In connection with the incident arrested a 42-year-old woman, she is the police. Reportedly, the collision occurred at 9:14 local time near the sports centre, Westgate. At this time there took place the celebration of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr. The police say that the incident is not related to terrorism.

Pushkov said about the “demon of destruction” in the U.S. Congress

Pushkov said about the “demon of destruction” in the U.S. Congress MOSCOW, 25 Jun — RIA Novosti. Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov commented on the proposal of the Congress of the United States to withdraw from the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range nuclear forces (INF), stating that the United States seeks to destroy all that made it possible to overcome the cold war. On Saturday, Politico, citing a number of congressmen said that the administration estimates received from Congress a proposal for the country’s withdrawal from the INF Treaty. “In the U.S. Congress, obsessed with the demon of destruction — seek to destroy all that is allowed to get out of the cold war. Now taking the INF Treaty,” wrote Pushkov in his microblog on Twitter. The INF Treaty prohibits parties from possessing ballistic missiles, land-based and cruise missiles with a range of from 500 to 5.5 thousand