Potteromania accused hundredfold increase in the trade in wild owls

Potteromania accused hundredfold increase in the trade in wild owls In the last two decades on the Islands of Bali and Java began to sell a lot more owls. Researchers who have studied the dynamics and range of bird markets, blame it on the books by JK Rowling. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The paper was published in the journal Global Ecology and Conservation. The number of owls in the increased sales of a couple of hundred in 2000 to 13,000 in 2016, representing an increase of market share from 0.1% to 1.5%. In this first book about the teenage wizard Harry Potter has been translated into Indonesian in 2000, and the first film was released in 2001. Despite the fact that to prove a direct connection of these events with increasing culling difficult, co-author, researcher, wildlife trade Vincent Nijman from the British Oxford Brookes University, few doubt its existence. “Thanks to Harry Potter

Kekhman left on maternity leave in France for talks with European theatres

Kekhman left on maternity leave in France for talks with European theatres The General Director of the Novosibirsk Opera and ballet theatre Vladimir Kekhman, who retired three years on maternity leave, and went to France, planning to negotiate with the theatres of Europe. He noted that the activities of the institutions led by them, “built and established”. It was announced by TASS on Wednesday, June 28. The holidays I use in order to maintain contacts and negotiate with the leaders of the European theatrical process, to ensure the interaction of our theatres with foreign partners and discuss joint projects.Mr Kemmangundi the Novosibirsk theatre of Opera and ballet According to the Director of the theatre, he went on leave to care for a child, because in April his daughter was born. Kekhman said that the activities of the institution, headed by him, “constructed and arranged”, and he continues to fully control.

The Public chamber has considered methods of dealing with illegal rallies tender

Valery Fadeev Russian law enforcement agencies are very soft against the participants and organizers of unauthorized protests. This opinion was expressed by the Secretary of the Public chamber of Russia (OP) Valery Fadeev in his interview to RIA Novosti on Wednesday, June 28. “In Russia rather gentle against unauthorized rallies,” — said social activist. For comparison, he cited the experience of France, where “the police can act arbitrarily hard: with water cannons, rubber bullets, tear gas” if protesters are not separated after two warnings. In Russia the police of the costs of the protocols on administrative violations, said Fadeev. In his opinion, is “very soft penalty”. However, the Secretary of Commerce urged not to hurry with change of the legislation in this area. “We have to wait, no need to rush to tighten, we have to see how it will continue to develop,” he said. The day before, on June

In the Kremlin commented on the court case about the murder of Nemtsov

The investigation of the murder of Boris Nemtsov may take years, but that does not mean that the investigation will refuse searches of the customer. Such opinion on Wednesday, June 28, stated the press-Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov, reports the correspondent of”.ru”. “These works are among the most difficult to solve, because, of course, you have to find and bring to justice not only the perpetrators, but also the customers like murder”, — said Peskov. So he answered the question, what will this mean for Russia, the situation in which the customer of a crime will not be found. A Kremlin spokesman also said that the Russian President has repeatedly responded to such questions. “He said they (these crimes — approx. “Of the tape.ru”) is very difficult to investigate, but this does not mean that someone will abandon the search of criminals,” reminded Sands. The day before, on June

Peskov commented on the attack of the virus-ransomware Petya

Dmitry Peskov Cyber attack virus-ransomware Petya, paralyzing system of some Ukrainian and Russian companies, has not compromised the computer systems of the presidential administration and the Kremlin website. This was stated press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. His words on Wednesday, June 28, the correspondent “Tapes.ru”. “The attacks are, they, unfortunately, continue. Like the massive cyber attack once again confirms the correctness of the thesis of the Russian side, which she presented at various levels, that the existence of such risk requires collaboration and cooperation at the international level”, — said Peskov. To date, he said, no one country alone cannot effectively counter the cyber threat. According to Group-IB, 27 Jun virus Petya in Russia and Ukraine suffered more than 80 companies. In particular, the attack were “Rosneft”, “Bashneft”, Mars, Nivea and Mondelez International (maker of chocolate Alpen Gold), “Zaporozhyeoblenergo”, “Ukrtelecom” and was paralyzed Chernobyl nuclear power

The Briton, who was hit by a bus, got to his feet and went to the pub

The Briton, who was hit by a bus, got to his feet and went to the pub MOSCOW, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. In a network there was video from a surveillance camera that caught the incident with the bus in the British town of reading, reports The Guardian. The footage of the recording, posted on YouTube, shows how the bus at high speed, knocked down walking on the sidewalk man. The flying several meters, almost instantly gets up and walks into the nearest pub. 53-year-old Briton Simon Smith, the victim of the incident, escaped with only scratches and bruises, says The Guardian.

Train Warsaw — Berlin arrested because of the information about an explosive device

Train Warsaw — Berlin arrested because of the information about an explosive device WARSAW, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. Train Warsaw — Berlin detained at the station of Mogilno (Kujawsko-Pomorskie) for information about the explosive device. “Initially, the information that the train bomb was sent by e-mail to the hotline of the PKP (Polish Railways). The train was stopped at the station in Mogilno. From it and from nearby homes were evacuated about 600 people,” — said the local police. Currently, the train is surveyed by specialists of sapper-pyrotechnic service. On a place there are rescuers and policemen.

A Czech court has eliminated the “representation of the DNI” in Ostrava

A Czech court has eliminated the “representation of the DNI” in Ostrava Moscow. June 28. INTERFAX.RU — court of the Czech city of Ostrava eliminated the so-called DNR office as illegal, said the Ambassador of Ukraine in the Czech Republic Yevhen Perebiynis. The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Lubomir Zaoralek expressed his satisfaction with the decision of the court. “I welcome the decision of the district court in Ostrava on the ban of the organization “Diplomatic center of Donetsk national Republic”, — he wrote on Twitter. September 1, the Ukrainian foreign Ministry sent a note of protest to the Czech Embassy in Kiev in connection with confirmation of information about registration in Ostrava so-called representation of the self-proclaimed DND. The Czech foreign Ministry on the same day announced that they intend to apply to the regional court for liquidation of public Association under the name “Executive center

Lavrov: differences should not be an obstacle to dialogue between Russia and the West

Lavrov: differences should not be an obstacle to dialogue between Russia and the West KRASNODAR, June 28. /TASS/. Differences should not be an obstacle to dialogue between Russia and Western countries. This was stated on Wednesday, Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “More and more people on both sides [East and West] want a normal relationship, but policy is determined by those who make decisions in the respective capitals, — said Lavrov. — Of course, in any situation it is possible to reach agreement. Our relations with Germany, despite the sharpness of the contradictions between Russia and the West in General, what we disagree on a number of aspects of the settlement in Syria and Ukraine, this relationship is mutually respectful. We never stopped the dialogue.” According to him, previously frozen channels of cooperation with Germany now resume their work. “We want and that has been the approach in our relations

US Ambassador to the UN named leader of North Korea “paranoid”

US Ambassador to the UN named leader of North Korea “paranoid” WASHINGTON, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. Change of course of the DPRK to develop nuclear weapons is possible only through the maximum pressure, as the country is ruled by a paranoid, said the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley. On Wednesday, Haley spoke at a hearing of the Committee on foreign Affairs, house of representatives, U.S. Congress. On the question of impact of increased US presence in the development of the DPRK’s nuclear program, Haley said, “the more pressure we will provide to the DPRK, the better.” “We are talking about the leader-paranoid (Kim Jong Yne — ed.) who thinks that we are trying to kill him or to change the regime. He keeps his people in the dark, forcing them to listen to only what he wants. And we need to remember that he is working