Durov accused the head of Roskomnadzor in ignorance of the principles of message encryption

Pavel Durov The founder of the messenger Telegram Pavel Durov on his page in “Vkontakte” on Monday, June 26, commented on the statement of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov, who accused him of “demonstration of legal nihilism” and unwillingness to provide security services “the keys to information.” “This requirement is not only contrary to the 23rd article of the Constitution about the right to privacy of correspondence, but also demonstrates ignorance of how the encrypted communication in 2017,” — said Durov. He explained that the exchange of classified information to date is based on the terminal encryption, which means the owners of the messengers may not have “the keys to decrypt”. “These keys are stored only on devices of the users. Although the Telegram was a pioneer of this technology, today endpoint encryption using all popular instant messengers including WhatsApp, Viber, iMessage and even Facebook Messenger,” said the founder of Telegram. The

The Russians considered Putin is an outstanding historical figure

Vladimir Putin Sociologists “Levada-the centre” invited the Russians to choose the most influential, in their opinion, a historical figure. First place in the list went to the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, the most outstanding person in the history he is considered by 38 percent of respondents. On Monday, June 26, write “news”. Second place, according to a study shared by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. So said 34 percent of respondents. The newspaper drew attention to the fact that Pushkin was in the list since 1989, when the survey was conducted for the first time, and Putin got in the three leaders for the first time. Third place went to the Soviet leader, Vladimir Lenin: the most influential historical figure he was presumed to be 32 percent of study participants. Thus sociologists have concluded the gradual reduction of its popularity. Total rating of

Medalist will compete for the post of Governor of Sverdlovsk region

Olesya Krasnomovets The winner of the Olympic games 2004 athletics Olesya Krasnomovets will run for the elections of the Governor of Sverdlovsk region. As reported June 25, “Interfax”, her nomination was put forward by regional branch of party “Patriots of Russia”. The necessary documents to the electoral Commission planned to submit before the end of the week, said in an interview with the Agency, the Chairman of the Sverdlovsk regional branch Konstantin Khudyakov. Elections of the Governor will be held on September 10. According to 23 June, the election Commission has already received documents from eight candidates. It is the representative of the regional branch of the Russian party of pensioners for social justice Dmitry Sergin, spravedlivoross Dmitry Ionin, acting head of the region Evgeny Kuyvashev, the candidate from the Communist party Alexey Parfyonov, the mayor of Yekaterinburg Yevgeny Roizman (“Apple”), the candidate from “Green” Konstantin Kiselev, a member of

Hackers posted a Declaration of love to the IG on the website of the Governor of Ohio

Hackers posted a Declaration of love to the IG on the website of the Governor of Ohio Hackers supporting the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), Sunday, June 25, hacked several government portals in the United States, the Associated Press reports. Among the attacked resource was the website of the Governor of Ohio Republican John Kasica. In the message published on behalf of the hackers Team System Dz, States that the President of the United States Donald trump and all Americans will answer for every drop of blood shed in Muslim countries. The message ends with a Declaration of love to the IG. Similar messages were posted on the websites of the city of Brookhaven (NY) and Howard County (Maryland).

Media: previous administration of South Korea had planned the murder of the leader of North Korea

Media: previous administration of South Korea had planned the murder of the leader of North Korea Considered, in particular, the variants with simulated road accidents or train derailment, which went to Kim Jong-UN. TOKYO, June 26. /TASS/. The previous administration of South Korea led by President Park Geun-Hye planned elimination of the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN, including by simulating an accident. This was announced on Monday, the Japanese newspaper Asahi. According to her, the former President of South Korea Park Geun-Hye after December 2015 signed a document authorizing a “change of leadership” in North Korea. Specific development of appropriate operations was entrusted to the national intelligence. Considered, in particular, the variants with simulated road accidents or train derailment, which went to Kim Jong-UN. Attempts were also made to the promotion of a coup in Pyongyang. As the newspaper notes, the tightening position of Seoul was associated with the

Police said the death toll in the crash of a tourist vessel in Colombia

In a press-service of the police of the Colombian Department of Antioquia announced the deaths of five people killed in the crash of a pleasure craft on the reservoir, Penal. Relevant information published in the Twitter Department. According to police, result he injured 21 people, four were reported missing. At the same time, the local media, including radio BluRadio, reported nine casualties.

CNN has tightened control over the publication of materials about Russia

American broadcaster CNN is tightening control over the publication of materials related to Russia. As reported by BuzzFeed, this is stated in the editorial letter, at the disposal of edition. “No one should publish content about Russia without coordination with me and Jason (we are talking about the Vice President CNN’s Jason Farkas — approx. “Of the tape.ru”). This applies to social networks, videos, editorials, and [the app] MoneyStream. Without exception”, — stated in the message editor of CNN Money division Richard Barbieri. On such measures, the company’s administration has gone after publishing articles on alleged relations Anthony of Scaramucci, adviser to the US President Donald trump with the Russian direct investment Fund (RDIF). The material, published on 22 June, citing sources claimed that Scaramucci allegedly discussed the mitigation of anti-Russian sanctions with the head of RDIF Kirill Dmitriev during a meeting at the Davos world economic forum. The publication

In Colombia sank boat with 150 tourists on Board

Continued: Police said the death toll in the crash of a tourist vessel in Colombia Pleasure boat with 150 tourists on Board sank in a reservoir, Penol located in the North-Western part of Colombia. According to BBC News, the incident occurred on Sunday, June 25. At the scene conducted rescue operation, which also involved the helicopter Military-air forces of the country. Official information on victims at the moment. In this case The Sun, citing local media reports three dead. Missing, according to the newspaper, there are about 30 people. The survivors in the incident said that the cause of the shipwreck is that the ship was overloaded. While none of those on Board had life jackets. Twitter already has a video from a sinking boat. — Mapache con Gafas ? (@Mapachecongafas) 25 June 2017, 20:59

Milonov has sent his project on the regulation of social media the head of the FSB

Photo: RIA Novosti State Duma Deputy Vitaly Milonov said that he had sent a feedback to the head of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov their bill on the registration of users in social networks on your passport and the prohibition of such registration for children up to 14 years. Previously profiled the state Duma Committee on information policy discussed the bill Milonov and recommended to return the document to the author. The head of the profile Committee of the state Duma Leonid Levin noted that the bill does not meet the requirements of the Constitution and regulations of the Duma, which refers to whether the conclusions of the government in introducing bills that involve the expenditure financed from the Federal budget. “I decided to send it for examination to the head of the FSB,” — said RIA Novosti, Milonov, adding that when a positive evaluation intends again to bring the document

European Parliament deputies came to the Duma plenary session

Photo: RIA Novosti The speaker of the state Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin said that European Parliament deputies came to the Duma plenary session. “Colleagues, let me welcome our colleagues from the European Parliament, they are on the guest balcony”, — quotes RIA Novosti Volodin. He added that MEPs are in the state Duma within the framework of parliamentary work. The head of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky said that the foreign MPs are from France, the Czech Republic, Italy, the United Kingdom.