Geologists found traces of the ice age “the great flood” in Europe

Geologists found traces of the ice age “the great flood” in Europe MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Geologists found the speed with which melting ice in Europe after the ice age, and came to the conclusion that the ultrafast reduction caused a kind of “great flood”, stopuri the Central part of the subcontinent and gave rise to the giant river, says the article, published in the journal Quaternary Science Reviews. “Our models show that approximately 15-13 thousand years ago, the Eurasian ice sheet was losing every year about 750 cubic kilometers of ice. In some periods the rate of loss increased to three thousand cubic kilometers of ice. At this time, the so-called era of “catastrophic growth No. 1″, the melting of glaciers in Eurasia almost instantaneously raised the sea level by 2.5 meters,” says Henry Patton (Henry Patton) from the Arctic University of Norway in tromsø. Approximately three

The neural network learned to write songs in the style of Nirvana

The neural network learned to write songs in the style of Nirvana Programmers Ivan Yamshchikov and Alexei Tikhonov recorded using neural networks mini-album and shot a video for one of the songs. Russian programmers Ivan Yamshchikov and Alexei Tikhonov taught a neural network to write poetry in the style of the leader of the group Nirvana Kurt Cobain. A music video for one of the songs In the back of your glass, was published on the YouTube channel Creaited Labs. Coachmen and Tikhonov have programmed a neural network, and then cut from its text, four songs and wrote music to it. Programmers took away on the Internet about 200 MB of texts of classical and modern English and tried to use these data for training. “The quality of the selected data is of great importance”, — noted on the project website. — “It turned out that it is impossible to

The head of the Center Khrunichev left his post

The head of the Center Khrunichev left his post MOSCOW, June 27. /TASS/. The head of the Khrunichev Center Andrey Kalinovsky goes to work in the Federal space Agency. On Tuesday reported the state Corporation. “Andrew Kalinowski, who headed the Khrunichev Centre since August 2014, goes to work in the state Corporation “Roscosmos” to the position of Executive Director for quality assurance and reliability”, — is spoken in the message. The Russian space Agency also noted that the debt Center. Khrunichev in 2016 fell to 6 billion rubles. “In 2016, the debt of the Khrunichev Centre and branches of the company in accordance with the program of financial recovery thanks to the efforts of management were reduced from 15.1 billion (2014) to 9.2 billion rubles — 23%”, — stated in the message. The head of Roscosmos Igor Komarov was appointed the acting General Director of the Khrunichev Center Alexei Morocco,

In the state Duma offered to return political information for students

Vladimir Sysoev The Deputy of the state Duma Vladimir Sysoev (LDPR) proposed to include in the curriculum lessons of political information explaining the key events in Russia and abroad. The statement he sent to the Minister of education and science of Russia Olga Vasilyeva, reported by RT on Tuesday, June 27. “Young people actively interested in politics and trying to participate in the political life of the country. I believe that youth need to be addressed, and a basic knowledge about the political situation they have to get to school,” said Sysoyev. He stressed that now teenagers can get the information they need only “provocative sources on the Internet.” On the idea of the parliamentarian, students may be taught the basics of political realities in the framework of the course “social Studies.” The estimates for this discipline to put it should not. On may 31 the speaker of the Legislative

The court reversed the recovery from the Senator Klintsevich 285 thousand for the holiday in the resort

Franz Klintsevich The Supreme court reversed the decisions of two lower courts about collecting from the Federation Council member Franz Klintsevich 285 thousand rubles for a holiday in a sanatorium near Moscow “Rus”. About it his lawyer Sergei Khudyakov Tuesday, June 27, reported RIA Novosti. Klintsevich said that he considers the current fair verdict. The lawsuit, he said, was a reaction to the former management OOOIVA — “Disabled veterans” who owns the resort, at check of use of budgetary funds, which is held by public authorities. “Required by any means to turn the attention to someone else. The more that I was aware of the “kitchen” and prevent them”, — said the Senator. The politician expressed the hope that “in this story come to an end,” and investigation of misuse of funds by the Association of invalids of Afghan war will continue. In the summer of 2016 the Ruzsky district

The emotions of visitors the IFC will assess a special program

In the multifunctional center (MFC) near Moscow Reutov since the beginning of July the system will be automatic recognition of emotions of clients. About it reports a press-service of city administration. “From July 3, we implement our center’s automatic system for recognizing emotions. With her help, we hope to obtain detailed information about the quality of customer service and subsequently to improve the quality of applicants,” — said the Deputy Director of the IFC Irina Chinina. With the help of a webcam system will be able to read facial expressions and tone of voice of the client, and also follow the tone of his dialogue with employees. Based on these data will be compiled a report on the quality of service of each visitor. The system was developed by Heedbook. In March, the government of Russia has charged to create in the cities centres, aimed at providing additional non-government services

In China, an elderly woman was thrown into a jet engine coins for good luck

In China, an elderly woman was thrown into a jet engine coins for good luck Flight from Shanghai to Guangzhou on Tuesday, June 27, was detained due to the fact that the elderly woman dropped the coins in a jet engine. The official newspaper People’s Daily China on the social network Facebook said that the woman did it for good luck. It is noted that on Board were 150 people. Airport officials had to delay a flight to retrieve all the coins, a total of workers managed to find 9 metal coins that were in the engine of the aircraft. The report also says that the elderly woman was detained by airport officials. It happened in the moment when she is using a wheelchair was heading to the ramp together with his family members.

Virus-extortionist Petya attacked Russian and Ukrainian companies

Virus-extortionist Petya attacked Russian and Ukrainian companies The objects of attack were the oil, telecommunications and financial institutions. The virus locks computers and demands $ 300 in bitcoins. MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Virus ransomware Forex has caused large-scale attack on the oil, telecommunications and financial companies of Russia and Ukraine, told RIA Novosti in the company Group-IB, specializing in solutions for the early detection of cyber threats. It locks computers and demands $ 300 in bitcoins. The attack occurred at about 14.00. Judging by the photos, this Cryptologic Petya. Method of distribution in the local network is the same virus WannaCry.The press service of the company Group-IB, specializing in solutions for the early detection of cyber threats According to preliminary data, the virus affected network, “Bashneft” and “Rosneft”, and also Ukrainian companies, “Zaporozhyeoblenergo”, “Dniproenergo” and “Dnipro electric power system”. “Mondelez International, Oschadbank, Mars, face, Nivea, TESA and others.

Hackers attacked the government, transportation, banks and energy sector of Ukraine

Hackers attacked the government, transportation, banks and energy sector of Ukraine The virus disabled the computers in the Cabinet of the country and deprived the passengers of Kyiv metro able to pay for travel Bank card. There was a threat of delayed flights from the airport “Borispol”. Spreading across the Ukraine virus-extortionist has led to the emergence of problems in the operation of a variety of enterprises and institutions. In particular, the channel announced the release down due to a virus attack of computers in the Central offices of the Ministry of energy and DTEK. The sites of both companies, is currently unavailable. On the failure of computer networks in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine reported on his page in the network Facebook Vice-Prime Minister Pavlo Rozenko. According to him, in the moment all the computers of the government. First Deputy General Director of the airport “Borispol” Eugene

Poll: Donald trump has damaged the reputation of America in the world

Poll: Donald trump has damaged the reputation of America in the world The presidency of Donald trump greatly influenced how people in other countries belong to America, it follows from the results of a recently completed global public opinion poll. Specialists of the center the Pew Research Center interviewed more than 40 thousand people in 37 countries. The results of the study indicate that the new American President and his policy “not generally popular all over the world.” Only two countries belong to the Trump better than his predecessor, Barack Obama: Russia and Israel. However, the majority of respondents believe that the relations of their countries with the United States will not change in the coming years. The survey was conducted between 16 February and 8 may this year. Trump trusted less than Obama Pew Research Center conducted one survey at the end of the presidency of Barack Obama, and