In Moscow there will be two new train station

On the territory of the Novomoskovsk administrative district of the capital will have two new train station. About it in interview to portal told the head of Department of development of new territories Vladimir Zhidkin. One station will be built on the Kursk direction railway in Starosyrovo between the Chip and the Silicate, the other — in the Kiev area in Sanya, between Kokoshkino and Krekshino. “They will go on a parallel branch of the road in order to increase the number of trains and reduce in between the time of arrival. On these lines will be an additional station,” — said Zhidkin. In addition, stations will be built transport interchange hubs. “The project is designed to optimize the flow of residents who travel to the city center”, — explained the official. According to him, it is difficult to predict what the ridership will be able to accept new

The second landslide came down in China’s Sichuan province

The second landslide came down in China’s Sichuan province BEIJING, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti, Anna was Raccogli. The second in four days, the landslide came down in the County of Mohseni Sichuan province, where still the search continues for 93 people missing on Saturday, said on Tuesday the radio CNR. It is noted that the landslide came down in the morning at 11.02 (6.00 am GMT), all located in the area of the collapse, people were quickly evacuated. Details on the extent of the landslide has not yet been reported. The landslide came down on the morning of 24 June, burying under a 62 households and more than 100 people. Over the past weekend has been conflicting information about the dead and missing. Xinhua news Agency on Sunday reported that rescuers found the bodies of 15 people. Later, China Central television reported that rescuers recovered the bodies of 10

In the TRANS due to fires introduced a state of emergency

In the TRANS due to fires introduced a state of emergency In Zabaykalsky Krai imposed a state of emergency (emergency) because of the large number of wildfires, as well as dry, windy weather, according to the regional Ministry of natural resources. According to the Agency, at 8:00 local time (2:00 GMT), in the region there are 34 forest fires on the area of 2.8 thousand hectares, and 10 fires are localized on the area of 2.4 thousand hectares In extinguishing involved 804 people and 181 pieces of equipment. Recall that in late may, the environmentalists said the threat of new large-scale wildfires in Siberia. “Greenpeace of Russia” asked the head EMERCOM of Russia Vladimir Puchkov re-introduce removed may 11, a state of emergency on the territory of the Federal district. Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government together with the regional authorities to consider the involvement of the citizens to

The Israeli air force bombed the Gaza strip

The Israeli air force bombed the Gaza strip Moscow. June 27. INTERFAX.RU — Israeli air force Aircraft in the night of Tuesday attacked targets Hamas in Gaza in response to rocket launches at Israel, media reported with reference to official sources in tel Aviv. An Israeli military source said that the airstrikes were “a response to the shelling of the regional Council in the area of Shaar ha-Negev” of Israel. “Two aircraft of the Israeli air force was aimed at attacks on two military infrastructure of the Hamas terrorist organization”, — he said. The Palestinian security forces confirmed the attack and said that attacks were made, at least three targets in the cities of Rafah and Gaza. About possible victims and injured in the result of rocket attacks and air strikes are not reported.

Modi invited trump to visit India

Narendra Modi, Donald Trump The Prime Minister of India Narendra modi was invited to the U.S. President Donald trump. About it reports Reuters. The white house, in turn, said that trump has accepted an invitation from the head of the Indian government. Yet at the same time any time not called. Modi, during his visit to Washington, held with the American leader talks. Trump urged him to exert more efforts to reduce trade barriers on the Indian side. According to the President, he would like to trade relations between the two countries would be “fair and reciprocal”. The US President expressed satisfaction at the recent Indian order for 100 new American planes. He added that the United States is hoping to increase its energy exports, including to enter into large long-term contract for the implementation of American natural gas.

The United States accused Syria in the preparation of another chemical attack

The white house said that the Syrian government is preparing another attack using chemical weapons, Reuters reports. The US administration has warned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that he and his military “will pay a high price” if it commits such an attack. In a statement the White house said that the intentions of Syria, a similar chemical attack on 4 April, when, according to the West, have killed dozens of civilians. According to the opponents of Assad, the planes dropped on the opposition controlled town of Khan shaykhun chemical munitions, which killed 87 people, injured about 200. The Syrian opposition and Western countries accuse the air force attack the government troops. In Damascus said that the army did not use and not to use chemical weapons on the battlefield. The US President Donald trump on the night of April 7 was ordered to launch a missile attack on the airfield

In the Crimea fully restored the electricity supply

Photo: In the Crimea was fully restored the supply of electricity, representatives of the regional Department of the Ministry, reports “Interfax”. “Power supply of settlements of the Republic of Crimea restored”, – reported in Department. It is noted that the heavy rains and strong winds caused widespread outages in distribution grids of the company “Krymenergo”.

Putin spoke about the importance of friendship

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin told to the children staying in the camp “Artek” on the importance of friendship, reports “Interfax”. “Artek” a lot. He is learning to acquire new knowledge. And I would really like to have this knowledge, these skills and this high rank, “Artek resident”, the friendships that you gain here will follow you your entire life”, – Putin said at the opening ceremony of the seventh shift of the international children’s center “Artek”. He noted that in “Artek” was “the best from our country and from abroad”. “I know that you here main learn – learn to be friends. And I urge you to do just that. From whatever came your peers, you should always know that these are your friends,” – said the head of state. Earlier the President of Russia Vladimir Putin criticized the wine lovers learn that the kids

The Libyan military has found ancient artifacts at the base of the IG* in Benghazi

The Libyan military has found ancient artifacts at the base of the IG* in Benghazi CAIRO, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. The Libyan military from the national army of the country headed by Khalifa the Haftarot, was found on the basis of Islamic state terrorists* ancient items, recording valuable findings posted on its website the channel “Libya now”. Ancient monuments were discovered on the newly captured from the radical military base in the city of Benghazi. The footage, posted by the channel, dozens of items, among them — Roman sculptural portraits and clay amphorae. According to one of the soldiers commented on the find, the terrorists were planning to be smuggled to export these artifacts abroad. In Libya now is diarchy in the East of the country in the city of Tobruk, sits a Parliament elected by people, and in the West, in the capital Tripoli ruled formed with the

The pair in the Annunciation cemetery tombstone turned in the grill

Unknown had a picnic at the cemetery, located in the city of Blagoveshchensk in the Amur region. Thus the man and the woman used one of the tombstones as a grill, said “Amur news service,” local. According to him, the meal, the pair was organized on Saturday, June 24. “Frankly, the cemetery is always a mess — overturned tombstones not cleaned. But what I saw that day shocked. I passed by but then returned and photographed,” said an eyewitness. He added that on one of the graves sat a man and a woman, in appearance they were forty. “Both well-dressed. They had two liters of beer, salads, and hand — on adapted for the grill tombstone — smoldering embers”, — said the interlocutor of the edition. After the publication of the material on the website of the regional Department of the Ministry of interior reported about the beginning of the