The minimum set of products in Russia rose sharply

The minimum set of foodstuff in Russia has risen in price from January to may by 9.4 per cent to 4036 rubles. This is evidenced by recent data of Rosstat. The most rapid price increases occurred in April-may, amounting to 4.2 percent. Inflation in January — may amounted to 1.7 percent. Thus, the cost of consumer basket increased up to five times faster than the official inflation. Grocery stores, at least in Moscow in may was 4945 rubles, having increased since beginning of the year to 11.1 percent. In St. Petersburg the rise in prices since the beginning of January was 9.8 percent — up to 4888 rubles. According to industry experts interviewed by the newspaper “Izvestia”, the increase in the cost of the minimum set of products impacted by the substantial rise in prices of imported fruit and vegetable products for some items has already reached 80 percent. Executive

The death toll in the fuel tanker explosion in Pakistan has risen to 157

Representatives reported that the number of victims of explosion of a fuel tanker in Pakistan increased to 157 people, reports Associated Press. According to doctors, another 50 people in critical condition, remain in hospital. Earlier it was reported 148 casualties. Video: Viral India / YouTube The explosion occurred in the Punjab province on Sunday morning, June 25. Local residents gathered to collect fuel flowing from the capsized motorway tank. Eyewitnesses tell that some people were Smoking cigarettes could cause fire and explosion. The fire was covered by dozens of cars and motorcycles. The majority of victims have burns accounted for about 80 percent of the body. It was noted that some of the victims of the fire impossible to identify to identify the necessary genetic expertise.

The state Duma has approved in the first reading the introduction of resort fees

Photo: RIA Novosti The state Duma adopted in the first reading a government bill on the resort collection. It is reported by the RNS. In turn, member of the Duma Committee on budget and taxes Raisa Karmazin said that the additional income of the three regions from the experiment on the introduction of resort fees in the years 2018-2022 estimated at 27 billion roubles. “It is assumed that the total additional revenue from 2018 to 2022 in the period of the experiment when the rate of collection of 50 rubles in the Stavropol region will exceed 2.2 billion rubles, in the Krasnodar region — 8.3 billion, in the Crimea — 16.4 billion rubles,” – said Karmazin. Earlier, the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko said that the regions must impose a resort fee.

“Avada Kedavra, Harry Potter!”: as J. K. Rowling kills your magical world

“Avada Kedavra, Harry Potter!”: as J. K. Rowling kills your magical world Unnecessary prequels, plays and Twitter suck all the magic from the beloved series of books and movies. On 26 June 1997 in the London publishing house Bloomsbury published the first book of JK Rowling about the adventures of a young wizard — the novel “Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone”. The writer promised that the books in the series will be seven and no more. But “let go” of Harry Potter, Rowling was not able — over time, the universe has grown with new sites, movies, and even play. The world of Harry Potter today resembles a wizard who drank unicorn blood, he will never die, but will be cursed and doomed to eternal “half-life”. Write, expand What does the writer after he has finished his epic? Arthur Conan Doyle killed his hero Sherlock Holmes (however, because of

In the collision of two cars in the Saratov region killed five people

In the Soviet district of the Saratov region in the accident killed five, including one child. About it “Interfax” was informed in the regional cupola MIA. On the morning of Monday, June 26, on the road near the village of Krasny Kut faced cars Renault Logan and Opel. The place of the accident are operational services in the region. The circumstances of the incident are being investigated. As reported by the Federal news Agency (FAN), the accident injured the boy of 2014 was born. He was hospitalized in a state of moderate severity. Earlier on June 26, in the Slyudyanka district of the Irkutsk region happened accident involving a bus transporting artists of the state song and dance ensemble “TRANS-Baikal Cossacks.” The vehicle during the descent along the serpentine crashed into a concrete barrier and overturned in a ditch, resulting in two people were hospitalized. It is noted that there

Most of Russians approved of criminal liability for drug use

The majority of Russians (78 percent) approve of the idea of introducing criminal punishment for taking drugs. This is evidenced by data survey, national center for the study of public opinion (VTSIOM) published by RIA Novosti. Thus among Muscovites and Petersburgers the proposal to approve 60 percent. Against the free sale of drugs act 93 percent of Russians, while 6 percent of survey participants allow the legalization of soft drugs. It is noted that the most loyal to illegal substances, persons 18-34 years, residents of capital cities and those in whose environment there are addicts. About half of Russians (45 percent) believe drug addiction is a disease that should be treated. In 2014 believed the 31 percent of respondents. In this case, for three years decreased the proportion of respondents who consider addiction to social diseases (from 37 to 28 percent), and those who believe addicts are dangerous people who

Novosibirsk schoolgirl fled to Krasnodar to the virtual lover

Krasnodar airport detained were wanted 15-year-old Siberian girl who ran away from his parents to his beloved. About it RIA Novosti was informed in the Krasnodar linear Department of the MIA of Russia on transport. The girl came from Novosibirsk. She admitted she came to meet her virtual boyfriend, the man she fell in love during a long dialogue in one of the social networks. When the interlocutor asked a girl to visit and bought her a ticket, she without the permission of the parents flew to Krasnodar. It is noted that the schoolgirl will be in the Krasnodar socially-rehabilitation center for minors until the arrival of her parents. In November 2016 sweethearts 17-year-olds fled from Belarus to Russia. They got to Moscow and got a job. Earlier the girl five times prosecuted for drinking alcohol in public places. For this it should have been sent to Mogilev in the

In a hotel pool in Los Angeles flew the car

In a hotel pool in Los Angeles flew the car MOSCOW, June 26 — RIA Novosti. The car in the accident entered into the pool one of the hotels in the American city of Los Angeles, California, eight people were injured, reports channel KABC TV, citing police. The incident occurred at about 19.30 local time (5.30 GMT). According to police, a car driven by a young man broke through a brick fence of the hotel and flew to a building near the pool. At this point in the pool where several children aged six to 10 years. The accident none of them was seriously injured. As Many As 8 Hurt — 1 Critically — After Vehicle Slams Into Motel Pool — CBS Los Angeles (@CBSLA) 26 Jun 2017 The driver of the vehicle was taken to hospital. The police are trying to figure out whether he was in