Lavrov hoped for pragmatism and realism in the negotiations Putin and trump

Sergei Lavrov Moscow hopes that during the meeting of presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump in Hamburg at the G20 summit will be dominated by pragmatism and realism. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking at the “Primako readings” in Moscow, the correspondent “reports”. According to the Minister, Moscow and Washington are much more effective will be able to ensure its national interests, if they work together, not separately. “We expect our presidents’ meeting in Hamburg, which was announced, will bring clarity to the question about the prospects of Russian-American cooperation”, — said the Minister, quoted by TASS. 29 Jun senior Advisor to the us leader’s national security, Herbert McMaster reported that the trump on the sidelines of the summit of “Big twenty” in Germany to meet with Putin. Earlier in the day, Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov said that among the

In Romania into the abyss fell the truck with soldiers

In Romania fell into the abyss truck in which there were 13 soldiers. It is reported by Agerpress. In the accident three people were killed, the others received injuries of varying severity. As stated by the defense Minister Adrian Zuzanu, the most injured soldiers in helicopters transported for treatment in Bucharest. On the scene working investigators who are investigating the accident. 19 APR India fell into the abyss of a passenger bus which was moving on a mountain road near the town of Nerva. The accident killed 44 of the 46 passengers. A day earlier, a similar accident occurred in the Philippine city Carranglan in the Central region of the country. The victims were 26 people.

In the immigration decree trump will appear exclusions for brides and grooms

The American authorities will allow the bride and groom of the six countries of the black list to enter the territory of the United States. On Friday, June 30, reports Reuters, citing a source in the state Department. Exception for entry into the country earlier it was done only for those in United States living parents, children, brothers or sisters, husbands or wives. It was noted that grandparents, grandchildren, nephews, uncles or aunts, cousins, brothers and sisters, and brides and grooms will not be considered close relatives. On June 26, the U.S. Supreme court allowed the President of the United States Donald Trump is partially to enact a decree banning the entry into the country to citizens of the six predominantly Muslim countries (Iran, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia, and Sudan) and all, without exception for refugees. The document comes into force on 30 June. After a few days the government

Lavrov will visit Berlin on July 13

Photo: RIA Novosti The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov July 13, plans to visit Berlin to participate in the closing ceremony of the cross year of youth exchanges in Russia and Germany, RIA “Novosti”. “With the success of reciprocal years of youth exchanges. We Sigmar Gabriel planned to take part in its closing ceremony in Berlin on 13 July,” — said Lavrov. Also, according to Lavrov, Moscow is satisfied that, despite continuing disagreements, the dialogue with the Berlin remains constructive. “We are pleased that, despite continuing disagreements on several major international issues, the Russian-German dialogue has been constructive, maintain regular political contacts, including at the highest level, restored bilateral cooperation formats that were previously frozen, but not at Russia’s initiative, by the way,” said he. Earlier, Lavrov invited the President of Germany Frank Walter Steinmeier to visit Russia.

Putin said the attempts of foreign intelligence services to influence Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti Foreign intelligence services conduct operations in Russia to exert influence on the internal processes that occur in our country. On Wednesday, June 28th, said Russian President Vladimir Putin in the headquarters of the foreign intelligence Service. Putin noted the growing activity of foreign special services, which are directed not only against Russia but also against its allies. “The new methods of collecting and spreading information, cyber attacks, attempts to recruit agents to access data on the defense, economic, and resource potential of Russia”, – said the President. He added: “operations Are carried out with the aim to influence political and social processes in our country.” At the same time, Putin admitted that the Russian security services operate effectively, and their work became an important guarantee of “sovereign development, security and stability” in the country. We will remind that on Monday, June 26, the same topic the President

NASA supercomputer has created a model of entry of the Chelyabinsk meteorite

NASA supercomputer has created a model of entry of the Chelyabinsk meteorite NEW YORK, June 29. /TASS/. A computer model of the processes encountered when entering the Earth’s atmosphere, the Chelyabinsk meteorite in February 2013, presented on Thursday, specialists of the Ames Research center in Silicon valley, California. “A group of NASA experts were able to create a scale model of the processes that occurred during the entry of the Chelyabinsk meteorite on a supercomputer “Pleiades” (Pleiades — approx. TASS), in order to study different variants of falling of the heavenly bodies, — said the press service of NASA. In particular, it was possible to simulate the aerodynamic processes that occur upon softening of the meteoritic substance under the influence of high temperatures and the decay of the meteorite”. Chelyabinsk meteorite with a diameter of about 17 meters and weighing up to 10 tons 15 Feb 2013 entered the atmosphere

How humanity came to the present time

How humanity came to the present time 45 years ago a day was first introduced extra “leap” second. To use coordination, the 61st, the second was decided in order to make up the accumulated difference between the coordinated universal (UTC) and mean solar time. The latter largely depends on the speed of rotation of the earth, and it gradually declined and the gap between the familiar and the real solar time is becoming more noticeable. How does the time in which we all live, where the easiest way to get “yesterday” and can “leap hour” to replace an additional second, to understand “news”. Coordinated universal time Coordinated universal time was introduced in 1964. It is referred to as UTC, however, this acronym doesn’t stand for anything — it was a compromise between the abbreviations from the English (CUT) and French (TUC) titles. But the well-known measurement system Greenwich mean time

The spring call to serve in the Russian army executed 72%

The spring call to serve in the Russian army executed 72% Moscow. June 30. INTERFAX.RU — More than 102 thousand people sent in troops as part of the spring conscription in Russia, it is 72% of the established norm, said the head of the Main organizational-mobilization Department of the General staff Vasily Tonkoshkura. “In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, to the call and direction of the troops shall be 142 thousand people. Draft boards have already rendered a decision on the appeal in respect of 100% of recruits in accordance with the task. Sent in troops more than 102 thousand recruits, which is 72% of the established norm of appeal,” — said Colonel-General at the extended meeting of the drafting Commission of the Amur region on Friday. Spring call for military service runs from 1 April to 15 July 2017. “By the end of

The teenager was sent to a friend for a cigarette and “fined” sellers in the Khabarovsk region

In Vyazemsky district of Khabarovsk territory has directed to court criminal case of fraud against a young man, stratopause disguised as an employee of the CPS vendors for selling cigarettes to minors his friend, reported on the website of the regional Prosecutor’s office. “At the pre-trial stage of criminal proceedings, the accused fully compensated the damage caused to victims in the total amount of 47 thousand rubles”, — stated in the text. Did the teenager for his raids, any documents in the Prosecutor’s office said. After the purchase, he showed the store the passport of his friend, and then “pretended, which is the act of checking, then offered the sellers to pay the fine on the spot in a much smaller amount — from 5 thousand to 7 thousand rubles”, — told in Prosecutor’s office. The young man is charged with nine such episodes. Currently he has reached the age

Sergei Ivanov visited the area of the crash Lieutenant Kolodkina

Sergei Ivanov Special presidential envoy on the issues of environmental activities, environment and transport Sergei Ivanov attended a seminar search engines “the Sky of the Motherland” in the Ryazan region and traveled to their field camp. The participants worked at the crash site of the bomber DB-3A of the great Patriotic war. This was reported in received “” the press release of the Search movement of Russia. Under the assumption of local historians, this aircraft performed a combat mission, the crew of Lieutenant Alexander Kolodkin. The plane crashed on October 17, 1941. Kolodkin was still alive, the others died: the Navigator Boris travel, air gunner Sergeant Boris Gromov and air gunner red army soldier Fyodor Sarmad. The searchers arrived in the area to check this version. Member of the expert Council for aviation Search movement Ilya Prokofiev, Ivanov, about the history of fighting vehicles: “the Plane crashed, returning from a