The head of the SVR said about the aggression of NATO against Russia

The head of the foreign intelligence Service of the Russian Federation Sergey Naryshkin © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. The Director of service of external intelligence of the Russian Federation Sergey Naryshkin stated that the aggressive policy of NATO against Russia. “Today a group of countries NATO is pursuing an aggressive policy, and in these conditions we must look for new methods, new techniques for our work that will allow us to respond quickly to changes, challenges and threats of the modern world and the modern information society”, – said Naryshkin, speaking at the headquarters of the SVR at the solemn meeting on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of illegal intelligence. Wednesday to congratulate the scouts at headquarters there arrived the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

Putin: the number of foreign intelligence services support extremist groups on the borders of the Russian Federation

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin noted the intensification of foreign intelligence services in their activities against Russia and its allies. “In General, there is a growing activity of foreign special services aimed against Russia and our allies,” said Putin, who arrived Wednesday in the headquarters of the SVR, to congratulate the officers of the 95th anniversary of illegal intelligence.

Several employees of the UN mission in Libya, was captured by Islamists

Several employees of mission of the United Nations was captured by the Islamists in control of the territory West of the Libyan capital Tripoli. About it reports Sky News Arabia. According to preliminary data, the extremists stopped a car in which there were UN personnel, transplanted them into their cars and drove away in an unknown direction. Other details of incident are not reported. It is known that the group, taking hostages, not subject to Central authorities. After the overthrow and murder of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 the country began a civil war and actually there is no single authority. Part of the territory seized by radical Islamists, until recently Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte was controlled by the banned terrorist group “Islamic state”. Until February 2016 in Libya, there were two governments: democratically elected and recognized by the international community in Tobruk and the Islamist — in Tripoli.

Trump accepted the invitation of Him to come to Paris for Bastille Day

Emmanuel macron and Donald trump The President of the United States Donald trump accepted the invitation of his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron to visit Paris on the national holiday of France —Bastille Day, celebrated on 14 July. It is reported BFMTV with reference to the statement of the Elysee Palace. As noted in the document, the leaders will attend the military parade, which is held annually on this day, on the Champs Elysees. “This year marks the centenary of when the United States entered the First world war. In the solemn March will take place and American soldiers”, — the document says. As pointed out by the channel, despite the demonstration of historical solidarity, trump will not go along with a Macron on the same day in nice. There the French President needs to take part in the ceremony of commemoration of victims of the terrorist attack that occurred years

Lavrov promised US a proportionate response in case of realization of threats against Damascus

Sergei Lavrov Russia will respond adequately and proportionately in the event that the United States implement its threats against Damascus over alleged preparations for a chemical attack. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during a press conference with his German counterpart Sigmar Gabriel, reports “Interfax” on Wednesday, June 28. “I very much hope that this time the U.S. will be guided by the need to protect the non-proliferation regime of chemical weapons, and not to speculate on imaginary intelligence, which are secret and no they can not show in order to provoke or to create a pretext for fresh attacks on the forces of the Syrian government army, fighting terrorists,” said Lavrov. The Minister confirmed that during a recent phone conversation, U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson told him that in the country have data about the upcoming Damascus chemical attack. Earlier, Washington had threatened the Syrian

Moscow will respond to possible future strengthening of NATO on the borders with Russia – foreign Ministry

Photo: RIA Novosti Moscow will respond to possible new strengthen NATO’s borders with Russia, said the Director of the Department of European cooperation Ministry of foreign Affairs Andrey Kelin. He noted that currently, the Alliance creates Europe’s heavy weapons warehouses: one warehouse already opened in the Netherlands, one in Germany, and similar facilities will also be established in Poland. According to the Russian diplomat, “they are made to ensure that all was ready in the event of transfer of the new teams”.

Karasin and Abashidze will meet July 7 in Prague

Photo: RIA Novosti State Secretary, Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Grigory Karasin and special envoy of the Prime Minister of Georgia for relations with Russia Zurab Abashidze will meet July 7 in Prague. This is stated in the message published on the website of the Russian foreign Ministry. The meeting between Karasin and Abashidze held on a regular basis since 2012. This negotiation format was the first after the rupture of diplomatic relations between Moscow and Tbilisi in 2008. The leaders of Russia and Georgia have repeatedly pointed out that the meetings between Karasin and Abashidze have yielded positive results. In the course of consultations 7 July, planned to “continue the discussion of practical issues of normalization of Russian-Georgian relations in the spheres of trade, transport and humanitarian contacts”. “The event will also be attended by representatives of transport ministries of the two countries,” – said the Russian foreign Ministry.

In Izhevsk Putin will meet with asked to

Photo: Russian President Vladimir Putin during his visit to Udmurtia will meet with the resident of Izhevsk, which complained of dilapidated housing in the “straight line”. This was stated press Secretary of President Dmitry Peskov, reports “Газеты.Ru”. “In Izhevsk he will fulfill his promise and visit this woman who asked the question on the “straight line”, – said Peskov. The Russian leader will also meet with acting head of Udmurtia Alexander Brechalov. Earlier, Dmitry Peskov, said that Russian leader Vladimir Putin will pay an official visit to Udmurtia on Tuesday, June 27.

Russia at the Moscow international film festival: buy carp in the bag without a bottom

Russia at the Moscow international film festival: buy carp in the bag without a bottom At the Moscow film festival held the premiere of Russian films — participants of the main competition. Moscow. June 28. INTERFAX.RU — the Main competition of the Moscow international film festival traditionally eclectic in its genre and geographical representation. In this year of the 13 paintings in it were three Russian works. Each premiere was held in “October” with the full house — crowds of spectators, journalists, guests in front of the cinema, in the lobby, on the stairs, in the corridors, in the hall. The closeness and the excitement everywhere was accompanied by wanting to watch domestic films, however, expectations are not always justified. The first was shown a picture of “Buy me” Vadim Perelman. American filmmaker of Ukrainian origin has already been noted by critics — for example, the film “House of sand

Alisher Usmanov announced a startup competition with a monthly prize of 1 million rubles

Alisher Usmanov announced a startup competition with a monthly prize of 1 million rubles According to the businessman, the authors of the best project for the year will be invited to discuss investment opportunities. MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. Businessman Alisher Usmanov announced that completes a contest for the best videos, pictures, stickers and photos on the subject of his video message to the address of Alexei Navalny in the network, and announced the beginning of a new startup competition, the best of which at the end of the month will receive a million rubles. At my request, the support team of the competition pereformuliruem community (the network “Vkontakte” — approx. TASS), and will use the group as a platform for new initiatives. For example, right now I would like to continue to support the talents on the Internet, so I announce a contest startups.Alisher Usmanov According to entrepreneur, the best