US introduce new security measures against foreign aircraft

US introduce new security measures against foreign aircraft WASHINGTON, June 28 — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Zlatarev. USA announced Wednesday the introduction of new security measures concerning foreign passenger planes flying into the country from abroad. The Minister of internal security of the USA John Kelly in a statement on this occasion expressed confidence that all airlines will adopt the new measures. He also warned that the steps will not be the last in the issue of tightening security. “Inaction is not an option,” stressed the Minister. For its part, the us officials clarified that the enhanced measures to check passengers and their personal electronic devices on the subject of explosive devices touch two thousand flights arriving in the United States every day of the 280 airports in 105 countries. As stated by Reuters of European and American officials, the airlines will have 21 days to implement measures to check for

Zyuganov proposes laws to the country out of the crisis

Zyuganov proposes laws to the country out of the crisis MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov has presented to Russian President Vladimir Putin the project of the party to extricate the country from crisis. “We ended the Congress. The Congress elected a new team, pretty strong, young, modern. Prepared a real program to extricate the country from crisis. I wanted her to submit, brought the documents, our draft laws — said Zyuganov at a meeting with the President. — I believe that it is possible to expand the content of the budget significantly. We have prepared a modern law education for all. Zyuganov believes that it is possible to focus on implementation of programs for children, which was also prepared by the Communists. He also spoke about “the best school in the country.” “Nearby, in the Lenin state Farm, the school of the future. We spent, without

In Moscow is of concern to US attempts to accuse Damascus in the preparation of himataki

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Yuri Smityuk/TASS MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. The statement of the US state Department that Washington will not believe the assurances of Damascus in the absence of arrangements for carrying out the chemical attack causes Moscow’s serious concerns. This is the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova wrote Wednesday on his page in Facebook. “From the past we (all) know that the Bush regime (of US President George W. Bush – approx. TASS) had applied the falsification of facts about the presence of WMD in Iraq against their own people to implement military aggression against the country. This causes us serious concern,” she said.

Lavrov: the foreign Ministry will consider the possibility of electronic visas for foreigners when visiting Sochi

The Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Governor of the Krasnodar Krai Veniamin Kondratiev © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS KRASNODAR, June 28. /TASS/. The foreign Ministry will help the Krasnodar region in attracting foreign partners. This was stated on Wednesday the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov at the meeting with the Governor of Krasnodar Krai Veniamin Kondratyev. “Thank you for the place of your meeting with the foreign Minister of Germany Sigmar Gabriel you chose Krasnodar, – addressed the Governor to the Minister. – Our region has more activity with foreign investors. Create a climate to attract them”. According to him, in the region of 300 companies with foreign capital, they have a turnover of $9 billion. “The region is a tourist region, annually 15 million tourists, of which 6% are foreigners. I want to increase this figure – said Kondratiev. – Please enter an e-visa for Sochi.” Lavrov

In Europe, detained six recruiters IG in different countries at the same time

The European intelligence agencies conducted a joint operation in which were arrested six recruiters of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). It is reported by El Pais. In Spain, the four suspects were detained in Germany and the UK — one by one. They were all linked. According to sources in the interior Ministry of Spain, recruiters hold weekly meetings with young Muslims and tried to persuade them to go to Syria and Iraq as militants. Most actively this work was carried out in the Spanish city of Palma de Mallorca, where the collection of cells came dozens of people. On 21 June it was reported about detention in Madrid Spanish police three Moroccans. One of them, according to the investigation, intended to recruit compatriots to organize in Spain the attack. The other two lived with him in one apartment and, presumably, were the recruits of

Zakharov said the statement of the state Department on the preparation of himataki in Syria

Maria Zakharova The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said the press Secretary of the U.S. Department of state Heather Nauert about Washington’s reluctance to provide confirmation of the conclusions of the American side about the preparation of the new authorities of Syria of a chemical attack. About this Zakharov wrote on his page in Facebook. “From the past we (all) know that the Bush regime had applied the falsification of facts about the presence of WMD [weapons of mass destruction] in Iraq against their own people to implement military aggression against the country. This causes us serious concern,” wrote the Russian diplomat. Earlier on 28 June, Nauert stated that the data on the training of Syrian authorities new himataki no one would make public, as this is intelligence information. “From the past we know that the Assad regime used chemical weapons against its own people, and this

Go to Syria with Russian Deputy head of the PACE excluded from the faction

Pedro Agramunt Visited Syria with the Russian deputies of the head of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Pedro Agramunt excluded from the faction of the European people’s party. It is reported TASS with reference to the press service of the party. “This morning held a meeting, and a majority of votes, the decision was made to expel him from the faction. The decision is not unanimous, but decided by a large majority,” — said in a political Association. The official reasons for such a move promised to publish in the near future. On Tuesday, June 27, PACE adopted by a majority of votes a resolution changing the rules of the organization. It allows you to declare Agramunt impeachment. The PACE President along with a delegation of Russian parliamentarians headed by Vice-speaker of the state Duma Vladimir Vasiliev visited Syria in March. Agramunt said that acted as

Patrushev noted the difficult water situation in the East of the Crimea

Photo: Lenta.EN The situation with water supply of population and enterprises of the Crimea remains difficult, especially in the East of the Peninsula. On Tuesday, June 27, said the Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolay Patrushev at exit meeting in Simferopol, reports “Kriminform”. “In the sphere of providing the population and economy of the Crimean Peninsula water resources situation is quite complicated. Total water intake in 2016 has decreased five times in comparison with the 2014 year”, — said the head of the security Council. The reasons he called natural facts and the steps the Ukrainian side, which three years ago blocked the North Crimean channel through which received up to 85 percent of fresh water. Patrushev said that at the moment solved the problem of water supply of the southern coast, Central and Northern parts of the Peninsula. “Continue to disturb the existing problems of providing fresh water

Peskov told about the influence of Putin

Photo: The Russian leader is one of the most famous politicians in the world, commented on the Kremlin results of the survey. Possible meeting with US President in Hamburg have not been agreed, but leaders in any will see each other at the summit. “Indeed, President Putin is absolutely predominant support within the country. He is one of the most famous and influential politicians on the world stage. To challenge this thesis, it is hardly possible”, – said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the survey results, in which the Russian leader more popular in the world than the us. Speaking about the possible meeting of the presidents of Russia and the United States, Peskov reiterated that one way or another they will both be in July in Hamburg at one event. “So anyway will be able somehow to talk,” he said. “Separate full-scale

Klimenko: the story of the virus-the extortioner was the “information catastrophe”

Klimenko: the story of the virus-the extortioner was the “information catastrophe” Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on issues of development of the Internet noted that the developers of the virus have collected a small amount of money. MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. The story of the virus-the extortioner Petya, attacking various companies around the world June 27, is “information catastrophe” because of her comments in the media, says Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on development of the Internet Herman Klimenko. He said this on June 28, the radio station “Vesti FM”. “I have not seen a single “the fallen” site, I saw the hospital where the operation would be disabled equipment. There is background information, there is a known issue: viruses encoders. But if you close your eyes and do not listen to the media — nothing happens. This is an information disaster,” he said.